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German Derailment Department

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 5:04 pm
by El Moichi
I want to forward a warm „hello“ to this great community here. I´m from Germany and a current member of Molse´s RT3 forum there (for those who are able to read german language:

In the past, I have been here as a “guest reader” at times, and I often use the download section to obtain new stuff for RT3 (especially since I finished my university studies mid-year and got back the opportunity to spend more time around this game again).

So, look for my questions I will ask occasionally, while not all of them can be answered at our german forum. In advantage, I apologize my poor language skills (my RT3-skills are still more advanced). Especially, I look forward in pleasant anticipation to the release of Ned´s Trainmaster and subsequent discussions.

Last, I like to thank Hawk for granting membership here although my e-mail-adress seemed to be “not valid” due to technical restrictions.

Re: German Derailment Department

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 5:35 pm
by nedfumpkin
Welcome aboard. Good language skills are not required here.

There's a pre-beta for Trainmaster available now for people who want to test it and/or create maps. I'm in the middle of making a map of Iran to make use of the nuclear stuff in TM.

Re: German Derailment Department

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:37 pm
by Hawk
(*!!wel Aboard Moichi. Sorry for the problem with the email address. As I told Molse, I banned that email extension a while ago, probably due to spammers, but I've allowed your email address to work so you should be good to go.

Make yourself at home. As Ned says, don't worry about your English language skills. You do just fine and if someone doesn't quite understand what you mean we'll work to figure it out. !*th_up*!

You can find the link to download the Pre-Beta version of Trainmaster at this link: viewtopic.php?f=74&t=2181

Re: German Derailment Department

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 9:21 am
by Beancounter
Hi Moichi,

Welcome aboard!


Re: German Derailment Department

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 11:20 am
by Sugus
Welcome El Moichi

Great to see you here now! ::!**!