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GWR Hercules 0-6-0

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 8:16 pm
by low_grade
Well, just added this to my game to give Europe a kind of Baldwin 0-6-0 for grade freight hauling. It's a little beefier, but then again so are many European locos I've found.

Available 1842, top speed 42mph, does grades and pulls cars better than the Baldwin, though the DX goods will prove a better locomotive in 1855 when it becomes available. Same skins as the Baldwin. Anybody want to take a crack at reskinning or coaching me on the process? I found a dds converter so I can work with Gimp on the files as TGAs, don't really know what else I can do, though I suppose I should take a moment and read the other topics in this forum.

Re: GWR Hercules 0-6-0

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 10:19 pm
by WPandP
Search these forums, there's been plenty of instructional posts on the subject. Primarily, you gotta know your way around an image editor, and it sounds like you know GIMP so you should be good to go. Easiest thing to do is to just shift colors a bit, like make the thing lighter or darker (create a layer set to "multiply" or "screen" overlay modes and paint rectangles of solid color over the elements you want to tint or shade), or tweak the hues (make a red roof into green, for instance). To get a bit more complex, you can hunt the internet for decent-enough images, say of the fancy scrollwork on the side of a fancy decorated locomotive cab, and paste that in (after resizing and stretching to fit). Beyond that, you can play games with the alpha channel - and turn some things invisible, to effectively subtract them from the model.

Your final output will need to have a "clean" alpha channel, with crisp black and white to define the edges of transparency, no grey pixels in the alpha channel (except for things like windows that you intend to glow at night). There's a couple different ways to achieve this, depending on the image editor you use, but you need to check that alpha channel not just at the full-size "A" version of the skin, but at each reduction too. Otherwise, you'll end up with a model that has kind of a halo at night, glowing around all its edges.

That's a BRIEF summary; you should be able to find better info by searching here. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

Re: GWR Hercules 0-6-0

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 12:09 am
by low_grade
Thanks! You make it sound like I could actually do it. Not just this second, perhaps, but look for a reskinned version of this someday soon.

Gonna post my next engine over in another topic now.