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Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 1:55 am
by RulerofRails
Hi guys,

Been a "lurker" for a few years. One of the main reasons I wanted to finally join was to say thanks! I really enjoy the new maps that are slowly and steadily being created by members here. The creativity, unique events, and time put in to these deserve credit. Thank-you!

I have a first question too. While playing Oilcan's latest map (loved it), I noticed coal breaking out into high prices after about year 20. I saw prices of over $1,200 per load before I won the scenario. I was tempted to re-route some trains, but managed without it after waiting 3 or 4 years for a price outbreak close to Page. I remember a similar price escalation in Age of Steam - Phoenix Rising. Is there an event that does this? If so, which one?

Re: Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 9:30 pm
by Blackhawk
A little late on this thread since you've been around a little while already but.... welcome to the forums! :salute:

Which map of Oilcan where you playing? Some of the maps do have events which rise the cargo prices.

Re: Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 1:27 am
by RulerofRails
Thanks! Better late than never. :-)

I was playing Navajo beta. It has been pulled from the forums. Hawk explained here: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=3597#p35305. Before-hand, I had posted a screenshot in the now hidden thread, and Oilcan didn't know what had caused the insane prices. I think price modifiers would raise the prices across the map or can it be done by territory? I don't think that this case was affecting any specific territory as it was really random. A new outbreak started sometimes as a single cell, sometimes a small patch of bright green, and other times a narrow vertical strip on the map. I think it is a bug.

BTW, Do you know how WSherrick did the price escalations in Age of Steam - Phoenix Rising? That seemed intentional, this was more random.

Re: Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 2:01 am
by Blackhawk
Oh yeah that map. I wonder if I managed to save the beta of that before that thread disappeared. He usually makes some entertaining maps. I do roughly remember now the odd price fluctuation. It seems odd glitches like that sometimes occur without rhyme or reason. Another play through of it and that odd price change might not appear again.

As for Age of Steam #5, I haven't played it but I do see there are some events that raise the price of corn, diesel, and oil at various times throughout the scenario. If those were the cargoes you remember having their prices elevated then it was likely by an event. Unfortunately with the game you can't raise the price of a cargo in only 1 territory, it is affected on the entire map which means there shouldn't be too much of a change in hauling it (profit wise). However, raising the prices has a big effect on the profitability of industries dependent on that cargo.

Re: Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 2:14 am
by RulerofRails
I played through the map twice and it happened both times. The second time it was a little less pronounced, but I had a smaller network which may have made a difference. I have seen it happen on other maps too, so I doubt it was something to do with this specific map. No need to worry about it, seems to be another one of the game's quirks.

Re: Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 12:08 pm
by low_grade
Didn't realize you were so new to the forums... when I came back about a month ago it seemed like you were already a regular, and with good experience and insights into maps and strategies.

Do hope you'll try my Chile map soon. I'm on my 2nd (recent) playthrough, on Hard, doing well but only through tedious careful play, watching everything and pausing often on Slow. Every time a train arrives at a station, I look at it, click the station, and zoom out to see where its cargoes could go. So I've really noticed this time, Nitrates/Crystals, which are only demanded at a particular port which only exists in two port towns, experience sudden spikes in price where there's no demand for it, very odd. Has me shipping crystals up and down the map and back again to cash in on every last chance to make a $. First it was Rancagua paying $500 per load from Antofogasta and Chucicamata. Before all the trains carrying crystals could get there, prices spiked in Los Angeles, then Talca, then Temuco, then Concepcion, then Valparaiso, so I could keep sending the trains on to the next hotspot for years now (in 1903) still for all least $60 per load each time to close stations and up to $200 per load.

But this price spiking is okay in my scenario, and not cheating to exploit it. It represents the crazy demand for nitrates that existed at the time. All of it shipped out of the country. Imagine once rails are in place, and you've just been shipping to the port in Antofogasta, some guy comes to you and says, "Hey, did you know you're getting fleeced by that port's owner? Yeah, prices are crazy overseas right now! Tell you what, ship me some crystals to my warehouse in Rancagua, and I'll pay you $500 per load more than that guy in Antofogasta. Sound like a deal?" At least that's the way I imagine it... Kind of helps...

Re: Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 12:44 pm
by RulerofRails
low_grade, like I said I have read through this forum at random times through the years, and played tons of games. One of the other reasons I joined up was I have better access to internet now. If my comments can help other players that's great.

Yes, I am playing your Chile map right now on Expert. I did notice that crystal prices had "broken out" to just north of $200 per load in I think the 5th year. Makes the rock quarries worth buying! I caught them late though and ended up paying around 1.6M each for two (one of the AI already owned the other one.) So far I have taken over all the other AI and am working on making the connection to the north from Los Angeles to Antofogasta. I just had a strike and need that connection to deliver Cheese and Clothing to the miners.

When price differences are crazy, micro-managing trains like you described can give incredible ROI values. Well done! I haven't done that on this map yet. If I see +$100 per load hauls to make I probably will though. I don't want to look in the editor yet as it will spoil the surprise of the events. But when I finish I want to see what you did to increase the prices or was this by accident?