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Re: Which would you choose?

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 7:50 am
by Hawk
Wolverine@MSU wrote:Funny how crude oil price increases are almost immediately seen at the pump, but price drops take a lot longer.
They claim that's due to the way they figure their profit margin, but I find myself a bit skeptical of that excuse. **!!!** 'Course most of you know I'm a basic skeptic/cynic anyway. ^**lylgh

Re: Which would you choose?

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:28 pm
by Gwizz
I wonder why gas is higher in the Mid Western States. Could it be the high cost of refining corn that is causing it. Most likely corn fuel is used more in the Mid Western States. I heard this morning that Cleveland has been hit so hard that it is about to close down the town. There are no major airlines serving the city now. Some cities are using this opportunity to bulldoze old empty houses.

I also heard that because of the cost of jet fuel, airlines had to increased air fares and now have fewer passengers. One large airline is laying off 200 pilots. Other smaller airlines have gone bankrupt and have already closed their doors. Yet, most of the far Western States seem to be weathering the gas crises with a much slower down turn.

I sold my crew cab truck about four years ago because it was hard on gas and I now use my jeep, bought for the snow and unplowed roads, to pull my tracker trailer.
We just bought a price deflated new big car because it was so much cheaper to buy then the so called economy cars. I can buy a lot of high priced gas for what I saved. We plan to use the car instead of the jeep as it gets better mileage than the jeep.

Being retired we plan to stay home a lot. When we go out we stock up on vittles and do as many errands as we can all in one trip. The garden didn't do so good with all the rain. So now I plan to plant a winter crop and hope for some climate warming to help out although the climatologists claim we are now going into a cooling trend.

As far as gas prices go, we passed the $4.00 mark about a month or so ago and the prices are now starting to go back down. They say people are driving a lot less than then they did before. I noticed that there seems to be fewer tourists on the highways. The Oil companies were saying high demand was causing the increases in gas prices. The Oil companies are now very quiet since their reserve fields of tanks are now full and they are now turning away the big tankers.

Our new house construction has caved in. It is putting a lot of illegals out of work and on to welfare. Our local Radical left government has gone over 2 billion in the hole and now wants to raise taxes. I think they will hold off until after the election. The stealing of gas has greatly increased. If the car has a locking gas cap they just pinch a hole in the bottom of the gas tank.
I'm afraid we are going to see some bad times ahead if not already here.