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Looking for GP30 info and copyright-free pix

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 6:59 pm
by ostlandr
Hey gang! I'm working on some concept drawings of the prototype locomotive we're planning on building.

1. Question: The rear section of the locomotive- are those the dynamic braking grids or the diesel radiators? :oops:
If somebody knows a good site with the internals and specs for a GP30, that would really help. I've never actually taken one apart- yet. :twisted:

2. I could really use a couple of copyright free photos (or permission by the copyright owner to use them.) Will pay for such if necessary, and/or credit the photographer. Looking for the standard 3/4 front view showing the top of the locomotive, and a shot of one in action on a mixed freight. These will get turned into concept sketches showing what the prototype locomotive will look like, then both get turned over to an artist to turn into spiffy watercolors.

Re: Looking for GP30 info and copyright-free pix

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 7:45 pm
by WPandP
As I have gone hunting for source images to create engine and car skins for my mods, I have happened upon a site that is a decent catalog of railroad photos, called As an example of their content, I found this: ... &nseq=1861

I'm sure they have many more for you to choose from. Notice, they all declare who holds the copyright and offer you a way to contact that person. Of course, a Google search for "EMD GP-30" images will give you an endless selection, but most of those are of unknown copyright status.

As for the fans, the ones in the middle of the long hood are for the dynamic braking, while the ones near the rear are regular radiators. I haven't hunted for an internal diagram, but I bet such an animal exists. You might have to search for any EMD Geep, though, as I doubt that the GP-30 is all that different from GP-35's, GP-40's, or even GP-7's, aside from specific number of cylinders or radiators, etc. Diagrammatically it would be the same.

Re: Looking for GP30 info and copyright-free pix

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 8:17 pm
by ostlandr