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Finally Getting On Board

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:26 am
by OilCan
Hi to all ! I've know about RT2 and then RT3 for years but finally bought the CD (got tired of blowing people up in other games and wanted a game with a totally different perspective). After first attempt in sandbox mode and then a real scenario in England, I'm addicted.

Spent the last several weeks reading through the forums on this website and others. Lots of helpful advice. Many thanks for keeping this website going. I know the initial wave of interest in the game has passed, but there's folks like me who still get into it well after it's first release. My fascination with the game is a testimony to the strength of its appeal years after its prime.

Again, hello to all and thanks for the helpful comments in this forum.

Re: Finally Getting On Board

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 1:52 pm
by Gwizz
There seems to be a continuous influx of new members/players, some returning, some new.
it is good to see this happen.

Are you playing a version of RT2 or a version RT3?

Re: Finally Getting On Board

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 3:55 pm
by Grandma Ruth
(*!!wel Glad to have you here and not just new to us, but to RT as well! Great! I used to play other computer games but never did again after I became addicted to this one, so be warned ;-)

Re: Finally Getting On Board

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 3:59 pm
by nedfumpkin
You mean they make other computer games? Weird...just plain weird. :)

Welcome aboard.

Re: Finally Getting On Board

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 4:25 pm
by Hawk
Welcome Aboard OilCan (love that name and avatar).
Make yourself at home. There's a lot of game info buried in these here forums. You just have to dig it out, kind'a like gold. It's hard work but worth the effort. :mrgreen:

If you have any questions I'm sure someone here will have the answer, or at least a reasonable facsimile. ^**lylgh

Re: Finally Getting On Board

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:23 pm
by proudcanadian
Welcome aboard!

Yes, I remember how I got hooked with RRT2 right from the first scenario I played. After that, it was only inevitable that I would like RRT3 as well.

Again, (*!!wel and see you around.

Re: Finally Getting On Board

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 6:22 pm
by WPandP
Welcome aboard!

I assume you've already given the Conductor your ticket, right?

Stick around here - we're a bunch of more-or-less active players, and developing quite a few interesting mods. Plus, we're the best-looking bunch of people you're likely to find on the net... right Hawk?

Re: Finally Getting On Board

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:49 pm
by Hawk
WPandP wrote:Plus, we're the best-looking bunch of people you're likely to find on the net... right Hawk?
You got that right. Just look at this good lookin' dude.



Re: Finally Getting On Board

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:01 am
by nedfumpkin
And here's the rest of us at the Annual Hawk Look-Alike Contest....



Re: Finally Getting On Board

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:39 am
by Wolverine@MSU
Love it Ned!! ^**lylgh ^**lylgh ^**lylgh

I don't know which I like more: Hawk in real life or the picture in his avatar.

And Welcome OilCan. We may be a bunch of RT geeks, but we've got a sense of humor.

Re: Finally Getting On Board

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:49 am
by Hawk
Good one Ned. ^**lylgh

My avatar is actually a shot of a wooden nickel made by hobos during the depression.
They would carve them and trade for food, favors from the jailers, etc.
For a while they were even worth money and were bought and sold by townsfolk and others. Sometimes even the hobos could sell them but mostly they were used for trading.

I have shots of some others on my hard drive somewhere. :roll:

Edit 1: Well, 3 anyway. :mrgreen:
5cent-sm.jpg (41.64 KiB) Viewed 1617 times
nickel1-sm.jpg (48.06 KiB) Viewed 1617 times
nickel2-sm.jpg (33.5 KiB) Viewed 1617 times

Re: Finally Getting On Board

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:20 am
by Grandma Ruth
So that's why they say "Don't take any wooden nickels"! Fascinating. See, Oilcan, you don't just get RT information, we're a kind of mini-Wiki here! :lol: