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The 30 or so new unused cargos in 1.06

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 2:42 am
by Cash on Wheels
I'm working on a personal mod for the game. So far Ive manage to get Spaceships to show up in the warehouse/port options.
Now browsing though this site I have yet find a dedicated thread for this subject.
I understand a building needs to in/output the new cargo it before it shows on the map. What the exact max cargos the game can handle? 52? 54? 60?.
My plan is remove concete in the concrete PLANT and replace it with Spaceships. So to start it's. ceramics--<~4518Spaceships. Then edit a much more complex chain later.

Too replace concrete altoghter I would need to remove it from the Concete plant, Constuction firm, house & ????

Is this possible, or would I need to write a new building into the game?(thats not in my league as of now)

Re: The 30 or so new unused cargos in 1.06

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 3:05 am
by Gumboots
Spaceships? :-D Ok.

AFAIK 1.06 has the maximum number of cargoes possible. So if you want a new cargo, you have to get it by removing one of the existing ones. You can't do it just by adding an extra cargo in 1.06 (although you can in 1.05).

Anyway, there are a number of places you'll have to edit: all buildings that produce or demand concrete, and the ~4467Concrete.cty file (CargoTypes folder) and the entries in the Language/RT3.lng file too, IIRC.

Also, did you ever see the locomotives-skinned-as-ships I was messing around with a while back?

Re: The 30 or so new unused cargos in 1.06

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 12:56 pm
by Cash on Wheels
My RRT3 just got much faster.......

Anyways, the 30 extra cargo's are already in the 1.06 .lng file. So no need to change that. Besides w/1.05 I want to keep that as pure a possible.
All I need to do is create a ~4518Spaceship.cty file, Replace concrete in the house, CF firm & Concrete Plant and Voila! 3D printed Spaceships parts. Now if I can find a way to use the bio-accel cars....

Spaceship parts?
Spaceship parts?
3D printed for now....
3D printed for now....

These used to roll by my house before the Space Shuttle program was discontinued:

Re: The 30 or so new unused cargos in 1.06

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 2:38 pm
by Hawk
Cash on Wheels wrote:Besides w/1.05 I want to keep that as pure a possible.
Have you rad this topic about multiple installs of RT3?


Using that idea, you can create a second 1.05 install that you can modify at your pleasure and keep the original pure. :mrgreen:

Re: The 30 or so new unused cargos in 1.06

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 5:01 pm
by Gumboots
Cash on Wheels wrote:My RRT3 just got much faster.......

Anyways, the 30 extra cargo's are already in the 1.06 .lng file.
Yes, but it says Concrete, not Spaceships. And there are only 10 extra cargoes, not 30 or so. And they do actually get used.

Re: The 30 or so new unused cargos in 1.06

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 11:05 pm
by Cash on Wheels
This is written in the English release notes (readme) for the 1.06 version download:

- New cargos:
Many thanks to pure al for his artistic talent in constructing these.
- If you're clever with a binary editor, there are an additional thirty or so
cargo skins that can be used to replace existing cargos in GMP files:
To use one of these, you'll have to replace all occurrences of the original
cargo name in the GMP file with the new symbol. Don't try to rename any
of the express cargos; they won't work properly.

The 1.06 version brings the Cargo count to 51. You can add one or two of the above cargos (without removing any others) coded in to the 1.06 patch.(I did with Spaceships)

Too add an above cargo, you to create a .cty file for it. then add it into any .bca file's production chain.

To Remove ANY cargo from the game you need clear it out from all .bca files this include houses & and other building packs you may have downloaded.
then move that .cty file to a backup folder.

Re: The 30 or so new unused cargos in 1.06

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 12:03 am
by Gumboots
Aha. I'd forgotten about those ones. Thanks for reminding me. Those could come in handy sometime. (0!!0)

Re: The 30 or so new unused cargos in 1.06

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 3:02 am
by Gumboots
Hey this got me thinking.

A lot of those cargoes don't seem very useful. Where would you use "candidates", and what are they candidates for anyway? **!!!** Containers doesn't make much sense either, since containers are only useful when they're full of stuff. By themselves they're not a profitable cargo. Energy? How do you put "energy" in a railway car? Waddya gonna do? Shoot the thing out of a particle accelerator or what? ^**lylgh

So yeah, there seem to be some silly and pointless ones. Obvious question here: assuming those are somehow jigged into the RT#.exe, is it possible to use their entries and change the in-game name of the cargo to something else?

For the less silly cargoes, I can see ways of using them. For example, splitting breweries and distilleries so they don't just produce "alcohol" and can use the wine and beer cargoes could be good. The distillery could just be given a different name in the game (I think that would be easy enough) to turn it into a winery.

Another idea: the money cargo. This has potential. Everyone likes using dirty tricks in RT3. Why not make a scenario where you have to get your start in life by literally robbing trains? Then once you have enough cash you can "go legit" and try to become a respectable business. But, you'd have to evade the law when starting out, and if you made too many enemies they might come back and bite you later.

Re: The 30 or so new unused cargos in 1.06

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 4:37 am
by Hawk
Prisoners in boxcars might work OK in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Re: The 30 or so new unused cargos in 1.06

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 11:18 am
by RulerofRails
milo wrote:It may be possible to 'skin' cargoes, much the way locomotives are skinnable. I never got it working stably during 1.06 testing, but in theory RT3's just limited to 52 distinct cargoes per scenario.
The last part could be read as: "it's possible to have more cargoes as long as you don't use more than 52 in any one scenario." Probably there's another limit to how many the game will see, but that limit is >52. There have been a couple reports that people had extra cargoes working and probably this is why.

Probably these extra cargoes are from milo's attempts to get "skinning" to work. In addition to what you indicated, did you edit the .gmp file in the way he described?

I haven't ever tried hacking the .gmp file except following Wolverine's instructions on restoring the original paint job to maps that have been saved too often. Might be interesting, hopefully it's more than just changing the picture which is what I interpreted that stuff to mean.

Depending on how serious you are, Trainmaster has Missiles. It has a Missile Plant that you could use for your mod.

Gumboots: What's your plan to rob trains of their Money cargo?

Re: The 30 or so new unused cargos in 1.06

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 6:03 pm
by Gumboots
Aha! Well :-D I figured all you would need is trains loaded with money and whatever else. You'd then have some sort of trigger the player could use (like the old drop one section of track in a given territory, a la AoS V). Triggering that would confiscate any trains in a given area, thus allowing the player to re-route them and deliver the money to the player's private stash. Loads of money delivered to a player's given territory would get converted to company cash and/or player cash. (0!!0)

In principle that should work, but by itself it's not enough to make an interesting scenario. The real inventiveness would be in coming up with the rest of it.

Re: The 30 or so new unused cargos in 1.06

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 7:05 pm
by Cash on Wheels
Hawk wrote:Prisoners in boxcars might work OK in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
As long as no one ships them to a furnace.. !*00*!

Re: The 30 or so new unused cargos in 1.06

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 7:09 pm
by Gumboots
I think we can do without Auschwitz scenarios. That would be a bit too much.

Re: The 30 or so new unused cargos in 1.06

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 7:42 pm
by Cash on Wheels
I don't mean to beat a dead horse but how did tankers??? Mixing?? To a job site?

Should I clean one of those out (IRL) as punishment for my above post!!

If were cement bags(boxcar), precast(flat), or building block(boxcar) maybe.....

Re: The 30 or so new unused cargos in 1.06

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 7:53 pm
by Gumboots
^**lylgh Yeah that one baffles all of us. Beats me why on earth they thought concrete in tankers, by rail, would be a good idea. It'd set solid before the train got out of the loading yard. Everyone goes :shock: when they first spot that.

There has been talk of changing it to bagged or dry cement, or concrete products, or whatever. Would also change the rot rate down to 0.10 instead of the current 0.55.

Re: The 30 or so new unused cargos in 1.06

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 1:52 am
by Cash on Wheels
When I was browsing though some of the pre 1.06 threads I saw no mention of "wow great idea! let's ship concrete in a tanker with a fast rot time" It was a about a precast or something boxcar related. "Concrete block to a constuction Firm". Only Hawk knows what happened.
Heres the link to the thumbnails of the unuseds cargos. Any cargo not featured has reused thumbnail, Tin is the same one as aluminum or its incomplete e.g. wire, candidates. viewtopic.php?f=5&t=396&hilit=Spaceships&start=30.

Anyways, Im pushing along. Combining stuff from Trainmaster, 1.06 & hopefully, downgrade some of the 1.06.exe features back to 1.05.

Re: The 30 or so new unused cargos in 1.06

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 4:05 am
by Hawk
Cash on Wheels wrote:Only Hawk knows what happened.
Why would you say that? **!!!**

Re: The 30 or so new unused cargos in 1.06

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 8:41 am
by AT41B
Because you have a very keen eye and an very good recall memory. :-D

Re: The 30 or so new unused cargos in 1.06

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 8:51 am
by Hawk
AT41B wrote:... very good recall memory. :-D
You must have me confused with someone else. My rememberer went out long ago. ^**lylgh

Re: The 30 or so new unused cargos in 1.06

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 10:48 pm
by Cash on Wheels
If anyone know how to add a thumbnail for new cargos let me know.

Scrap & Appliances what Im looking to create.