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Railway Technology.....

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 6:38 am
by HayManMarc
This might be an interesting site for some of you.

Also.....HELLO EVERYBODY!!! I made it back!! I've been lost for a while, got some new games... But mainly, my wife and I just had a baby girl! (Well, 'just' had her on Jan. 5)

So, when I tried to come back I found Hawk's site completely revamped! Awesome!! Looks great in here! I wasn't around for the fall-out, but it looks like everyone who's anyone is makin' it back okay.

Hay-- If you want to get away and do some mindless surfin' for a bit, come on over to HayMan Quarterly! It's my website, written and created by me. It's become my passion. I do have a Railroad page, but not much there yet. Just a little ditty about my first model railroad. Mostly wanted to share some music I created on the music maestro page. Also, Hawk was nice enough to let me use his 'forum guidelines' for my forum page.....Thanks Hawk! (how long ago was that?? lol)

It's good to see your site, Hawk, and everyone here!! It's good to be back! (Now I'm gonna have to finish that dang scenario, huh.....)

PS --- Oh yeah, I made #100 on the memberlist!! COOL!!!

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 6:52 am
by Hawk
Welcome back Marco. (0!!0)
Good to see your bright, smiley print again. :lol:
Congratulations on the new baby girl. 'Course you know, your life will never be the same. :wink: It no longer belongs to you. !hairpull!
I hope she's strong, healthy, and wise.

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 2:02 pm
by HayManMarc
Thanks Hawk!

She's a little cholicky (sp?) but getting better all the time. My wife is a natural. She has taken to this mother business like NOBODY's business.

Anyway, everyone take care.... I'm gonna post my computer games and see ya later.