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AI data

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 11:39 pm
by milo
This might interest a few people:

Code: Select all

ID Name                         N1  N2  N3  N4  N5  N6  N7 
 0 Unassigned                  100 100 100 100 100 100 100
 1 Otto Von Bismarck            20 100 100 120 150  30 175
 2 Gerson Von Bleichroder       50  75  55 150 100  40 175
 3 Isambard Kingdom Brunel     200  25  25 100 175 200  80
 4 Jay Cooke                    80 115 100 150 200 100 100
 5 Charles Crocker             200 100  10 200 100 200 135
 6 Henckel von Donnersmarck    100 115 125 180 105  90 145
 7 Daniel Drew                 140 180 180 150  85 100  35
 8 Sir John Forrest            125  85  75 100 140 175  40
 9 James Fisk                  170 185 145 165 100 100 160
10 Sir Sanford Fleming         100 100 100 120 200 100  20
11 John C. Fremont             180  70  70  60 170 135 100
12 Jay Gould                    20 200 200 200  90  55 110
13 Adolph von Hansemann         45 200 100 155 100  65 150
14 Edward Henry Harriman       170 185 190 160 120 180 185
15 James Hill                  200 100 100  50 200 200 140
16 Sir Francis Hincks          100 100 100 100 100 120  75
17 Cyrus K. Holliday           165  40  35 100 125 135 100
18 Mark Hopkins                100 100 100 100 100 100 100
19 Collis Huntington           190  70  70 105 155 120 170
20 J.P. Morgan                 100 130 100 200 100 100 200
21 George Platner              140 100 100 100 115 165 100
22 Cecil Rhodes                200 100 100 100 100 200 155
23 Thomas Scott                130 100 100 100 145 170 100
24 Leland Stanford             100 100  40 185 120 100 140
25 Sir George Stephen          100 100 100 100 100 100  50
26 Lord Strathcona             100 100 100 100 100 100  20
27 George F. Train             160 100 100 100 100 100 200
28 Cornelius Vanderbilt        100 100 100 100 100 100 190
29 Emperor Meiji               140 100 100 100 100 100 100
30 George Hudson               135 200 200 120 140  70 100
31 Napoleon III                100 100 100 100 100 145 160
32 Philip Thomas               100 100 100 100 100 100 100
33 Thomas Durant               100 115 100 100 175 100 165
34 Jawaharlal Nehru             35 100 100  35 100 165 145
35 Clement Attlee               35 100 100  50 145 100 135
36 General Gentaro              25  30  30 100 100 180 100
37 Mao Zedong                   20  20  20 100 140 145 100
38 Chiang Kai-Shek             145 120 115 120  20  55 100
39 William Wheelwright         120 120  80 100 100 115 170
40 Minor Keith                 130 100 100 155 100 120 175
These appear to be the decision weights for the various rail barons, but I don't know what they weight. Let the speculation begin...

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 1:20 am
by EPH
Does anyone have the statistics from RRT2? That might help us figure out what these numbers mean.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 2:26 am
by Gwizz
I have a hard copy but my scanner is not working, (Ink dried up)

Has anyone been able soak these ink containers to unplug the jets. I tried alcohal but without success.

Anyway I will look on my RT2 CDs to see of I have a copy saved.

% of time that a Tycoon when used by an AI RR is more inclined to:

N1 = Start a company
N2 = Margin buying
N3 = Short selling
N4 = Investing in others
N5 = Issue bonds
N6 = Expands rail
N7 = Industry Investment

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 7:11 am
by Wolverine@MSU
I have a hard copy but my scanner is not working, (Ink dried up)
Has anyone been able soak these ink containers to unplug the jets. I tried alcohal but without success.
What kind of printer is it? I've gotten pretty good at keeping my Epsons printing and could give some advice if it's an Epson.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 3:12 pm
by Gwizz
It is a Lexmark ink jet.

I believe it has a similar cartridge with the jets in the cartridge.
I normally refill my cartridges. But this time I had some leakage and had to clean up a mess. Therefore I installed a new cartridge although it has been on my shelf for some time. I soaked the cartrdge over night in alcohol trying to loosen the dried ink in the jets. But it didn't help.

I have been thinking about using a Q-tip with a more powerful thinner, rubbing only on the jets so not to melt the plastic. This might not be a good idea since the jets maybe plastic.

If I have to buy a new one it will be a Photo copier style.
Canon or HP are top rated at this time.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 5:57 pm
by Wolverine@MSU
straight alcohol may be a bit strong, causing the ink solution to precipitate. Try cutting the alcohol to about 25% and add a couple drops of dish detergent to act as a surfactant. Olso, if you have a hole in the top for refilling, you could try butting your syringe up to it (no needle) and inject a little air to pressurize the inside and force out clogs.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 10:03 pm
by JayEff
Well we could take them by what we know they like to do and compare to the numbers. I notice that Nehru likes to buy up his own company and Morgan likes to buy into other companies.

Re: AI data

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 3:24 pm
by RayofSunshine
Having lived in the SW of dry hot weather and temps, I have had to toss a few ink cartridges away. However, if not too "dried up", I have been able to use "hot" water to help desolve the dry particals, first setting the cartridge inking portion into the small layer of the hot water, and then use a wet paper towel, and pull the bottom of the ink portion along that toweling.

With high dry air of the SW, and even in dry indoor temps, the ink tends to dry up in those "very minute" openings. My son, a technician advises to print a sheet between 1 - 2 weeks at a time. Or at least once a week after being able to get the ink to start its flow after being reopened.

I have also found that only some of the openings will open satisfactorily. That is especially a problem with the "color" cartridges.

Right now I am using a HP, since my last Epson "went by the way" of the "pegs" not printing. But something else can go amiss with printers. The rubber rollers can build up a resin, to the point that they will not "pick up" the paper. The resin seems to be caused from the rubber getting too hard. Then you have to use of cleaner to either or both, to rejuvinate the rubber, but make sure that the surfaces are "clean". By clean I mean that the "cleaner" may not have removed the resin. Hence you have to exerute an amount of pressure manually to wipe the rollers clean. You will be able to tell by the deposits found on the towel, paper, or whatever you use. Good Luck. !*th_up*!

Re: AI data

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 7:24 pm
by Hawk
You do realize this thread is almost 7 years old, don't you Ray? ;-)