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what about a map for this... ?

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 9:53 am
by brunom
Add personal interest in Africa, with increased interest following FIFA world cup in South Africa, with recently working in a scenario and a book that i just finished reading...

Result is a random search on "rail track ethiopia" on google.

Resulting in this newspage:

Now, doesn't it sound just perfect for a new map ?

Re: what about a map for this... ?

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 8:41 pm
by Blackhawk
It looks like a nice concept for a scenario or a subplot of a scenario. !*th_up*!

Re: what about a map for this... ?

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 5:41 am
by Boroin
As it's the french who build the first line, I find some other sites who speak about the history of the Djibouti - Addis Abeba line (784 km), but, it's in french.

This first speak about the building history

One of this sites speak about a trip made in (about) 2005, with a comment on all stop between Addis Abeba and Dire-Dawa. ( About 18 hours for 474 km...

This one is a very good one with a lot of informations . Photos, a lot of informations about the rails, the line (profile, bridges, etc...), locos used, wagons,

There is in English, on wiki, the "Imperial Railway Company of Ethiopia" or "Ethio-Djibouti Railway".

I can translate the sites in french if interested. ;-)

Re: what about a map for this... ?

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:31 am
by brunom
Good to see this sparks interest.

I have started a map on this... height is sorted and a few cities placed but not many and nothing else. This is yet another scenario I will work on, but still haven't found the time.

Pictures of Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Southern Sudan and Yemen coast would be the most useful stuff as they provide information for the painting. As well as time and ability to paint the map. This is what i always struggle with...

Locos and details about the line are obviously interesting, and more if in english. However, the use we can give to all that is limited by RRT3.

What exists now is next to nothing, yet: --- ATTACHMENT REMOVED ---

I plan on coming back to this later, as in some weeks from now.

Re: what about a map for this... ?

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 10:44 am
by OilCan
I have inlcuded the EDR in a Somalia game which I'm working on. I've set the EDR on auto-pilot by restricting its revenue through events. The Somalia game is a real-time game which ends in 2020. The way you play the game determines the future peace and prosperity of Somalia. The game starts in 2000 - seven years after the Battle of Mogadishu. The player has to react to the Tsunami of 2005 which devastated the coastline economy, invasion of Somalia by Ethiopian troops in 2006 and the upswing of piracy - plus rouge militant groups in southern Somalia. I've still got a couple of event snafus to untangle and the game should be ready for beta-testing.

Re: what about a map for this... ?

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 2:10 pm
by brunom
Curious to see what's coming...

Re: what about a map for this... ?

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 8:14 am
by Boroin
Will try to download the map this week-end.

For the map here is the link to see the profile of the line : ... ligne.html You'll find the railroad from Djibouti to Addis Abebba.

The first steam machines were build in Swiss at Winterthur by the SLM (Société des constructions de Locomotives et de Machines) and in France at Belfort and Graffenstaden by the SACM (Société Alsacienne de Construction Mécanique). These is for the period around 1908.
They will have 4 HSP-231, locomotives type "Pacific 231", build in Haine-Saint-Pierre in Belgium by the FUF (Forges, Usines et Fonderies). We are in 1938.
In 1946 the will receive some american Mikado 141 from the US corp. transportation.
They will have some other steam machines like some "Pinguely", "Corpet Louvet", "Batignoles 1.4.1.T", "Gr R302" and "Garatt Ansaldo".

They had in 1938 some railcar (autorail in french) FIAT. In 1964 other railcar from French Alsthom-Billard and later Alsthom-Soulé.

They had some diesel locomotive too from SLM in 1945 and some BB-Alsthom after 1954...

There is not much more. ;-)

Re: what about a map for this... ?

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:01 am
by brunom
Boroin, thanks for that. Even though I can read French, I am sure most here in the forum can't.

I'm not a trains expert, I just like to program these maps to some level of historical and/or geographical accuracy. But it would be nice if someone could find out which RRT3 available locomotives fit better with the ones the company had in real life... that is beyond my abilities.

Re: what about a map for this... ?

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 11:14 am
by brunom
Has anyone did any work on this Ethiopia map since I posted it here?

It has 2 downloads, so I'm just wondering..

I have started placing rivers and towns, and also did some research on resource location.. If anyone has looked into any of this, I'm happy to add to what I have done.


Re: what about a map for this... ?

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:01 am
by Gwizz
If two people work on the same map without sending it back and forth, between each change made, I don't think it is possible to combine the changes made to 2 different changed maps and make them into one map with all the changes made by both builders working independently.

Sorry I ran out of periods. *!*!*!

Re: what about a map for this... ?

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 6:30 am
by brunom
Indeed. That's why I decided to ask.

Cities can still be placed or re-placed/re-named.
Rivers took a while to draw, but they are still draft (canyons need to be properly escavated, valleys made neat, etc..)
And I have started research on agricultural/mineral resources on the internet.

But there is still plenty to do, and of course, information is always useful.

Anyway, Gwizz is right. Don't bother adding stuff to the early map provided (which I am deleting right after writing this). If you know stuff about Ethiopia/Eritrea/Djibouti/Puntland or Yemen economy and history, just input it here in this thread.


Re: what about a map for this... ?

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 12:45 pm
by brunom
Just a quick note here saying the map/scenario is being worked on.

Meaning this topic is getting old... jump to "reviews" to check out Ethiopia scenario. Right after this post, I'm uploading a draft version, with rivers, cities and a working realistic economy (well, realistic except that the known reserves of Iron and Coal are yet to be tapped, and in the game they are being mined as soon as 1910, but... I digress)

Anyway, Gwizz, Boroin, Oilcan, Blackhawk and everyone else, you are invited to try the map I've started, and suggest any changes or ideas. The more input the better! !*th_up*!