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New Livery FP45 will not show in profiles

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:19 am
by dano51
Hello all,
Being a Railroad Tycoon III fan since the game came around I was very happy to see Trainmaster appear. Espically the user skinning tools which I have used to good effect with both the GP35 and GP7. After skinning I try to load the FP45 in a new livery it will not show up in the game, only the Santa Fe FP45 shows. I use the same procedure and naming convention as the GP35 and GP7. Any help would be appriecated.

Re: New Livery FP45 will not show in profiles

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 3:56 pm
by nedfumpkin
I can't be sure what's going the new file in the poptopextracontent folder or the userextractontent?

TM is more designed for custom paks than for extra skins. Ideally toy would just skin the locomotive keep the same name and then put it in userextra content as loose files, or put in a pk4 and put in the 3D folder. This is for doing a few sets of skins for a partcular railroad, as for like customs paks for specific scenarios.

Edit....eventually I would like to have customs pack for specific railroads that includes skins for all their locomotives and passenger carriages...I am slowling working on a CNR set.

Re: New Livery FP45 will not show in profiles

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:33 pm
by dano51
The new file is in userextracontent, I tried the EP-2 Bipolar and it also works. The skins that I am doing are for specfic railroads, I would be interested in putting them into a custom pac for a senerio that I am planning,

Re: New Livery FP45 will not show in profiles

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:36 pm
by nedfumpkin
If you haven't already, you should download the Rolling Stock Developer's kit. I has everything you need to make rolling stock for RT3 and TM. Once you get everything done, let me know and I can explain how to make a custom pack.

Re: New Livery FP45 will not show in profiles

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 11:29 am
by nedfumpkin
How are you making out on your FP45, and other skins? Anything I can help with?

Re: New Livery FP45 will not show in profiles

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:47 pm
by dano51
I have started to learn how to open and pack PK4s, and just tonight I have opened your Trainmaster_Locos_Diesels PK4, looking at the way you have the FP45s in there. It looks like the double is FP45DL & DT and the single is FP45R. Wondering if the game is not seeing my new file. I do alot of traveling in my work, so I just got the laptop set up in the motel rm. and will spend the next couple of nights looking at these. I have done a livery for the Juice Train, Atlantic Coast Line GP7 which is finished. will add a GP35 to go with it if anyone is interested. I do have more questions, but they can be asked later. Thanks

Re: New Livery FP45 will not show in profiles

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 12:41 am
by dano51
It took awhile, but I figured out how to unpack and repack files, I now have my FP45s both single and double versions. They run fine in Trainmaster, have not tested them in RRIII as yet. They are Milwaukee Roads numbers 2,3 and 5. Seems that the Milwaukee Road only had 5 of these and the Great Northern also had a couple, sadly, my portable hard drive quit, and I have lost my work on the GN livery. I would like to get permission to upload them for everyone to use after I have tested them in RRIII. (0!!0)

Re: New Livery FP45 will not show in profiles

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 8:52 am
by nedfumpkin
You can post them here in a message. Now is this an alternate skin or a custom pak?