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electric/non-electric track. how?

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 4:15 pm
by Llewelyn
I'm working on a long-abandoned project to do a more detailed UK map and scenario - it currently has a large map (768x1024) and 127 cities. I'd kind of like the gold win to require at least 50% of the company track to be electric, but I don't really see how to achieve that, with the triggers I can find. Ideally, I'd have more than 50% of the engines, as well, but one step at a time.

I see triggers for "company electric track sections", but I don't think that does what I want. what I need is to compare "electric" and "non-electric", but I don't see how that could happen. I can put a trigger for "company electric track sections" is highest in class, but I don't know what that achieves.

anyone suggest a way to do this, if it's possible?

Re: electric/non-electric track. how?

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:36 pm
by OilCan
There is a glitch in the game and electric track is not correctly counted. I wrote this out on paper several months ago for my own recollection. I have left my RT3 notes at work or else I'd post exactly what the problem is. And it varies between the 1.05V and the 1.06V. I am away from my office until Monday. If you can wait, I will post it then.

Re: electric/non-electric track. how?

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:37 pm
by Blackhawk
I think I noticed you reading this thread shortly after you posted this question: viewtopic.php?f=66&t=2732#p26465

In 1.05 the # of track pieces being counted did not work.

In 1.06/TM it does.

As far as I know there is no way to check the engines to see if you are using electric or not.

If you wanted to test for something like 50% electric track you could do the following: (assuming all the events work correctly)

Create an event that checks the track and then do something like Company Variable 1 = # of company electric track pieces

Then do another event and have that have the effect of setting "Company Variable 2 = # of company non-electric track pieces"

Then in a 3rd event check to see if CV1 > CV2. Which if that's the case then there would be more electric track than non-electric track.

All this of course assumes that these triggers work properly in 1.06.