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A treasure chest

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 5:24 am
by brunom
... another title for this thread would be "A just found box of unfinished goodies, incomplete ideas and random dead-ends" but that would have been too long.

Those of you who lurk/post this forum often will recognize that I have created a few maps in the last 2 years or so. Some of them I'm very proud, some not so much and I would do some differently overall. Well, I had a few more in my sleeve, apart those already published. All in different state of development and I have pushed myself to complete them.
Unfortunately, however, I haven't had the free time I wanted lately nor the inclination to spend the little I have carving/painting/programming RRT3 scenarios. Maybe in the future I will again, but not now. Hence, I thought I should just let my stuff be available for any map creator willing to play with it.

Maybe in the future I'll go back to map making and then I'm sure I'll come up with more ideas, but for now, it's a long-pause-ahead. I'm still an interested lurker in this forum and I'll stick around, just way less active.

So, without further delay, here's my "treasure chest":

Re: A treasure chest

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 3:11 pm
by brunom
Same as before... I am curious to know if those who downloaded these "half-made-maps" had a go at them and what were your thoughts.

my version of the millefeuille is a major overhaul of the geography, keeping the same set of events, and - to my taste - it turned out really nice.

this map of central portugal (CP 90) also makes a nice couple of wars of play, even if not finished... any comments on these maps?