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New rrt 1.06 map: Cane Island

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 9:20 am
by arop
!!howdy!! This is my latest map, a fantasy map called Cane Island. On this island industry is almost non-existent, - you have to build it! You cannot buy up farms and mines. 5 types of additional ports (jetties) recieving ingots, coffee, sugar, rubber or dye, but giving nothing in return, are buyable. In this scenario I have tried to build a small tropical island with colonial economy, and in the role as the Govenor, your task is to develope the colony. Game start 1875-1880-1890. -Game ends at the beginning of 1950. Any comments, advice or suggestions are, as always, welcome. PS: "Historical" events with or without impacts will possibly be added in the final version (mayby someone would like to write them? it could be native riots, earthquakes, locust attacks etc.?) :salute:

Edit by Hawk: Beta version zip deleted.

Re: New rrt 1.06 map: Cane Island

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 11:12 am
by Sugus
Played it (as usual) on normal - no problems detected.

1898 all cities connected
1912 Bronze conditions fulfilled
1918 Silver conditions fulfilled
1925 Gold reached

Maybe some boni would increase the fun ... but well done, arop! !*th_up*!

Re: New rrt 1.06 map: Cane Island

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 1:03 am
by RayofSunshine
Well Arop,
I wasn't in any hurry to connect all the cities. Too busy running spurs to farms, and buying some industries. But I did manage to get the Gold in Expert, after completing cities by 1920, LIP by 1924, and hauls by Jun 1926.

I really surprised myself obtaining the goals in such a duration of time. BUT I really pushed it. Did a lot of double tracks to keep the trains moving, and had multiple depots at Gathoma, Thorban, and Harman. And that may have helped the hauls, as I ran trains between the multiple depots of each city. Short distances and usually full consists.

In the beginning, I thought that the purchased "specialty" depots, could generate revenue. I don't think that necessary. I did commit a "bobo". Seeing that those ports were operating in the "red", I sold them. That may be a mistake, as it reduces the LIP. Just depends on when they are sold, as to the difference betwee their "non profit" against that of the penalty for selling them over a period of years. Live and learn.

I like the concept of the challenges.

One thing I did notice. The specialty ports of rubber, coffee, and ingots, have no other revenue source. However, the commodity of "sugar" can reap a revenue harvest by being shipped to a "distillery" instead, and "dye" can be sent to both "lumber mills" and "textile mills".

I was really surprised in this scenario that I managed to get an adequate amount of profit from "furnaces". :salute:

Re: New rrt 1.06 map: Cane Island

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 4:50 am
by arop
!$th_u$! for your comments. I plan to release the final version within approx 2 weeks :salute:

Re: New rrt 1.06 map: Cane Island

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 11:19 am
by arop
!!howdy!! The version 1.0 has now been submitted to Hawk's map archive :salute:

Re: New rrt 1.06 map: Cane Island

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 11:20 am
by Hawk
arop wrote:!!howdy!! The version 1.0 has now been submitted to Hawk's map archive :salute:
and is now available. :salute: ... -lands.htm

Re: New rrt 1.06 map: Cane Island

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 10:42 pm
by RayofSunshine
Wow! I am really slow on this one. Nearly 1 year after it being posted in the Archives.
Any way, I was not as awarded the Gold in whatever level I played, but did find an error. Nothing drastic, but the introduction as well as the year end ledger showed the cities to connect as 49. However, when I did connect the 49th cities, a notice appeared stated that "seeing that I had connected the "47" cities, that I was now able to get the medals. Otherwise, the program ran without any other problems. But, I did have to search for that 49th.
:salute: {,0,}