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Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 11:11 am
by edbangor

Been lurking here for a few weeks, having a look through the scenarios (which are great BTW) so thought it time I did things properly.
But first a RT history.
I started out with RT1 when it came on a magazine give away disc, back in the day. I had no idea what I was doing - there were no instructions - but I enjoyed it so much that I went out and bought the newly released RT2 (guess that was the idea, eh!)

Anyway, loved RT2, that I designed a map for it "Mad King Ed" which Poptop/Take 2 bought for inclusion in the Platinum edition, calling it just "Mad King". (one of my proudest moments that, as sad as that sounds now!) :-?

Time passed and RT3 came, which I loved even more than RT2 - the tycoon is dead, long live the tycoon! - and again I made a map for it, "Ed Land" - the land was in the shap of the letters "E" & "D" geddit! ^**lylgh - which was published at the time but seems to have been lost since then until recently, but I'll get to that.

More time passed - don't you hate it when that happens - and along came Sid's Railroads, which I have to say I eventually found disapointing. Sure it looked better than RT3, but there was something, or several somethings, lacking in the game play (sure that's been discussed here before!), and lets not even get into the how many times it CTD before the patches started rolling in.

Anyway, this year, I finally got fed up and went retro, back to RT3 and started to remember just how much fun the game could be, so once having played through all the included scenarios, I started hunting my back up discs for more (thinking that would be the only place they would be), and found several including my own 'Ed Land' (version #5). :-D

Eventually though, I did the google thing, and, well, here I am amongst you lovely Tycoons with the brillinat 1.06 patch installed and loving RT3 even more than before. ::!**!

Re: Hello

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:24 pm
by Grandma Ruth
edbangor wrote: Anyway, loved RT2, that I designed a map for it "Mad King Ed" which Poptop/Take 2 bought for inclusion in the Platinum edition, calling it just "Mad King". (one of my proudest moments that, as sad as that sounds now!) :-?
That doesn't sound sad at all, sounds like an accolade to me, fancy having them PAY you to do this! I'm :mrgreen: with envy.
(*!!wel (*!!wel

Re: Hello

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:29 pm
by nedfumpkin
Welcome aboard! Although there is no payment involved, I do know the person working on Trainmaster, and I am quite sure I could arrange for a scenario to be included in the campaigns for Trainmaster. :)

Re: Hello

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:30 pm
by Sugus
Welcome aboard, edbanger (*!!wel

Joining this site is absolutely the best thing you did these days!

But now, I'm impatiently waiting to get and play your marvelous E&D map! :-D

Re: Hello

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:33 pm
by edbangor
Sugus wrote:Welcome aboard, edbanger (*!!wel
But now, I'm impatiently waiting to get and play your marvelous E&D map! :-D
Thanks for all the welcomes.
I need to test of "ED Land" before I (re)release it as I want to ensure it works with 1.06 patch and I need to play it first and then re-teach myself the editor!!!
In the meantime, there's loads of other maps for me steel ideas I mean... play. ;-)

Re: Hello

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:56 pm
by Mish Mish
I can relate to your feelings about Sid Meyer's Railroads. I bought the 1.0.0 version and found it unplayable. That was a big enough turn off for me not to bother with the patch. A freind of mine did play the patched version and it was a little least you got farther into the game before it crashed to desktop! !hairpull!

RT3 maybe old but it still provides a lot of entertainment value! I think that all the patches have just made a good thing better.

Anyway, welcome from another newbie!

Re: Hello

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 10:42 pm
by Beancounter
Hi Ed,

I was disappointed with Sid Meyer's Railroads too. I can't believe the "dumbing down" of games in recent years. Railroads was no exception.

Welcome aboard!


Re: Hello

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 7:54 am
by edbangor
Beancounter wrote:I was disappointed with Sid Meyer's Railroads too. I can't believe the "dumbing down" of games in recent years. Railroads was no exception.
Well the first disapointment was that it didn't work (for most people) out of the box, until you'd tweaked, and patched, and... I don't know... stand on one leg, with your fingers crossed, whistling a happy tune... or something !hairpull!
But other than that I just assumed it had the 'hollywood' bug.... all visual effects and no plot.... which was such a shame as it it looked great. Guess we just expected more from Sid...

Re: Hello

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:56 am
by Beancounter
edbangor wrote:
Beancounter wrote:I was disappointed with Sid Meyer's Railroads too. I can't believe the "dumbing down" of games in recent years. Railroads was no exception.
But other than that I just assumed it had the 'hollywood' bug
Hollywood bug = dumbing down. Whatever you call it. All eye candy, no gameplay depth.

I think Spore is the "best" example of this disturbing trend... !*th_dwn*!

Re: Hello

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 2:59 pm
by Mish Mish
I completely agree with everything said in the above post. :salute:

I agree that Railroads had a lot of eye candy, but I never liked the "kids playset" look of either Railroads or Civ 4. Maybe that look appealed to Sid Meyer's inner child, but it did nothing for me. !*th_dwn*!

Re: Hello

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 7:05 am
by edbangor
Mish Mish wrote:I agree that Railroads had a lot of eye candy, but I never liked the "kids playset" look of either Railroads or Civ 4. Maybe that look appealed to Sid Meyer's inner child, but it did nothing for me. !*th_dwn*!
Can't disagree with anything said so far about Railroads - really this hasn't come up here before? - but not Civ4 which I really, like.
That said,the game play really didn't come into it's own until the second add on "Beyond the Sword!".
However, the latest version of Colonization, struck me as completley pointless. It would have made an 'intesting' scenario of Civ4 but a stand alone game it wasn't.

Anyway, on the plus side, I'm currently play testing my new/old scenario (for RT3) "ED land" and it should be ready shortly.
Just one question. Who do I send it to, and how? (okay that's two questions!)

Re: Hello

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 11:56 am
by Hawk
edbangor wrote: Just one question. Who do I send it to, and how? (okay that's two questions!)
Why, me of course. :mrgreen:
You can simply email it to me, or if it's smaller than 10 MB zipped, you can attach it to a PM or a post.
If it's larger than 10 MB we'll have to go a different route - FTP

Re: Hello

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 12:06 am
by KevinL
I guess I am just lucky because I didnt have all the crashing issues with Railroads that most people had. Then again I didnt buy the game until several months after it came out, and after the 1.1 patch was already out. I never played the 1.0 version as I went straight to 1.1 after installing the game. Anyway, just my unsolicited !#2bits#! .

Re: Hello

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 7:09 am
by edbangor
Hawk wrote: Why, me of course. :mrgreen:
You can simply email it to me, or if it's smaller than 10 MB zipped, you can attach it to a PM or a post.
If it's larger than 10 MB we'll have to go a different route - FTP
Ah right, and wouldn't you know it's currently - before I do some 1.06 patch tweaks - 10.4mb.
Oh and Hawk, while I'm here can I just express my feelings about your setting up this site in a smilie {,0,}

Re: Hello

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 9:19 am
by Hawk
Do you have an FTP program?

Re: Hello

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 9:43 am
by edbangor
Hawk wrote:Do you have an FTP program?
Yes. It's an old one - WS_FTP95 light - but works fine to upload to my site.

Re: Hello

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 9:54 am
by Hawk
You have a PM. :salute:

Re: Hello

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 8:36 pm
by proudcanadian
I'm a little late, but (*!!wel Aboard!

My first Railroad Tycoon experience was with Railroad Tycoon 2 Platinum, and Mad King was always one of my favorite scenarios to play. :-D

Re: Hello

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:28 am
by edbangor
proudcanadian wrote:I'm a little late, but (*!!wel Aboard!

My first Railroad Tycoon experience was with Railroad Tycoon 2 Platinum, and Mad King was always one of my favorite scenarios to play. :-D
Oh that's nice of you to say so.
Hope you say the same when you get to play my new RT3 scenario "Ed Land" which is coming shortly.

Re: Hello

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 5:23 pm
by Hawk