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I have returned to RT3

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 8:32 am
by ribblehead viaduct
Having played and thoroughly enjoyed RT2, I immediately bought RT3 when it first came out, and played it to death, up to patch 1.3. My interest then turned to other games and RT3 fell by the wayside (or should that be trackside?) I didn't install it when I bought a new vista PC, but just recently I've got fed up with most new games seeming to consist solely of FPS alien fests and so I decided to dig out my old copy and peruse the web for patches and forums. Having found this one, I installed RT3, added the CtC and 1.05 patch, together with the vista fix and I'm ready to roll once again. I managed Gold on the first campaign game, so I've not totally forgotten everything.

Re: I have returned to RT3

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 8:54 am
by Hawk
(*!!wel aboard Ribblehead. Good to see someone else behind the throttle again.

While you may not have forgotten everything, meander around the forums and you'll find you've got some new stuff to learn. In particular the Trainmaster section.
It's kinda' like RT3 on steroids. ;-)

Re: I have returned to RT3

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:28 am
by edbangor
Welcome to the forum.Ribblehead

As Hawk said above, you may not have forgotten the original maps but we've a lot more here to test out your skills, up to and including the Trainmaster for which there are some pesky maps to complete with a much more complicated production tree/s.

Still great to have you with us and away from all those other games as the worst thing that happens in RRT3 is !hairpull!

Re: I have returned to RT3

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:05 pm
by Blackhawk
Welcome back to RT3. Hopefully you'll end up installing multiple copies of RT3 like many of us here and have one for the unofficial version of 1.06 with its added changes as well as a Trainmaster version. With 3 different variations of the game, RT3 will keep you entertained for awhile before you consider returning to another mindless alien FPS.

Re: I have returned to RT3

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:09 pm
by Grandma Ruth
Hi RV, good to have you with us. (*!!wel
Enjoy catching up with everything that's been happening since you last played!
By the way, for anyone who isn't familiar with the Ribblehead Viaduct, here's a link to pictures: It's somewhat north of where I live and a spectacular remnant of the old steam railways. Are you local, RV, or just a fan?

Re: I have returned to RT3

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:14 pm
by ribblehead viaduct
Just a fan. I've walked under it and taken a train ride over it, but not on a steam train unfortunately.

Re: I have returned to RT3

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 6:50 pm
by proudcanadian
(*!!wel to the forums!

That's one great thing I've found about RT3, if you leave it for a while, you'll always come back to it and enjoy it just as much. :-D

Re: I have returned to RT3

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 2:12 pm
by BikerTim
Glad you came back. I just can't get enough of this thing. !!clap!!