Railroad Tycoon 3 Maps of Europe

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Greece 1857

by Bruno (brunom) Morais
1857-1915Greece 1857

Greece: from the first railway between Athens and Piraeus, to the end of World War I.

That's 60 years of historical playtime, covering territorial expansion, technological advances and economic hardships.

In 1821, the Greeks rose up against the Ottoman Empire. Following a protracted struggle, the autonomy of Greece was first recognized by the Great Powers in 1828. By 1833 a Bavarian Prince arrived to be crowned king and by 1857 (as we start) King Otto still rules, despite a troubled reign.

The first railway in Greece was built in 1857, between Athens and the port of Piraeus. Once you start your company, this will be your first compulsory goal. As the game proceeds other like goals will be presented to you. These goals need to be fulfilled for victory points. This scenario will run all the way to the arrival of World War I in Greece, in 1915.

At the end of this scenario, you should have 10 victory points if you want a GOLD medal, 7 victory points for a SILVER medal or 4 victory points for a BRONZE medal.

You should be aware that the victory points will be awarded depending on targets that are varied. You will have haulage targets, company profit/revenue targets, personal wealth targets and city/territory connections demands. Use a varied and careful strategy to reach success.

Over the length of the scenario, there will be 12 opportunities for VP's - only - so don't waste them!


This is a stand alone scenario for Rail Road Tycoon 3, 1.05.

It requires Coast to Coast expansion, but none of the user-created later developments in the game.

Scenario is supplied "as is" and everyone has the full right to play, change, improve, share or delete it as they please. If you make any money from my creation, good for you, shame on your parents who did a poor job at bringing you up.

Greece in 1857 was a much smaller country, in comparison with 21st century borders. Because of this, you will notice that a large part of the map is left unused in this scenario. Future plans include making other scenarios based in this map, and that is the reason why it fits better with modern Greece than with turn-of-the-century-Greece.

Hope you enjoy it.

Any comments welcome on 

Requires the 1.05 Patch Download

Haller Willem

by Martin (MaddogLB) Korelski
1870-1887Haller Willem

Take on the task of Wilhelm Stuckmeyer, and build the Haller Willem.

The Haller Willem is a historical, local railway, whose presence regenerated the region.

However, construction was very hilly and financially tight. You have until the end of 1886 for the following tasks:

	Connect Halle to Bielefeld and Osnabrück

	Have a company book value of $5,000,000

	But for Gold the company must be worth $10,000,000

- no stock market
- no loans, as no-one would lend money to this company 
- this is a railway company, so industry cannot be bought or built.

1870-1887Haller Willem

Übernehmen Sie die Aufgabe des Wilhelm Stuckmeyer und bauen Sie den Haller Willem auf.

Der Haller Willem ist eine historische, lokale Bahn, die Dank ihrer Anwesenheit die Region belebt hat.

Der Aufbau war aber sehr steinig und von finanzieller Not geprägt. Ihre Aufgaben sind wie folgt bis Ende 1886:

	Verbinden Sie Halle mit Bielefeld und Osnabrück

	Verschaffen Sie der Gesellschaft einen Buchwert von $ 5.000.000

	Für Gold muss die Gesellschaft allerdings schon $10.000.000 wert sein...

- keinerlei Aktienmarkt da nicht notwendig
- keinerlei Anleihen, da sowieso keiner dieser Gesellschaft Geld leihen würde
- Dies ist eine Eisenbahngesellschaft. Industrien dürfen deswegen nicht gekauft oder gar neu gebaut werden

Requires the 1.06 Patch

Haller Willem (v 1.2)
Scenario for RT3 (Patch 1.06 and Coast to Coast)

Author: MaddogLB
Published: 09.01.2010

This scenario is about the emergence of the regional line ' Haller Willem'. The railroad line with the name Haller Willem was opened in 1886.

The building was not simple, because the route lay by the central mountain landscape of the Teutoburger Forest and for financial reasons should be made without tunnels. Therefore the Haller Willem has some strong upward gradients and many tight curves.

The Haller Willem quickly became an important support for the regional economy. Mineral resources from the Teutoburger forest were transported on it and in addition, it brought workers and pupils into the cities. It provided a railway link to some tourist destinations.


Have fun! MaddogLB

Haller Willem (v 1.2)
Szenario für RT3 (Patch 1.06 und Coast to Coast - AddOn erforderlich!)
Autor: MaddogLB
Veröffentlicht: 09.01.2010

Szenario das die Entstehung der Regionalstrecke 'Haller Willem' zum Thema hat.

Die Eisenbahnstrecke mit dem Namen Haller Willem wurde 1886 eröffnet. Der Bau war nicht einfach, weil die Strecke durch die Mittelgebirgslandschaft des Teutoburger Waldes führte und aus finanziellen Gründen auf Tunnel verzichtet werden sollte. Deshalb verfügt der Haller Willem auch über einige starke Steigungen und viele enge Kurven.

Schnell wurde der Haller Willem zu einer wichtigen Stütze der Wirtschaft in der Region. Auf ihr wurden Bodenschätze aus dem Teutoburger Wald transportiert, aber auch Arbeiter und Schüler in die Städte gebracht. Sie sorgte für die eisenbahntechnische Anbindung einiger touristischer Ziele.


Viel Spass wünscht

English version by Ruth (Grandma Ruth) Billheimer
English version German version

Hauling Freight in Vista

Frachttransporte mit Vista

by Richard (Orange46) Lake
1849-1874Hauling Freight in Vista

Build up Britain by hauling freight in your favorite era.

(Tested in version 1.04 beta patch using Vista)

You have 25 years to build InterCity Freight's book value to $10 million for Bronze.

Achieve $10 million in personal wealth and $20 million in book value for Silver.

For Gold, you need $30 million in book value and $15 million in net worth.

1849-1874Frachttransporte mit Vista

Baue Grossbritannien in der vor Dir bevorzugten Epoche mittels Frachttransporten auf.

(Getestet mit vista und Patch 1.04 beta)

Du hast 25 Jahre Zeit für:

Firmenbuchwert 10 Millionen $
Firmenbuchwert 20 Millionen $
Privatvermögen (PNW) 10 Millionen $

Firmenbuchwert 30 Millionen $
Privatvermögen (PNW) 15 Millionen $


Gründung mehrerer Gesellschaften deaktiviert

(Original: Orange46 / Übersetzung: Sugus)

Check out this thread in the forums German version by Toni (Sugus) Wettenschwiler English version German version

High Rhine


by (Kardamom)
1845-1870High Rhine

Open the triborder region between Baden, France and Switzerland.

The Wiesental and the High Rhine were once a center of the textile industry. Create a good infrastructure by meaningful track construction.

You have 25 years time for:

	Haul 20 loads of clothing
	Be the only company

	Haul 50 loads of clothing
	Be the only company

	Haul 75 loads of clothing
	Be the only company

Special conditions:
	Buying existing industries deactivated
	Building industries deactivated
	AI ignores territories at startup

Simply translated by Sugus


Erschließen Sie das Dreiländereck zwischen Baden, Frankreich und der Schweiz.

Das Wiesental und der Hochrhein waren einst eine Hochburg der Textilindustrie. Schaffen Sie eine gute Infrastruktur durch sinnvollen Gleisbau. Sie haben 25 Jahre Zeit.

	Transportieren Sie 20 Ladungen Kleidung und seien Sie die einzige Gesellschaft.

	Transportieren Sie 50 Ladungen Kleidung und seien Sie die die einzige Gesellschaft.

	Transportieren Sie 75 Ladungen Kleidung und seien Sie die einzige Gesellschaft.

	Sie können keine Industrie kaufen.

English version by Toni (Sugus) Wettenschwiler English version German version



by Erik (besterik) Haraldsson

*** ICELAND ***
*** The Modern Saga ***

In the real world Iceland doesn't have a railroad. In RT3 it's up to you to build and run a profitable railroad.

BRONZE - Connect Reykjavik to Djupivogur (at the eastern side of Iceland).

SILVER - Also haul a total of over 15,000 loads of cargo.

GOLD - In addition to the Silver, also have a Personal Net Worth of over $25,000,000.

All this should be done in 30 years or less.


Iceland is one of few countries that to this day doesn't have a railroad. Now you have a chance to rewrite history and give them the railroad that they deserve.

*** TIPS ***

Stay out of the glaciers (the big white blocks whose names ends with jokull) because they are unstable, and may destroy your trains and tracks.

*** CREDITS ***

Original .tga-file done by RSH.
The rest is my own work.

*** Additional notes ***

Version: 1.0 (Most likely final version).

Tested: To see if it was tweaked ok, and the victory conditions were reasonable. Not many events.
"Bugs": The fjords look stupid.
Difficulty: Normal/Hard.
Issues: No
Author: Erik ***
E-mail: best_erik@hotmail.com


*** ISLAND ***
*** Die moderne Saga ***

In Wirklichkeit gab und gibt es auf Island keine Eisenbahn. In RT3 ist es an dir, eine solche zu bauen und profitabel zu betreiben.

Island ist eins von mehreren Ländern, in denen es nie eine Eisenbahn gab. Nun wird dir die Chance gegeben, die Geschichte neu zu schreiben und den Bürgern dort die Eisenbahn zu geben, die sie verdient haben.

+ + + BRONZE + + +
Verbinde Reykjavik und Djupivogur (liegt auf der Ostseite von Island)

+ + + SILBER + + +
Befördere außerdem insgesamt 15.000 Wagenladungen

+ + + GOLD + + +
Wie Silber & erwirtschafte ein persönliches Nettovermögen von 25 Mio. $
(Du hast max. 30 Jahre Zeit dafür)

# # # Tipps # # #
Halte dich von den Gletschern fern (diese großen weißen Klötzer, deren Name auf "jokull" endet) weil es dort gefährlich ist. Es kann geschehen, dass Lawinen deine Gleise und Züge zerstören.

# # # Dankeschön # # #
an RSH für die Erzeugung der TGA-Map 

German version by Bernard (Molse) Seehaus Check out this thread in the forums English version German version



by Andy (andybis)

Iceland, land of ices and volcanoes.

This can be a little hard for you... or not?

You have until 2020 to:

	Connect Reykjavik to Akureyri

	Bronze + $4 million of industry profits

	Connect all cities, $8 million dollars of industry profits, and you must be debt free

Special conditions:
- No unconnected tracks
- You can't build new industries, but you can purchase the existing ones
- No train crashes


Island, Land der Vulkane und des Eises.

Dies könnte ein wenig schwer für Dich werden ... oder nicht?

Du hast Zeit bis 2020 für:

	Verbinde Reykjavik mit Akureyri
	Industriegewinne insgesamt 4 Millionen $

	Verbinde alle Städte
	Industriegewinne insgesamt 8 Millionen $
	Sei schuldenfrei

	Bau unverbundener Stecken deaktiviert
	Bau von Industriegebäuden deaktiviert
	Zugunglücke deaktiviert

(Original: andybis. Übersetzung: Sugus)

Requires the 1.06 Patch German version by Toni (Sugus) Wettenschwiler English version German version


by Steve (Mobius) Lorenz

Ireland is reeling from the horrific potato famine. In these dark times, you see oportunity.

Utilize Ireland's other resources, to jump start the staggering economy and become a national hero!

You've watched the plight of the Irish people for some time, and now you see your opportunity to help. The key to success will be to use the other resources Ireland has to offer.

The wool industry is growing nicely there, and the grain crops have stayed steady. In order to give Ireland's weak economy the boost it needs to get back on its feet, you will need to accomplish the following goals by the end of the year 1890.

BRONZE - Haul at least 50 loads of clothing.

SILVER - Haul at least 75 loads of clothing, at least 50 loads of alcohol, and have Industry Profits of at least $5 million.

GOLD - Haul at least 100 loads of clothing, at least 100 loads of alcohol, and have Industry Profits of at least $15 million.

- You cannot start more than one company.
- You cannot resign as chairman.
- You cannot declare bankruptcy.
- You cannot build new industry.

Requires the Coast to Coast Expansion
Updated Pop Top Map, with better gameplay.

Irish Free State

Freistaat Irland

by Grant (BigMac) Macdonald
1922-1952Irish Free State

What if Michael Collins had succeeded, and the free state included the North?

The negotiations with Churchill have been a success and the entire island of Ireland has become a Free State. What's needed now is for the industrial North to be connected to the agricultural South.

Connect Dublin to Belfast within 30 years for Bronze.

For Silver you also need to connect Dublin to Galway.

For Gold you need to fulfill Bronze, Silver, and connect Belfast to Cork.

A word of warning, there are some people who aren't too happy with the formation of the Free State...

Special Conditions:
You can only build track that connects to your existing track.

1922-1952Freistaat Irland

Was wäre, wenn Michael Collins erfolgreich gewesen wäre und der 1922 gegründete freie Staat Irland auch das heutige Nordirland beinhalten würde ?

Die Verhandlungen mit Churchill waren erfolgreich und die ganze Insel Irland wird 1922 zum Freistaat erklärt. Deine Aufgabe ist die Verbindung des industriellen Norden mit dem landwirtschaftlichen Süden des Landes.

Verbinde Dublin mit Belfast innerhalb von 30 Jahren für Bronze.

Für Silber musst du außerdem Dublin mit Galway verbinden und 100 Millionen $ Industriegewinn erzielen.

Für Gold solltest du zusätzlich Belfast mit Cork verbinden und 300 Millionen $ Industriegewinn erwirtschaften.

Eine kleine Warnung: Einige Leute sind nicht all zu glücklich über den neuen Freistaat Irland ...

Alle Gleise müssen mit deinem Eisenbahnnetz verbunden sein.

Viel Glück !

German version by (Beeblebrox)
English version German version

Italia e Mediterraneo

1890-1920Italia e Mediterraneo

Devi collegare alcune grandi citta' del Mediterraneo con il nord Europa e l'ex Europa dell'est.

Hai 50 anni per collegare alcune grandi città dell'eruopa.

	Devi collegare Roma con Milano e Milano con Palermo
	entro 50 anni

	Oltre alle città per vincere il bronzo devi collegare anche:
	Palermo con Tunisi
	entro 35 anni

	Oltre ad aver collegato le città previste con il bronzo e l'argento devi aggiungere:
	Roma con Zagabria
	entro 35 anni

No description... Download

Italian Toymakers

by Ray (OilCan) Albright
1946-1971Italian Toymakers

Help revive the toy making industry of Italy, and fulfill your dream of becoming a railroad tycoon at the same time.

The story thus far...

You come from a Sicilian family with a long history of cattle ranching, but you have always dreamed of running a railroad. After your Papa suddenly died last year, you invested every lira of the family fortune into a small railroad, much to the disapproval of your Grandma Giulia.

"You roast your fish in the flames of a burning house", she tells you, meaning in her Sicilian way that you have used your father's unfortunate death to your advantage. This is not true, of course, but by investing everything in the railroad your macaroni has been made. Will it feed you or will you starve?

Your little railroad has drawn the attention of another set of eyes - of the Italian State Railways. They are about to make you an offer you cannot refuse.

	Haul 100 loads of toys to ports in both Venice and Rome. Become the only railroad company in Italy and Sicily.

	Haul 100 loads of toys to ports in both Venice and Rome.

	Haul 100 loads of toys to Venice.

** If you get penalized more than 5 times for failing to make an annual haul requirement, then you immediately lose the game. **

You have 25 years.

Special conditions are: limited track, no buying on the margin, no bonds, no building of industry, no chairmanship shuffling, no multiple companies, no new companies, no train crashes.

Requires the 1.06 Patch
Check out this thread in the forums


by Jurijs (juriko) Kornijenko

The proclamation of Republic of Latvia was held on 18 November 1918.

After war of independence ended in 1920, Latvia's railways were in dire need of reconstruction.

The Latvian War of Independence started straight after World War I and as a result a Republic of Latvia were proclamed 18 november 1918. In year 1920 a peace treaty was signed with Russia. By then, Latvia's railways were in dire need of reconstruction. Your job is to rebuild them. Remember: all roads lead to Riga - the central city of the Baltic region.

You have 20 years to complete your goals.
Bronze haulage is required for Silver.
All haulage is required for Gold.

Bronze: Haul 10 loads of Automobiles to Daugavpils.

Silver: Haul 20 loads of Cheese and Paper to Ventspils, and 20 loads of Clothing and Fertilizer to Liepaja.

Gold: Haul 20 loads of Automobiles to Pskov, and have company book value of $60 million.

Expert Gold: Haul 200 loads of Lumber and 200 loads of Meat to Riga, and have company book value of $80 million.

Lai tev veicas!

Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Republic of Latvia proclamation on November 18, 1918.

When the Republic of Latvia was proclaimed on November 18, 1918, it was more of a hope than a reality. The Lettish people have occupied the country since the earliest times. After war of independence ended in 1920, Latvia's railways were in dire need of reconstruction.

Scenario contains many events - important and interesting things from historical and cultural point of view. 

Special thanks to Gumboots and RulerofRails - without their advice and help this map could not be so nice and interesting.

Map is tested with RRT 3 (v1.05).

More interesting things about Latvian railroads are available here - http://mikes.railhistory.railfan.net/r096.html

Requires the 1.05 Patch
Check out this thread in the forums

Latvian Republic 1920

by (Gumboots)
1920-1939Latvian Republic 1920

The proclamation of the Republic of Latvia was held on the 18th of November, 1918.

After the war of independence ended in 1920, Latvia's railways were in dire need of reconstruction.

The Latvian War of Independence started straight after World War I. Latvia won, and the independent Republic of Latvia was proclaimed on the 18th of November, 1918. In 1920 a peace treaty was signed with Russia.

Latvia's railway system was largely destroyed by the war. Your job is to rebuild it, better than ever.
Remember: all roads lead to Riga, the central city of the Baltic region.

	30 loads of Lumber + 30 of Meat to Riga.
	10 loads of Automobiles to Daugavpils.
	Company book value: $15 million.

	60 loads of Lumber + 60 of Meat to Riga.
	20 loads of Paper + 40 of Clothing to Ventspils.
	Company book value: $30 million.

	120 loads of Lumber + 120 of Meat to Riga.
	20 loads of Cheese + 20 of Fertilizer to Liepaja.
	240 loads of passengers to Estonia.
	Company book value: $60 million.

Expert Gold:
	240 loads of Lumber + 240 of Meat to Riga.
	20 loads of Diesel to Klaipeda.
	480 loads of passengers to Estonia.
	Company book value: $120 million.

You have 20 years to complete the goals.
Bronze haulage is required for Silver.
All haulage is required for Gold.
Lai tev veicas!

Before 1925 there are bonuses for yearly revenue to Riga, Ventspils and Liepaja.

$100k revenue to Ventspils earns +$50k.
$100k revenue to Liepaja earns +$50k, and +1 credit rating +1 for 6 months.
$200k revenue to Riga earns your company +$100k, and +1 credit rating for 6 months.

1/ Starting a company:
	This scenario has player cash bonuses tied to some historical events.
	If you find the scenario too hard, you can wait for one or more of these bonuses before starting your company.
	The player cash bonuses are:
	a) $30k at the end of January 1920 (Ceasefire).
	b) $60k at the beginning of August 1920 (Peace treaty).
	c) $120k at the end of January 1921 (International recognition).
	d) $240k at the beginning of February 1922 (Latvian constitution).

2/ Connecting to Kolka:
	In real life there was no rail connection around the coast between Riga and Kolka, but there was a narrow gauge line running from Ventspils to Mikeltornis. This has been simulated by a blocking territory that has extremely high track cost. Building track directly from Riga to Kolka will not be affordable, but track around the coast from Ventspils will be at the normal price.

3/ Connecting to Linakula:
	Careful track placement will allow building a standard timber, steel or stone bridge from the mainland to Linakula (on the small island southwest of Parnu). This connection can be very lucrative, but the track cost is much higher than normal. With standard track cost the connection to Linakula is cheap, so becomes an obvious exploit early in the game. Raising the connection cost to a very high level makes it harder to do in the early years, and more of a strategic decision in later years.

4/ Connecting to Russia:
	It is not necessary to buy into Russia to win this scenario, but for a Gold on Expert level you will need access to Russian oil. This can be captured by a large station at the border if you can wait for the oil to move by itself, but it may be a very slow process. If you do buy into Russia you will get quick access to oil and other cargoes, but you will be told to deliver 10 loads of Alcohol to Strugi Krasnye every year.
	Successfully delivering the Alcohol will get you a bonus of $100k company cash for that year. If you fail to make a delivery you will be fined, and the fines double with every failure: $200k, $400k, $800k, $1.6m and $3.2m.
	If you fail 5 times you will lose access to Russia.

Updated on November 1st, 2020. Check out this thread in the forums
See this post for suggestions on locomotives and consists.

LX Suburban

by Bruno (brunom) Morais & Ray (Ray of Sunshine) Hapy
1948-?LX Suburban

Lisbon Suburban - 1948

It is 1948 and Europe attempts to put the devastation of the World War behind.

Despite remaining neutral in the conflict, Portugal, a backward small player, managed to be included in the Marshal Plan. Part of the Marshal Plan, of course, will go to upgrading or rebuilding infrastructure. The same will happen here. Existing railways are out-dated and the government has decided to scrape them altogether.

In this scenario, as in history, Prime-Minister Salazar is the head of a fascist government that outlived the war. They still rule with an iron hand. The national railways company has been de-centralized into regional companies and you have just been invited to take the chair of Director to Lisbon's Regional Trains System.

Your company is overseen by the Ministry of Development and Transports and besides managing the everyday business, you will also be asked, if needed, to undertake projects of national interest.

For now, your first meeting with the Secretary of Transports was a little vague. His goals, for the "next couple of years" are as follows:

	Build a regional system from scratch, connecting Lisbon to towns such as Sintra, Cascais or Loures.
	Maintain a quality Suburban Express Service.
	Keep the Prime-Minister happy.

Check out this thread in the forums Download

Magna Grecias

1870-1875Magna Grecias

Prove that you are a real Tycoon, by interconnecting 20 cities within few years.

	Connect 20 cities within 10 years

	Connect 20 Städte within 7 years

	Connect 20 cities within 5 years

(Original: Alvinbig / "Translation": Sugus)

1870-1875Magna Grecias

Beweise, dass Du ein wirklicher Tycoon bist, indem Du innerhalb von wenigen Jahren 20 Städte miteinander verbindest.

	Verbinde 20 Städte in 10 Jahren

	Verbinde 20 Städte in 7 Jahren

	Verbinde 20 Städte in 5 Jahren

(Original: Alvinbig / "Übersetzung": Sugus)

1870-1875Magna Grecias

Devi diventare un vero tycoon collegando 20 città in meno di 20 anni.

	20 citta' in 20 anni

	20 citta' in 25 anni

	20 citta' in 30 anni

English version by Toni (Sugus) Wettenschwiler German version by Toni (Sugus) Wettenschwiler English version German version Italian version


Isle of Man

by (Taleisin )

The Isle of Man - It has its own language, parliament and legal system, but its only 30 miles long.

Can you give it its own railway?

The Isle of Man lies in the Irish Sea halfway between England and Ireland. It has its own Celtic language - Manx - and an independent democratic parliament and legal system. The population in 1950 was 50,000. The island is a tax haven. Manx cats have no tails.

Turning back the clock a bit: you are the entrepreneur trying to build a railway on the island, starting in 1870. There is no question of a full-sized system, so all your railways will be narrow gauge. You will stuck with a cranky selection of lightweight locomotive types.

There is farm produce and a little iron. And that's it.

	Company cash ten million at the end of 1910

	Company cash eight million at the end of 1910

	Company cash six million at the end of 1910

1870-1910Isle of Man

Die Insel - nur 30 km lang - zeichnet sich durch eine eigene Sprache, ein eigenes Parlament und eine eigene Gesetzgebung aus.

Kannst Du ihr auch zu einer eigenen Eisenbahn verhelfen?

Die Isle of Man liegt in der Irischen See halbwegs zwischen England und Irland. Sie besitzt ihre eigene keltische Sprache - Manx - sowie ein unabhängiges, demokratisches Parlament und eine eigene Gesetzgebung. 1950 betrug die Einwohnerzahl 50000. Die Insel ist ein Steuerparadies.

Dreh' die Uhr bis 1870 zurück und Du bist der Unternehmer, welcher ernsthaft versucht, der Insel auch zu ihrer eigenen Eisenbahn zu verhelfen. Dabei kommt jedoch nur Schmalspur in Frage und zudem hält sich das Angebot in Sachen Lokomotivtypen in sehr engen Grenzen.

Es gibt Landwirtschaft und etwas Eisen. Und das war's dann aber auch schon.

	Firmenbargeld von 10 Mio. $ Ende 1910

	Firmenbargeld von 8 Mio. $ Ende 1910

	Firmenbargeld von 6 Mio. $ Ende 1910

(Original von Taleisin)
(Übersetzung durch Sugus)

Check out this thread in the forums
German version by Toni (Sugus) Wettenschwiler
English version German version

Mecklenburg & Pommerania

Mecklenburg-Strelitz & Pommern

by Lars (Lama) Maischak
1900-1925Mecklenburg & Pommerania

Welcome to Mecklenburg and Pommerania! Recreate the vast narrow-gauge rail network that brought the twentieth century to this corner of rural Northern Germany.

Until 1945, Mecklenburg and Pommerania was a Mecca of narrow-gauge railroading.

The arch-conservative local elite, estate-owning noblemen, promoted lines with 600mm (2ft) gauge. By World War I, an impressive network had emerged.

Build the largest of these lines, the 'Mecklenburg-Pommersche Schmalspurbahn' (M.-P. Narrow-Gauge RR), which once operated on more than 250km (150mls) of track.

To get a medal, you have to create a network from the town of Friedland, and haul primarily passengers.

BRONZE: Haul 300 passengers, 75 of which must have originated in Friedland; and gain 100 points.

SILVER: Haul 400 passengers (100 from Friedland), and gain 120 points.

GOLD: Haul 500 passengers (150 from Friedland), and gain 140 points.

You have 25 years.
You can only get a medal, if Friedland is connected with the following towns:
Anklam, Jarmen, Groß Daberkow, Ferdinandshof, Ludwigshagen and Lassan.

You receive points for creating a connection between Friedland and each of the six towns listed above. The sooner you connect, the more points you receive.
You can gain additional points for having a high revenue on trains FROM these six towns. For every $200,000 of revenue in any of the towns, you receive one point (up to 10 points per town).

-- You may not buy or build industry.
-- Your company may not issue or buy back stock. Mergers and takeovers are allowed.
-- Every player may only start one company. You can only lose your chairmanship in a hostile takeover.
-- Narrow-gauge engines are slower, but cheaper to maintain.
-- Sugar plantations represent sugar-beets.
-- Break-downs and crashes have been disabled.

1900-1925Mecklenburg-Strelitz & Pommern

Bauen Sie die legendäre Mecklenburg-Pommersche Schmalspurbahn, und bringen Sie den ländlichen deutschen Norden ins 20. Jahrhundert.

Mecklenburg und Pommern waren bis 1945 das Mekka der Schmalspurbahnen.

Gutsbesitzer förderten den Bau von Gesellschaften mit 600mm Spurweite. Bis zum ersten Weltkrieg war so ein beachtliches Netz entstanden. Bauen Sie die größte dieser Bahnlinien, die Mecklenburg-Pommersche Schmalspurbahn, die mehr als 250km Strecke betrieb.

Um eine Medaille zu erhalten, müssen Sie von Friedland aus stetig ein weites Bahnnetz aufbauen, und darauf vor allem Fahrgäste befördern.

BRONZE: Befördern Sie 300 Fahrgäste, davon 75 von Friedland, und erhalten Sie 100 Punkte.

SILBER: Befördern Sie 400 Fahrgäste (100 von Friedland) und erhalten Sie 120 Punkte.

GOLD: Befördern Sie 500 Fahrgäste (150 von Friedland) und erhalten Sie 140 Punkte.

Sie haben 25 Jahre Zeit.
Sie können nur dann eine Medaille erhalten, wenn Sie Friedland mit den folgenden sechs Orten verbunden haben: Anklam, Jarmen, Groß Daberkow, Ferdinandshof, Ludwigshagen und Lassan.

	Sie erhalten Punkte für die Herstellung einer Verbindung von Friedland zu jedem der sechs Orte, die Sie verbinden müssen. Je eher Sie eine Verbindung herstellen, desto mehr Puntke erhalten Sie.

	Sie können weitere Punkte erhalten, indem Sie hohe Einkünfte auf Zügen VON diesen sechs Orten erzielen. Für jede 200.000$ Einkünfte erhalten Sie einen Punkt (bis zu 10 Punkte pro Ort).

-- Sie dürfen keine Industriebetriebe bauen oder kaufen.
-- Ihre Gesellschaft darf keine Aktien ausgeben oder zurückkaufen. Übernahmen und Fusionen sind jedoch erlaubt.
-- Jeder Spieler darf nur eine Gesellschaft gründen. Sie können Ihren Vorsitz nur durch eine feindliche Übernahme verlieren.
-- Schmalspurloks sind langsamer, aber im Betrieb billiger.
-- Zuckerplantagen stehen für den Zuckerrübenanbau ein.
-- Zugunglücke und Pannen sind abgeschaltet.

Check out this thread in the forums English version German version

Moor Express

by Lars (Lama) Maischak
1908-1933Moor Express

Build the 'Moor Express' between Bremervörde and Osterholz Scharmbeck, and operate a profitable small railway company under adverse circumstances.

The 'Teufelsmoor' ('devil moor) finally should get the long awaited railway connection, in order to bring lots of peat to Bremen, and tourists to the artist village Worpswede.

You have 25 years to:

	Accumulate 24 Points

	Accumulate 30 Points

	Accumulate 36 Points

---- CONNECTIONS -----
You have SIX years time in order to collect points for the railway construction, and will get one point for each of the following connections:
- from Osterholz-Scharmbeck (OHZ) to Worpswede, Hüttenbusch, Ostersode and Karlshöfen.
- from Bremervörde (BVD) to Basdahl, Oerel and OHZ.
- from Gnarrenburg to BVD or OHZ.

---- OPERATING ----
In each year you make profit and are free from debt (no pending loans, no red numbers) you receive one point. 
In each year you earn more than $50,000 for supplies from OR to Bremen, you receive a further point.
Only the actual incomes count, not the fee which you pay to the National Railroad for the use of their tracks.
And, you may not build tracks or stations at the DR-route and in Bremen.

---- Special Conditions ----
	Stock Buying and Selling disabled
	Margin Buying/Short Selling Stock disabled
	Limited Track Building Amount
	Resigning as Chairman disabled
	Takeover Chairmanship disabled
	Starting Any Companies disabled
	Merging Companies disabled
	AI Ignore Territories At Startup

Due to the tough terrain the building of tracks is limited. You receive annually only 20 sections.
In addition you may build 70 further sections for each place at the moor express which you connect with BVD or OHZ.
Unused sections are not lost at the end of the year!

Peat is represented by coal.

1908-1933Moor Express

Bauen Sie den 'Moorexpreß' zwischen Bremervörde und Osterholz-Scharmbeck, und betreiben Sie eine rentable Kleinbahn unter widrigen Umständen.

Das Teufelsmoor soll nun endlich den lange erwarteten Bahnanschluß bekommen, um Torf nach Bremen und Touristen ins Künstlerdorf Worpswede zu bringen.

Sie haben 25 Jahre Zeit.

Sie erhalten Punkte für den Bau und Betrieb der Kleinbahnstrecke.

Sie brauchen für:
BRONZE - 24 Punkte
SILBER - 30 Punkte
GOLD - 36 Punkte

Sie haben SECHS Jahre Zeit, um Punkte für den Bahnbau zu sammeln. Sie bekommen für jede der folgenden Verbindungen je einen Punkt:
Von Osterholz-Scharmbeck (OHZ) nach Worpswede, Hüttenbusch, Ostersode und Karlshöfen.
Von Bremervörde (BVD) nach Basdahl, Oerel und OHZ.
Von Gnarrenburg nach BVD oder OHZ.

Sie können nur dann eine Medaille bekommen, wenn Sie alle hier genannten Orte angeschlossen haben.

In jedem Jahr, in dem Sie Profit machen und schuldenfrei sind (keine ausstehenden Anleihen, keine roten Zahlen) erhalten Sie einen Punkt.
In jedem Jahr, in dem Sie für Lieferungen von ODER nach Bremen Hbf. mehr als $50.000 eingenommen haben, erhalten Sie einen weiteren Punkt. Es zählen nur die tatsächlichen Einnahmen, nicht die Gebühr, die Sie der Reichsbahn für die Nutzung ihrer Gleise bezahlen. Sie dürfen an der DR-Trasse und in Bremen keine Gleise oder Bahnhöfe bauen.

- Sie dürfen keine privaten Aktiengeschäfte betreiben. Fusionen und Übernahmen sind verboten. Sie können jedoch entlassen werden.
- Wegen des schwierigen Terrains ist der Streckenbau begrenzt. Sie erhalten jährlich nur 20 neue Streckenabschnitte. Außerdem dürfen Sie für jeden Ort am Moorexpreß, den Sie mit BVD  o d e r  OHZ verbunden haben, 70 weitere Abschnitte bauen. Ungebaute Abschnitte gehen am Jahresende NICHT verloren!
- Torf wird durch Kohle dargestellt.

English version by Toni (Sugus) Wettenschwiler English version German version

Netherlands 1990

Niederlande 1990

by Mig (MiG) de Jong
1990-?Netherlands 1990

Welcome to Holland. This country is in desperate need of a high speed train network.

This is your job. Enjoy the windmills.

You will be rewarded for connecting infrastructurally important areas.

To obtain Bronze you'll need to connect Randstad Holland. To do so you must connect Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht. Your book value must become larger then 15 million dollars.

When you've done this, access to Belgium will become affordable.

For Silver you'll need to connect the provincial capitals as well. These are: Leeuwarden, Groningen, Assen, Haarlem, Lelystad, Zwolle, Arnhem, 's Hertogenbosch, Vlissingen en Maastricht.

Furthermore You'll need a book value larger then 50 million. By doing so access to Germany will become a lot cheaper.

For Gold you must connect to Brussels and Cologne as well.

1990-?Niederlande 1990

Die Niederlande benötigen ein Hochgeschwindigkeitseisenbahnnetz.

Dieses zu erschaffen ist Deine Aufgabe. Geniesse die Windmühlen!

Für den Anschluss der infrastrukturell wichtigen Bereiche wirst Du belohnt. Sobald Du die Bedingungen für Bronze erreicht hast, wird der Zugriff auf Belgien erschwinglich. Ebenso wird durch das Erreichen der Silber-Bedingungen der Zugang zu Deutschland drastisch verbilligt.

Du hast 26 Jahre Zeit für:

	Firmenbuchwert 15 Millionen $
	Verbinde Maasvlakte mit Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Den Haag und Utrecht
	Firmenbuchwert 50 Millionen $
	Verbinde auch Leeuwarden, Groningen, Assen, Haarlem, Lelystad,  Zwolle, Arnhem, Hertogenbosch, Vlissingen und Maastricht

	Verbinde ebenso Brüssel und Köln

	Bau unverbundener Stecken deaktiviert
	Als Vorsitzender gefeuert werden deaktiviert
	Rücktritt als Vorsitzender deaktiviert

Änderungen zum Original:
	GOLD-Bedingungen auch bis 26 Jahre (wie bei SILBER und BRONZE)
	SILBER-Bedingungen um die Anbindung von Maasvlatke ergänzt

(Original: MiG. Übersetzung: Sugus)

German version by Toni (Sugus) Wettenschwiler
English version German version

Nord est Grande

1800-2000Nord est Grande

Per essere un vero Tycoon devi collegare fra di loro Venezia, Padova, Verona, Trento, Brescia, Modena, Parma, Bologna, Rimini e Ravenna ed avere in tutta la rete almeno 30 o 40 città connesse.

	Devi collegare Venezia - Padova - Verona - Trento e Bologna più 30 citta in totale

	Alle città necessarie per il Bronzo devi aggiungere Brescia - Modena - Parma - Ravenna e Rimini più 30 città in totale

	Alle città necessarie per il Bronzo e l'Argento devi aggiungere un totale di 40 citta connesse

1800-2000Nord est Grande

Um ein wirklicher Tycoon zu sein, musst Du Venezia, Padova, Verona, Trento, Brescia, Modena, Parma, Bologna, Rimini und Ravenna innerhalb von 40 bzw.

30 Jahren miteinander verbinden.

Du hast 30/40 Jahre Zeit für:

BRONZE (40 Jahre)
	Verbinde mindestens 30 Städte, wobei Venezia, Padova, Verona, Trento und Bologna dabei sein müssen

SILBER (30 Jahre)
	Zusätzlich müssen Brescia, Modena, Parma, Ravenna und Rimini angebunden werden

GOLD (30 Jahre)
	Wie oben, aber 40 Städte müssen es insgesamt schon sein

Sonderbedingungen: keine

Änderungen zum Original:
Siegbedingungen (durch Sugus) korrigiert
(Original: Alvinbig / Übersetzung: Sugus)

German version by Toni (Sugus) Wettenschwiler
Italian version German version

North Wales

Nord Wales

by (Taleisin)
1850-?North Wales

Through the principality ran the mail coaches for Ireland, on the road built by Telford, across the mountains and the Menai Straits to Holyhead.

Telford got his suspension bridge up in 1826 and Robert Stephenson's railway bridge followed in 1850. RRT3 has different views about engineering and you will have to wait a while before you can link Holyhead and Anglesey to the mainland.

Apart from the boat connection to Ireland, Anglesey was the bread basket of Wales and grew all its grain. The mineral wealth of Parys Mountain - the largest open-cast mine in the world in 1800 - was exported through Amlych.

Back on the mainland the mines and quarries (on this map represented by Iron and Coal in place of the slate and precious metals of the historical North Wales) introduced industry on a large scale well before the arrival of the steam locomotive, and the hills were dotted with inclines and tramways.

Have fun. I haven't set events or targets in this version but as a guide:

For BRONZE you might try to connect Abergele, Caernarvon, Holyhead and Blaenau Ffestinog by the end of 1899.
For SILVER add in Machyntlleth and Barmouth, no date limit.
For GOLD all of the above plus Bala and Betwys-y-Coed, no date limit.

The territory is awkward and the resources meagre. Don't ruin the landscape, the tourists will want to come from the 1920s onwards, and there needs to be something left for them to enjoy.

Referring to the internet may give you some clues as to what actually went on here in the railway age. Look up the Festiniog Railway, the North Wales Narrow Guage Railway, the Tallyllyn Railway, the Corris Railway and the Snowdon Mountain Railway.

Also check out the quarrying and mining activities at Parys Mountain, Blaenau Ffestiniog, Dinorwic and Penhryn.

Comments or improvements to sbcl07245@blueyonder.co.uk (be charitable, it's my first map).

Oh! And the FULL name of that village in Anglsey is Llanfairpwyllgwyngychgegerychwyrndrobwyllllantysiliogogogoch, but the game wouldn't accept a name THAT long!!

1850-?Nord Wales

Nord-Wales bzw. rund um Llanfairpwyllgwyngychgegerychwyrndrobwyllllantysiliogogogoch

Die Postkutschen Irlands durchquerten das Fürstentum auf den von Telford über die Berge sowie über die Strasse von Menai hergestellten Routen. Telford bekam seine Hängebrücke um 1826 und Robert Stephenson's Eisenbahnbrücke 1850. RRT3 sieht die Ingenieurskunst etwas anders, weshalb Du etwas länger ausharren musst, bis Du Holyhead und Anglesey mit dem Festland vereinen kannst.

Abgesehen von der Schiffsverbindung nach Irland war Anglesey die Kornkammer von Wales. Der Reichtum an Mineralen von Parys Mountain - um 1800 die weltweit grösste Tagbaumine - wurde über Amlych exportiert.

Die Minen und Steinbrüche weiter hinten im Festland (in dieser Map einfach durch Eisen und Kohle repräsentiert) liessen die Industrie boomen lange bevor die Dampflok auftauchte und die Hügel waren übersät mit Anhängen und Förderwagen.

Das Territorium ist unangenehm und die Resourcen dürftig. Verunstalte aber die Landschaft nicht; ab 1920 tauchen die Touristen auf, und die wollen noch etwas Erfreuliches vorfinden!

Oh! Und der VOLLSTÄNDIGE Name dieser Ortschaft in Anglesey lautet Llanfairpwyllgwyngychgegerychwyrndrobwyllllantysiliogogogoch, aber der Editor akzeptierte einen DERART langen Namen nicht!

BRONZE: Verbinde Abergele, Caernarvon, Holyhead und Blaenau vor 1900

SILBER: Verbinde auch Machyntlleth und Barmouth (kein Zeitlimit)

GOLD: Verbinde ebenso Bala und Betws-y-Coed (kein Zeitlimit)

(Original: Taleisin / Übersetzung: Sugus)

German version by Toni (Sugus) Wettenschwiler
English version German version

Northern Germany


by (FD)
1946-1986Northern Germany

Hello, do you smell the marvelous air of Northern Germany?

As you surely noticed, there is no railway to pollute the air here in the north.

So what? Build a railway!

You have 40 years time to:

	Connect either Hamburg, Leipzig or Kassel to Berlin

	Connect all cities mentioned above, as well as Copenhagen to Berlin
	Haul 7,500 loads

	Finally, connect Göteborg and at least 50 additional cities to Berlin
	Lifetime Industrial Profit of $25 million

Special Conditions:
	Unconnected Track Building disabled


Hallo, riechst Du den Geruch der wunderbaren Luft von Norddeutschland?

Wie Du sicherlich bemerkt hast, gibt es hier im Norden überhaupt keine Eisenbahn, welche die Luft verpestet.

Also baue eine Eisenbahn!

Du hast 40 Jahre Zeit für:

	Verbinde entweder  Hamburg, Leipzig oder Kassel mit Berlin

	Verbinde nebst allen oben genannten
	Städten auch Kopenhagen mit Berlin
	Transportiere 7500 Ladungen

	Insustriegewinne von 25 Millionen $
	Aussrdem sind Göteborg sowie weitere fünfzig Orte anzubinden

	Kein Bau von unverbunden Strecken

German version by Toni (Sugus) Wettenschwiler
English version German version



by (FD) & Toni (Sugus) Wettenschwiler

Enjoy the picturesque landscape, but do not neglect your company!

Hey, look at the pristine wilderness of Sweden and Norway! Here we want to build rails and run our trains.

For bronze, connect Stockholm with Malmö, and also Oslo with either Stavanger or Trondheim.
You may use up to half a century.

You have to create all the connections mentioned in bronze for silver.
In addition you must connect both Visby and Ostersund.
All this has to be done within 45 years.

For gold you finally have to reach Copenhagen, and connect it to all cities in Denmark, within 40 years.

Note that you have to pay for the access to Norway, and that Denmark will be accessable only after the transport of 1500 loads of alcohol and 1200 loads of oil.

At good business, transport fees are charged at the end of the year.
And the more cargo you transported, the more you have to shell out.

Special conditions:
Declaring Bankruptcy disabled
Unconnected Track Building disabled
Being Fired As Chairman disabled
Resigning As Chairman disabled
Starting Multiple Companies disabled
Buying Existing Industry Buildings disabled
Train crashes and Breakdowns disabled

December 2012

(2014 modified by Sugus)


Geniesse die malerische Landschaft, aber vernachlässige nicht Dein Unternehmen!

Junge, Junge - schau Dir die unberührte Wildnis von Schweden und Norwegen doch an! Hier wollen wir Schienen legen und darauf unsere Züge fahren lassen.

Für Bronze verbindest Du Stockholm mit Malmö und ebenso Oslo mit Stavanger oder Trondheim.
Dazu hast Du ein halbes Jahrhundert Zeit.

Für Silber erstellst Du alle unter Bronze erwähnten Verbindungen. Zusätzlich musst Du Visby und Ostersund anbinden.
Dies musst Du aber in 45 Jahren erledigen.

Für Gold musst Du schliesslich auch noch Kopenhagen anbinden und mit sämlichen Orten Dänemarks verbinden.
Hierzu bleiben Dir gar nur 40 Jahre Zeit.

Beachte dabei, dass der Zugang zu Norwegen etwas kostet und dass Dänemark nur nach dem Transport von 1500 Ladungen Alkohol sowie 1200 Ladungen Öl erreichbar wird.

Bei gutem Geschäftsgang werden am Ende des Jahres Transportgebühren erhoben.
Und je mehr Ladungen Du transportiert
hast, desto mehr musst Du hinblättern.

Bankrotterklärung deaktiviert
Bau unverbundener Strecken deaktiviert
Als Vorsitzender gefeuert werden deaktiviert
Rücktritt als Vorsitzender deaktiviert
Gründung mehrerer Gesellschaften deaktiviert
Kauf bestehender Industrie deaktiviert
Zugunglücke und Pannen deaktiviert

Dezember 2012

(2014 durch Sugus modifiziert)

English version by Toni (Sugus) Wettenschwiler Requires the 1.06 Patch English version German version


by Ray (OilCan) Albright

World War II is over in Europe.

Use your railroad to help Sweden and Norway restart their economies.

WWII derailed the economies of both Sweden and Norway. It will take a skilled railroader to get both countries back on track.

For Bronze: Connect 25 cities, including Stockholm and Oslo.

For Silver: Same as Bronze plus, plus another 25 cities (50 total), including Malmö and Trondheim.

For Gold: All the above, plus another 25 cities (75 total), including Bergen and Umeä, & 7 cities in Denmark.

= Tax Notice =
Payments of profit taxes are charged. The more profit you make each year, the more you have to pay in taxes.

= Special Conditions =
30 years
No unconnected track
No multiple companies
No train crashes
Up to 3 AI players

Requires the 1.06 Patch Download

Over the Carpathes

by Bruno (brunom) Morais
1870-1914Over the Carpathes

Lay and manage the Galician Railway.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire will finance your enterprise, given that you guarantee them quality service and military use of your rails.

By 1870, the name 'Austro-Hungarian Empire' is only three years old. Emperor Franz Joseph, of the Austrian Empire was defeated by Otto von Bismarck in the Austrian-Prussian war in 1866 and forced to give up on several italian provinces. As a result, the military might of the Habsburgs is now questioned and the expansionist likes of France, Germany and Russia seem more threatening.

It is time to heal wounds and avoid conflicts. Granting autonomy to Hungary is a step towards internal stability but Franz Joseph also needs to safeguard present borders and develop the industry base.

You start as director of the Kaiser Ferdinand Nordbahn, a company that runs the railway between Vienna and the northern border.  Your objective is to provide Emperor Franz Joseph with an efficient train system and a stronger economy.

Medals in this scenario depend solely on the number of cities to which you haul 5 mail, 5 goods, 5 alcohol, 5 clothing and 5 furniture.

BRONZE: 4 cities
SILVER: 6 cities
GOLD: 10 cities

Eligible cities are:
Vienna, Pressburg, Pest, Miskolcz, Kaschau, Stanislow, Lemberg, Cracow, Brunn, Breslau and Piotrkow.

There are no special conditions.

Game ends as soon as World War I starts: June, 1914.


This is a stand alone scenario for Rail Road Tycoon 3, 1.05.

It requires Coast to Coast expansion, but none of the user-created later developments in the game.

Scenario is supplied "as is" and everyone has the full right to play, change, improve, share or delete it as they please. If you make any money from my creation, good for you, shame on your parents who did a poor job at bringing you up.

Any comments welcome on

Check out this thread in the forums Download


by Anders (arop) Pilgaard Sept 21, 1950 - Jan 9, 2014 - R.I.P.

The Piraeus, Athens & Peloponnese Railway (SPAP) opened its first section in 1884 between Piraeus and Elefsis.

At its prime, it had grown to a total length of 722 kilometres, being among the largest narrow gauge railway systems in Europe.

General Conditions:
	A) Build the trunk line between Piraeus to Patra via Athena, Ano Liosissia, Elefsina, Megara, Agii Theodori, Istmos, Corinthos, Kiato, Xylocastro, Likoporia, Akrata, Diakopko, Egio, Kamares and Vasilios.
	B) Build the line from Corinthos to Nafplio via Solomos, Chillimodi, Agios Vasilios and Argos before the beginning of 1910. If you fail, the game is lost.

	Have a Company Book Value and a Lifetime Industrial Profit of $200 million, and you must haul 10,000 company loads lifetime by the beginning of 1940.

	Have a CBV and a LIP of $300 million, and you must haul 20,000 company loads by the beginning of 1940.

	Have a CBV and a LIP of $400 million, and you must haul 30,000 company loads before the beginning of 1940.

	A) There is a company bonus of $10 million each for connecting 40/60/80 cities within 30/40/50 years from game start.
	B) There is a company bonus of $10 million for having a PNW of $50 million.

Special Conditions:
	A) No stock trade on margin.
	B) No mergers allowed.
	C) No new companies.
	D) No bankruptcy.
	E) No train crashes.
	F) No electric locomotives.
	G) Limited track building: Human +500/A.I. 0 sections of track per year.
	H) Warehouse/crystal processing plant is buyable:
		1 crystal = 1 rock + past 1905: 1 crystal = 1 chemicals.
		Max production 8.

RRT3 v1.06 version 1.0 October 2012

Requires the 1.06 Patch English version


by (fenox)

Northern Italy and Alps. Ah, that's Padana Plain, rich, easy to connect but, those mountains...

Oh yes the Alps! That's not so easy as it seems. Good luck!

Bronze: It is sufficient to connect Milan and Nice. Quite easy... or not?

Silver: By the way, if you'd like Silver you also need to connect Torino and Verona, and you must have $2 million cash, and $5 million industry profits.

Gold: But you want Gold, and so you need to connect all 50 cities, and you must be the only company surviving, and have $5 million cash, and $10 million industry profits.

Difficult enough?

No description... Download


by Steve (Mobius) Lorenz

1993 - As the last of the Soviet troops leave Poland, the new Polish government struggles to create a free market economy, and you've inherited an aging rail system and new competitors.

Your struggle begins with inheriting an aged and unprofitable railway. It must end with you turning it into a modern example of a lucrative transportation system.

The Polish government won't reward poor performance; however they will give you a stipend of $150k for the generation of at least $600k of annual revenue. It'll take some serious restructuring of the system to make things work.

	Have a lifetime profit of at least $15 million, within 25 years.

	Have a lifetime profit of at least $25 million and an industry profit of $3 million or more, within 25 years.

	Have a lifetime profit of at least $30 million, an industry profit of $4 million, and a personal net worth of $20 million or more, within 25 years.

- No resigning of chairmanship.
- No starting of multiple companies.

Poland by PopTop CtC
Mod by Steve Lorenz (Mobius)

Poland.gmp - Copy to Maps folder.
Logo_Poland.PK4 - Copy to Data/UsersExtraContent.

Fixed Silver/Bronze goals.
Electric offer triggers after 1 year at $1 million company cash.

Requires the Coast to Coast Expansion
Check out this thread in the forums


by Ulrich Radermacher

Connect Cologne to the rest of the world, and deliver Cologne products to the other cities!

You have 25 years:

Connect Cologne to Wuppertal, Koblenz to Emmerich, Aachen to Muenster, and Gerolstein to Waldbroel.

In addition to the Bronze-conditions, haul 200 loads of Koelsch (:-)beer/alcohol(-:) and 50 loads of cars from Cologne to the other cities.

Fulfill the Bronze and Silver requirements, and haul 50 loads of passengers both from and to Emmerich, Koblenz, Aachen and Muenster.


Verbinde Köln mit dem Rest der Welt und liefere kölsche Produkte ins Umland!

In 25 Jahren müssen folgende Aufgaben erfüllt werden:

Verbinde Köln mit Wuppertal
Koblenz mit Emmerich
Aachen mit Münster
und Gerolstein mit Waldbröl

Liefere zusätzlich zu den Bronzebedingungen
200 Ladungen Kölsch (Alkohol) von Köln ins Umland
weitere 50 Ladungen Autos

Erfülle die Bronze und Silberbedingungen und transportiere je 50 Ladungen Passagiere von und nach

No description... English version German version

Rorschach-Heiden Mountain RR


by Toni (Sugus) Wettenschwiler
1870-1900Rorschach-Heiden Mountain Railroad

The Rorschach-Heiden Mountain Railroad connects the seaport at the Lake of Constance with the health resort Heiden.

The scenario is the author's declaration of love to his home town (means: geographically ok, but far from any reality).

The Rorschach-Heiden-Bergbahn (RHB) was opened at 6th September 1875 as a normal gauge rack railroad. For a stretch of 7 km (with 5.4 km as rack track) it connects the seaport Rorschach at the lake of Constance (400 m above sea level) with the health resort Heiden (794 m above sea level). They started with two steam engines and introduced the "open" passenger transportation causing a sensation in 1884. This was done by simply fixing benches onto the roofs, which the passengers had to climb up and down at the stations by means of special ladders.

Connect Rorschach-Hafen and Heiden, haul loads of beer (alcohol) from region Rorschach and reach a small Company Book Value.

Connect all 21 cities and towns, haul more loads of beer from Rorschach and deliver loads of meat to Heiden. Also, the CBV (Company Book Value) should have grown.

Quite a lot of loads of beer should have left Rorschach and Heiden is happy with a considerable amount of meat only. The CBV shouldn't be half bad and a small Personal Net Worth is expected as well.

You have 30 years to achieve these goals.
The concrete conditions depend from the level of difficulty choosen and may be inspected within the status report.
Also, note that you may start one company only, that the tracks have to be connected at any time, and that on these tracks crashes (hmmm, actually) never happened...

This is my first scenario.
So, I'm open for reviews and suggestions.
Feel free to simply send "criticism" to toni.wettenschwiler@bluewin.ch
(Version 1.0 by Sugus)


Die Rorschach-Heiden-Bergbahn verbindet die Hafenstadt am Bodensee mit dem Kurort Heiden.

Das Szenario ist eine kleine Liebeserklärung des Autors an seine Heimatstadt (und hat - vom geographischen Ansatz abgesehen - mit der Realität nur wenig zu tun).

Die Rorschach-Heiden-Bergbahn (RHB) wurde am 6. September 1875 als Normalspur-Zahnradbahn eröffnet. Über eine Strecke von 7 km, davon 5.4 km als Zahnradstrecke, verbindet sie die Hafenstadt Rorschach am Bodensee (400 m ü. M.) mit dem Kurort Heiden (794 m ü. M.). Der Betrieb startete mit zwei Dampfloks und führte als Sensation im Jahr 1884 offene Personenwagons ein. Dazu wurden normale Wagons einfach um auf dem Dach angebrachte Sitze ergänzt, welche die Leute an den Bahnhöfen mittels speziellen Leitern erklimmen mussten.

Verbinde Rorschach-Hafen mit Heiden, setze Bier (Alkohol) aus der Region Rorschach ab und erreiche einen bescheidenen Buchwert.

Verbinde sämtliche 21 Ortschaften, liefere noch mehr Bier aus der Region Rorschach und versorge Heiden mit Fleisch. Ebenso muss der Firmenbuchwert gewachsen sein.

So richtig viele Ladungen Bier sollten jetzt das Gebiet Rorschach verlassen haben und im Kurort Heiden ist man lediglich mit einer stattlichen Menge an Fleisch zufrieden. Der Firmenbuchwert muss sich sehen lassen und persönliches Nettovermögen ist gefordert.

Um diese Aufgaben zu erledigen, bleiben Dir 30 Jahre. Die konkreten Anforderungen hängen vom gewählten Schwierigkeitsgrad ab und sind im Statusbericht einsehbar. Denke auch daran, dass Du nur eine Gesellschaft gründen kannst, dass die Gleise immer verbunden sein müssen und dass auf diesen Strecken (hmm, eigentlich) niemals Unfälle vorgekommen sind ...

Dies ist mein erstes Szenario und ich bin daher für Kritiken und Anregungen offen.
"Reklamationen" also ganz einfach an toni.wettenschwiler@bluewin.ch
(Version 1.0 von Sugus)

Requires the 1.06 Patch

Rorschach-Heiden Mountain Railroad

by	Toni Wettenschwiler (Sugus)
	Resedastrasse 8
	CH-9404 Rorschacherberg

I've downloaded all RT3 scenarios available, and I've also played a lot of them. So, it was time to create a scenario by myself. I did it from the scratch and my intension was to extensively work with the program variables. As a result of that I made the winning conditions dependent from the level of difficulty.

First of all, the story is not as simple as it seems. To get familiar with the scenario, it would be best to play a little bit around by starting with the easiest level.

There are no conditions specifying any lifetime industrial profit to reach, but being in possession of industries is the key to the success. In particular, these are the breweries and meat factories in Rorschach-Stadt as well as the steelworks in Rorschach-Hauptbahnhof. As soon as possible you should (at least partially) purchase them.

Here some hints for a promising start:

- Immediately at begining you should verify, that there are at least one brewery and one meat factory in Rorschach-Stadt. Also, the port in Roschach-Hafen should exist. Otherwise, life would be very hard and possibly it would be better to restart the scenario.

- First of all lay a double track from Rorschach-Stadt to Rorschach-Hafen and bring in a train between.

- Thereafter connect (single track) Rorschach-Hauptbahnhof and start a train from each of the other towns.

- Next connect both Goldach and Rorschacherberg and upgrade any rails to double track.

- Now it's time to purchase or build some industries: a brewery and/or a meat factory in Rorschach-Stadt, a tool factory in Rorschach-Hafen (you have to be patient at this point).

- The next goal to be reached should be the connection to Heiden (from Rorschach-Hauptbahnhof via Tobel and Schwendi). This is important due to the fact that you have to start the deliveries of meat to Heiden. (Note: after some time there's meat not only in Rorschach-Stadt!)

- Now the foundations are laid. It's up to you to develop the rest. Especially pay attention to haul the required resources: grain and livestock to Rorschach-Stadt, as well as iron and coal to Rorschach-Hauptbahnhof. Sometimes you'll have to lay sidetracks for that.

In principal I build large stations only. Also, I exclusively use the Consolidation 2-8-0 (later on the S3 4-4-0) with always eight wagons.

Version 1.0	January 2009
- First issue

Reviews and suggestions please to: toni.wettenschwiler@bluewin.ch


von		Toni Wettenschwiler (Sugus)
		Resedastrasse 8
		CH-9404 Rorschacherberg

Nachdem ich praktisch alle RT3-Szenarien heruntergeladen und sehr viele davon auch durchgespielt habe, war es an der Zeit, endlich auch einmal ein eigenes Szenario zu erschaffen. Dies habe ich von Grund auf durchgezogen und insbesondere Wert auf den Umgang mit den Variable gelegt. Daher sind die Siegesbedingungen auch vom Schwierigkeitsgrad abhängig gemacht worden.

Die Geschichte ist gar nicht so einfach, wie's auf Anhieb aussieht. Am bestem man bastelt zuerst mal auf Stufe 'leicht' etwas herum...

Von den Spielbedingungen her ist zwar kein Industriegewinn gefordert, aber sie bilden den Schlüssel zum Erfolg: die Fabriken. Insbesondere sind dies die Brauereien und Fleischfabriken in Rorschach-Stadt, aber auch die Stahlwerke bei Rorschach-Hauptbahnhof. Diese gilt es so früh wie möglich - zumindest teilweise - zu erwerben.

Auf die folgende Art und Weise hat's bei mir jeweils geklappt:

- Unmittelbar zu Beginn prüfen (RT3 zeigt da so seine Eigenheiten), ob in Rorschach-Stadt zumindest je eine Brauerei und eine Fleisch-fabrik stehen und ob in Rorschach-Hafen der Hafen auch in der Tat vorhanden ist. Ist dies nicht der Fall, dann dürfte es recht happig werden... (Habe hiermit gewarnt: ev. Neustart in's Auge fassen!)

- Zunächst ein Doppelgleis zwischen Roschach-Stadt und Rorschach-Hafen mit einem Zug ansetzen.

- Dann möglichst rasch Rorschach-Hauptbahnhof (eingleisig) anbinden und je mit einem Zug ab Stadt und Hafen bedienen.

- Goldach und Rorschacherberg anbinden und die bisherigen Gleise so bald wie möglich auf Doppelgleis aufstocken.

- Jetzt sollten erste Fabriken erworben bzw. gebaut werden: Brauerei und/oder Fleischfabrik in Rorschach-Stadt, Werkzeugfabrik am Hafen (hierbei ist etwas Geduld gefordert).

- Als nächst grösseres Ziel sollte nunmehr die Verbindung nach Heiden (vom Hauptbahnhof via Tobel und Schwendi) verfolgt werden. Dies ist wichtig, damit man die Fleischlieferungen nach Heiden starten kann. (Fleisch gibt's mit der Zeit auch ausserhalb Rorschach-Stadt!)

- Der Grundstein ist gelegt. Jetzt gilt es den Rest zu erschliessen und inbesondere zu beachten, dass genügend Getreide und Vieh nach Rorschach-Stadt sowie Eisen und Kohle nach Rorschach-Hauptbahnhof gelangen. Dazu sind gelegentlich Nebenstrecken notwendig.

Grundsätzlich baue ich nur grosse Bahnhöfe und verwende auschliesslich die Consolidation 2-8-0 (später die S3 4-4-0) mit jeweils acht Wagons.

Version 1.0	Januar 2009

- Erstausgabe

Kritik und Anregungen bitte an: toni.wettenschwiler@bluewin.ch

Check out this thread in the forums
English version German version


by Steve (Mobius) Lorenz

Russia has yet to embrace the presence of rail in this early time.

Help the country prepare for expansion into the east, by laying the foundation for the Trans-Siberian Railway.

You come to Russia in a time of great promise. The nation strives to grow its economy, society, and territory. You have been given the task of designing a railroad that will cater to the varied needs of Russia. Your first priority will be to connect the major western cities that will act as the beginning to the Trans-Siberian rail line.

Once this task is done, shift your focus to creating an extensive rail network, to move resources to northern Russia and aid in the transportation of troops and military goods.

You will only have 20 years to meet the following goals, good luck.

	Connect St. Petersburg, Moscow, and Vyatka.
	Haul at least 25 loads of Troops.

	As for Bronze, but also connect to Kiev and Saratov.
	Haul at least 100 Troops, and 10 Weapons.

	Connect all the cities for Bronze and Silver, as well as Odessa and Astrakhan.
	Haul at least 175 Troops, and 35 Weapons.

Special Conditions: None.

Requires the Coast to Coast Expansion
Check out this thread in the forums

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