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Persian Electric

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 8:41 am
by Moggie
A weird thing about this scenario, connecting Istanbul (outside the map) to Orumiyeh is mentioned and a deadline of 2015 given. However, this matter is never touched upon again **!!!**

Re: Persian Electric

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 11:43 am
by Blackhawk
It's been months since I've played the map, but I believe that it was only mentioned once intentionally be Ned. If you fail to connect the city you'll end up losing, but Ned wanted to make it so the player had to remember this was a requirement on their own.

The reason this sounds familiar to me is because I apparently also mentioned something about it. ... =30#p21466 In point #5 I mentioned this, and in the follow post Ned says it was intentional.

Re: Persian Electric

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 11:54 am
by Moggie
I have always made the connection with time to spare but even after that, nothing. And Istanbul is outside the map so it's kinda weird...

Re: Persian Electric

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 2:53 pm
by Blackhawk
I think the idea is that the Persian rugs are desired in Istanbul, but your railroad only has to take them to Orumiyeh. From there another they will be taken to Istanbul by other traders on their own trains or trucks. As the map is already large, it likely would be difficult to add Istanbul on the map and shipping to a mid-way point allows you to create a goal, while being able to utilize places outside of your map. There are other RT3 maps I think which have you haul things to a port which represents it being sent elsewhere. Like something from Ireland or the U.K. being sent over to the U.S. or Canada.

If you don't connect to Orumiyeh in time, you lose the scenario. So even though you don't get reminders or any other messages after the original one saying to connect to Orumiyeh, there it is still important to connect to the city or else you will lose.

Re: Persian Electric

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 10:22 am
by nedfumpkin
I am trying to remember exactly what I read, and where, but the requirement to send rugs to Turkey is based on an actual trade fact that I read while writing events after the map was made. I decided then that I would make it a requirement so it is an afterthought, really.

But the part about mentioning it once is on purpose because I tried to put a few elements into this scenario that I am planning on using in future scenarios. I am going to be making a heavily scripted campaign scenario for the 1950s that deals with the Cold War and nukes and stuff, indeed, it's my plan for this scenario that got me working on TM. This scenario will have hints and clues throughout and will require the player to really pay attention. Ed does this in Warrington Wire too. So that's what that is all about.

I've just finished the Canadian Express cars so my next task is to put together everything to make 1.2 ...all those minor bug fixes. Then I am going to make the Deadwood Dakota scenario. This will introduce labour gangs and gold rushes, and population growth based on passenger travel to baron areas. This will get the first 5 campaigns finished, which all represent the 19th century. Then in the 20th, I am making a scenario for the creation of the CNR (1922) which will be a contest map where the winners map will be the basis of a VIA Rail map in 1974. So progress is being made, just slowly.

Re: Persian Electric

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 7:42 pm
by j484fan
okay, so far, I first bought the meat packing plant and connected to Tehran to Qom, then not long after was able to afford to connect to the next town after that one (forget the name followed the valley though). With a train running between Tehran and Qom and a 'local' running between those three towns, I was able to head back to Tehran and start building track gradually and connecting to Mashhad. The idea being I could quickly generate enough money to build that span bridge from Oruniyely bringing it back towards Tehran gradually. Seems from what I see as the route to Mashhad being the only one for a truly smooth highspeed design. As the rest of the cities no matter which way you go, causes you to run into hilly or mountainous territory. Though Chah Bahar does seem to have a good coast run for quite a ways, if you use that to run a long 'loop' around to Tehran. Will take some more scouting while I buy up some more industries and plot some small area runs that look profitable, till I am satisfied I have found the least apprehensive route to these other cities. I like these challenges, very nice map. !*th_up*! !!clap!!

And as a few others have mentioned, !$th_u$! Ned and to all the others that have contributed to TM.

Re: Persian Electric

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 7:48 pm
by Blackhawk
If you want to read about other people's strategies... although mixed in some with comments on improving the game, Persian Electric has a thread from its development here: ... 8&start=15

On page 3 I listed my strategy, which was a little different than Neds. So it's always nice when a map can be played in multiple ways and doesn't necessarily have to be done in one specific way.

Re: Persian Electric

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 9:30 pm
by nedfumpkin
There is a way through the mountains, you just have to look for the route. It can be difficult to find, but you can keep almost all your track at 2% or below.

Re: Persian Electric

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 12:50 am
by Moggie
About making money, the idea I use is to connect BeBusher to BeKhomeini. There's oil in Busher and a refinery in Khomeini, so it pays pretty well.