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Ability to build structures

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 11:24 pm
by Blackhawk
I've come across another issue. Since I might want to disable taverns for my scenario I checked the box disabling hotels/restaurants/taverns. (which apparently also includes railroad offices and terrain levelers). I have also disabled the ability to build an industry. However, I still was going to allow the player to build the rail yard structures.

That's where the problem comes in. I clicked on the button to build non-station buildings and was told I could not access it. I made another test map and again I was not able to build the rail yard structures.
If I go into the editor enable building industry, and then disable it, then keep the non-station building list open as I exit the editor I can build a rail yard structure. However, if I click on a station and then try to go back to the non-station list of buildings, I am again told "That option is not available"

Re: Ability to build structures

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 3:59 pm
by nedfumpkin
Make sure you have the absolute latest language file. It should be dated April 4, 2007. Or, check your list because restaurents/taverns/hotels should be above rr structures. The reason I point this out is because that change was mad very late.

Disabling the taverns, etc, will disable the RR Office because it is the old post office, which is just a municipal building now, and so the game considers it as that.

The terrain levellers were supposed to be available all the time, but I guess they are in with the taverns etc.

Let me think on how to fix this. I'm open to suggestions....I could put the terrain levellers with the RR structures..but then on games where those are disabled, you won't get the levellers.

Re: Ability to build structures

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 4:44 pm
by Blackhawk
Maybe I have the wrong language file then? I checked my TM/data/language folder and the files (other than the credits file) say last modified on February 9, 2010. (not April 4, 2007)

And in game the Tavern/Hotel/Restaurant are not above the RR structures, rather they are all mixed together.

Edit: I'm surprised you haven't touched the credits.lng file. You could always change it from RT3 to TM - The RT3 Expert Edition and put in your name, Hawk for hosting the files etc., above the original RT3 credits.

Re: Ability to build structures

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 4:59 pm
by Blackhawk
I was thinking a little about where the levellers should go.

I saw the old thread about how preferably they should be left on, and that scenario writers should have the option to turn off rail yard structures. (Although I don't know if any have taken advantage of this)

Originally I was going to say, I'd put them in with the rail yard structures since as far as I know, few, if any TM scenarios have turned off the RR structures, and in a way the levellers seem like another RR structure that would help aid the RR in shipping its cargo.

However, as I was about to post I remembered there is a small and a large leveler. If the ideal goal of having them available all the time is not possible, maybe one leveler can be grouped in with the hotel/tavern/restaurant and the other size leveler can be grouped in with the RR structures. Then if a scenario writer disables RR structures (or hotels) there is still 1 leveler available. Although if the scenario writer disables both, or everything including industries, then there is still the problem of a lack of a leveler. But at least splitting the levelers up between 2 of the 3 categories (hotel/tavern, RR structure, industry) The odds are greater that at least one of the levelers would be available.