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Re: Seattle's Light Rail, new Problem

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 11:38 am
by Hawk
If England is getting colder then that's one country we won't have to find on the cap and trade hoopla. ^**lylgh

Re: Seattle's Light Rail, new Problem

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 2:26 pm
by Grandma Ruth
I know I'm going to regret asking, but "cap and trade" ?????

Re: Seattle's Light Rail, new Problem

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 4:55 pm
by Gwizz
No one should regret asking a question, even if the answer is not one a person likes.
A door is opened and if learning does not take place or it is less than factual, the door can be shut.

Cap = upper limit allowed for the creation of CO2.
Trade = permits those that are able to reduce their CO2 emissions to sell carbon credits.

America's Climate Security Act of 2007 (S. 2191), sponsored by Senators Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) and John Warner (R-VA), ----(was)----a "cap and trade" bill introduced in Congress ......

All such climate change measures warrant careful scrutiny, as they would likely increase energy costs and do considerably more economic harm than environmental good.

A Costly Proposition
These measures would set a limit, or cap, on carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel use. The effect of such a cap would be to impose rationing of coal, oil, and natural gas on the American economy. Each covered utility, oil company, and manufacturing facility would be given allowances based on past emissions or some other formula. Those companies that emit less carbon dioxide than permitted by their allowances could sell the excess to those that do not; this is the trade part of cap and trade. Over time, the cap would be ratcheted down, requiring greater cuts in emissions.

European efforts have racked up significant costs while failing to reduce emissions.[5] Nearly every European country participating has higher emissions today than when the treaty was first signed in 1997. Further, despite ongoing criticism of the United States from Kyoto parties for failing to ratify the treaty, emissions in many of these nations are actually rising faster than in the United States.

The European experience also shows the problem of cap and trade fraud.[6] None other than Enron's Ken Lay was a strong supporter of carbon cap and trade when the idea was first floated in the 1990s, saying that it could "do more to promote Enron's business than almost any other regulatory initiative." These carbon allowances that will be bought and sold have a value estimated at $50 billion to $300 billion annually, and the trade in them would be a huge new business.[7] Enron may be gone, but others ready to take advantage of cap and trade--often at public expense--are not...................


Cap and trade bills are nothing short of a government re-engineering of the American economy. And S. 2191, with its aggressive targets to reduce emissions from fossil fuel use, would put the nation on a path of serious economic harm not justified by any benefits.

When I moved to Seattle in 1981. Seattle was having a record heat wave. Within about 3 years we were having extremely cold winters. While Seattle is again having a record heat wave, the over all average yearly temperatures are still well below average. But, not by much. Is a cold spell coming? Only Mother Nature knows when that might happen again.

Global Warming or cooling is simply not a direct result of human activities.
Climate change is a natural cyclic result of the activity or lack of active on the Sun.

The Sun seems not very active now. Yet, two plane crashes have been blamed on it. **!!!**

Re: Seattle's Light Rail, new Problem

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 3:11 am
by Grandma Ruth
Oh I see, it's what we call carbon trading. Glad America's finally got on board!

Re: Seattle's Light Rail, new Problem

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 6:45 am
by nedfumpkin
The biggest problem that I have with carbon offsets, or carbon trading is that I didn't come up with the idea. This has got to be the greatest scam of recent times. I mean really, make money as the middleman trading BS?

Re: Seattle's Light Rail, new Problem

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 10:55 am
by Hawk
Grandma Ruth wrote:Oh I see, it's what we call carbon trading. Glad America's finally got on board!
Nope! America hasn't got on board yet, although the current Administration is trying very hard to push this scam on the populace, but we Americans are getting more and more wiser to the whole extortion bases of what they're trying to do.
The scam the US Administration is trying to push has nothing what-so-ever to do with the greening of the country, or the world, but - instead - has every thing to do with a few folks making billions of dollars at the expense of the freedoms and comfortability of the populace. Folks like that con-man Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi, GE CEO Jeffery Immelt, and most likely the big con-man Obama, and others.
They're having problems getting the 1,800 page bill passed because no one wants to read it (they couldn't understand the whole thing even if they did read it) and the fact that 90% of the bill is pork laden and has nothing to do with 'The Greening of the World'.

Re: Seattle's Light Rail, new Problem

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 11:02 am
by nedfumpkin
Speaking of pork...swine flu is the next biggest scam coming along. If anyone is wondering where all the financial sector beans counters went after losing their jobs, they are on the Swine Flu band wagon. Here they are taking statistics which are relatively normal for any flu and they are creating a crisis out of it so that they can sell a vaccine that will have NOT properly been tested on humans. Even the regular flu vaccine is not prove effective.

Now they are talking about making this vaccine madatory. I've already had swine flu so no need for a vaccine is how my story will go.

Re: Seattle's Light Rail, new Problem

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 11:08 am
by Hawk
To add to my previous post; China and India (the two greatest polluters in the world, followed by the US) have publicly stated they have no intention of going along with the cap 'n trade scam, which makes the whole idea as useless as teats on a boar hog. :roll:

Re: Seattle's Light Rail, new Problem

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 6:12 pm
by Gwizz
Just read an update on the cost of Seattle's Light Rail.

It is now the most expensive Light Rail system ever constructed.
The cost per yard of track was about $100,000.00
The cost to operate is about $140.00 per rider.
Few people going to games ride the train.
They say it is too expensive to ride and they still take the bus.

It seems everything the Governent does turns out to be too expensive.

Now they are working on a new health plan with an esimated final cost of 2.2 Trillion dollars if not changed by the Senate.

Now they want to build Light rail North to South across the lake along the foot hills.
Most commuters travel West to East.

Many someones will have to pay these bills. Guess who.

Re: Seattle's Light Rail, new Problem

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 4:48 pm
by seatrainlink
Gwizz wrote:Just read an update on the cost of Seattle's Light Rail.

It is now the most expensive Light Rail system ever constructed.
The cost per yard of track was about $100,000.00
The cost to operate is about $140.00 per rider.
Few people going to games ride the train.
They say it is too expensive to ride and they still take the bus.

It seems everything the Governent does turns out to be too expensive.

Now they are working on a new health plan with an esimated final cost of 2.2 Trillion dollars if not changed by the Senate.

Now they want to build Light rail North to South across the lake along the foot hills.
Most commuters travel West to East.

Many someones will have to pay these bills. Guess who.

Personally, I have ridden the light rail several times including during the Mariner's and Seahawks games and contrary to what you believe, there are a lot of people riding the train. It gets packed during games and at rush-hour. In fact here is a video of the train full of people at the end of a game

While I am not fond of the high price tag, it is something that is needed in the region as the area becomes more congested. Just take a look at the suburbs and how much development has taken place over the past ten years.

The trains may be running light during non-peak periods but hopefully the airport extension that will open this December will increase boardings since it would connect downtown with the airport and not just be a train to nowhere. As for future extensions, they are building a line east from Seattle to Bellevue and Redmond. The BNSF line on the eastside probably will not be hosting trains anytime soon since there is still controversy by residents who want the tracks to be a bicycle trail and those who want the tracks to stay.

Anyway, It's only been three months since the light rail opened in July so give it a couple of years before passing judgment. After all, it is impossible to evaluate the impacts of something in just a couple of months.

Re: Seattle's Light Rail, new Problem

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 9:13 pm
by Gwizz
Thanks, seatrainlink for the input.

I read the review in a Seattle magazine when at the doctor for my annual checkup.

The total cost, peeked my attention. It is a nice looking train but so costly at a time when the whole state is so deep in debt.

I was also sorry to see that the light rail yard took out my preferred foundry that is now no longer in business.

I looked at your you tube link plus a few other links that were there.
Game day did show a lot of people at the station that day.
It was surprising since on the free day not that may people rode the train everyone could sit down.
maybe standing was not allowed on the free day.
When the airport extension opens that should increase ridership.
I still wonder why the airport station is so far from the airport. it is a long walk.
Maybe the airport train will extend to meet the light rail.

It would be interesting to know the ratio of riders who took the train on game day compared to those that rode the buses or took a car.

How many people can fit on one train?

By the way:
How much is a ticket to ride the train. Is the ticket a round trip ticket or do you pay both ways?

Re: Seattle's Light Rail, new Problem

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 12:05 pm
by Barney
Gwizz - I think you are missing the point. Like all large corporations, cost is not a deciding factor, nor is longevity, when bribes and kickbacks are involved. For some reason, the locals do not get as mad, when they see the state, or even better the Feds, picking up the bulk of the tab. Some how this translates into the concept of free money, like they are not paying that tab also. Go figure. LOL. Here in Miami, we have had a rail running since the 80's, and it is still on the dole. The fact that it goes nowhere, anyone wants to go is irrelevant. Beaches - Not Connected, Stadiums - Not Connected, Airport - Not Connected, Port - Not Connected, Government Center - Connected, Poor Neighborhoods - Connected. Some how I should see a pattern in this, but I just can not put my finger on it. **!!!**

Re: Seattle's Light Rail, new Problem

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:45 pm
by Gwizz
Gwizz, I think you are missing the point.
That is for sure, since I can't find a point to applaud.

A recommendation was made by the transit authority to stop bus service from Seattle to the airport. That should increase ridership on the light rail. The bus takes a bit less time to get to the airport and stops at the front doors and costs half as much for the fare.

The point is the control of people.

item #2 ABC did a story on jobs create with stimulus money.
Is seems over $700,000.00 was used to create 30 jobs in Arizona's 15th district.
This is over $23,000.00 per job in a district that doesn't exist in Arizona.

Sounds criminal to me.

Re: Seattle's Light Rail, new Problem

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 10:12 am
by Gwizz
I Just heard this morning that stimulus money was also used to created jobs in Washington state, in 9 different districts that don't exist. They didn't give the amounts.

At least they backed up their lies with a report that could be scrutinized.
I wonder if the money will be delivered by light rail. !**yaaa