Railroad Tycoon 3 Maps of North America

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Nova Scotia

by Anders (arop) Pilgaard (R.I.P.)
1870-1955Nova Scotia

Welcome to Nova Scotia, the most populous province in Atlantic Canada. The main businesses are forestry, fishery and mining, with a rich abundance of coal, gypsum, limestone and some iron ore.

Game start between 1870-1885. Game ends when Gold is won, or in 1955.

a) Connect all 78 Nova Scotian cities OR
b) Merge with 1 of the other companies, AND
c) Have a Company Book Value, and a Lifetime Industrial Profit, of $200 million and a Player's Net Worth of $50 million, at the beginning of 1955.

a) Connect all 78 Nova Scotian cities OR
b) Merge with 2 of the other companies, AND
c) Have a CBV and a LIP of $400 million, and a PNW of $75 million, at the beginning of 1955.

a) Connect all 78 Nova Scotian cities AND
b) Merge with all 3 other companies, AND
c) Have a CBV and a LIP of $500 million, and a PNW of $100 million, before or at the beginning of 1955.

3 types of warehouses are buildable.
a) Maple syrup plant: demands logs - supplies sugar (maple syrup).
b) Oil shale plant: demands rock/crystals - supplies heavy fuel oil (power plants).
c) Crystal processing plant: demands crystals - supplies chemicals.

a) No A.I. access to Nova Scotia.
b) No train crashes.
c) No electric locomotives avaiable.
d) To prevent too big an advantage - for the first 25 years of this game A.I. stock prices are 80% below normal value, and industry prices are 1000% above normal value.

RRT3-v1.06 version 1.0 December 2011

Requires the 1.06 Patch
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Of Men & Seals

by Joe (JayEff) Fitzpatrick
1862-1897Of Men & Seals

Grow from skipper of a steamship to ruler of an industrial empire.

CONCEPTION BAY - 1862. There's a new sort of ship down at the wharf, just arrived from Scotland.

And now, after a lucky night's gambling, it's yours: one of the first steamships ever to participate in the Newfoundland seal hunt. You and your family hurriedly prepare it for the hectic months to come.

There are plentiful harvests of fish, seals and whales to be had, but you know it will not last. Sooner or later you must diversify, and your neighbours will have to make a living some other way. Investors from 'round the bay and in St. John's put their hopes in you to make them prosperous. 

BRONZE - Earn $20 M Industry Profit within 35 years.
SILVER - Earn $35 M Industry Profit, with $40 M Personal Net Worth.
GOLD - Earn $50 M Industry Profit and have at least $20 M Personal Cash.

- No mergers.
- For victory, the industry profit must be earned by the navigation company with which you begin the scenario.
- Because of a bug, all players must spend the first month without cash, allowing the stock price of AS&N to rise above zero.

- Your Navigation Company has access to the ocean, St. Lawrence River, islands, ports and Ice. Factories will not produce on the Ice.
- To work on land beyond the ports, you will need the cooperation of a separate railroad company, but use of port facilities may be shared between companies.
- Access to the ice is from January to the end of May. In case of bad weather, you have one month to leave the ice before the territory closes. As the ice is dangerous, it would be safest not to wait around too long to fill with cargo.
- You may have friends and relatives working on the ocean somewhere near Newfoundland.
- Your navigation company has a 20% industry purchase discount.
- Resource production on the Fishing Grounds and the Ice is slowly declining. It is a good place to start business, but at some point it becomes wiser to diversify.
- Sealskin prices are 30% above typical wool prices.
- A good year gets double oil and sealskin production (Green Bay Spring, triple), but the bonus is compressed into the first four months.
- There is only one weather event in effect at one time. If you see good news about the catch, the ice is safe for that year. 
- Your ships do not require sand, and consume water and oil at half rate.

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Oregon Jumpstart 1829

by Marc (Marco) Hickey
1829-1880Oregon Jumpstart 1829

Mountains, and valleys, and rivers... Oh my! There were no railroads in Oregon before the 1880's, but WHAT IF there were.

Lewis and Clark found Astoria in 1806. By 1830, the Willamette Valley had been populated by immigrants and settlers. Oregon City, the first major city in Oregon, was taking form.

In the early 1850's, Oregon's population had grown to 13,000 people. By the end of 1860, it had risen to 53,000. Needless to say, this was a booming state. The history books tell us that the railroads didn't reach Oregon until the 1880's, but what if they had been there much earlier?

Have a Book Value of $20M, connect Oregon City to Portland by the end of 1880, and your Net Worth out of the red.

Have a Book Value of $35M, connect Oregon City to Portland and to Ashland by the end of 1880, and have a Net Worth of $3.5M.

Have a Book Value of $50M, a Net Worth of $10M, and connect Oregon City to Portland, Ashland, AND Ontario by the end of 1880, giving Oregon a jumpstart in history!

Special Conditions:
You're not allowed to resign.
You may only start one company.
You only get one shot at success.
No margin buying or short selling stocks.

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Pacific Coast 1870

by Anders (arop) Pilgaard (R.I.P.)
1870-1950Pacific Coast 1870

In the year of 1869 the US West coast was connected to the East. Your task is to link up the towns and cities along the US Pacific Coast to help it prosper.

You can start this scenario between 1870 and 1900. Game end 1950 (Gold before 1950).

a) Connect Los Angeles and San Fransisco within 10 years.
b) connect San Diego to Seattle within 25 years.
If you fail, the game is lost.

BRONZE: Have a Company Book Value of $200 million, a Lifetime Industrial Profit of $100 million, and a Player's Net Worth of $50 million,. at the beginning of 1950.

SILVER: Have CBV of $400 million, LIP of $200 million, and PNW of $100 million, at the end of 1949.

GOLD: Have a CBV of $600 million, LIP of $300 million, and PNW $150 million, before 1950.

a) If your company hauls 500 loads of produce, lumber, coal, iron or ore within 40 years from game start, you will recieve a personal bonus of $5 million.
b) There is a company bonus of $5 million for having at least 2000/4000 miles of track within 25/40 years from game start.

a) No bankruptcies.
b) No multiple companies.
c) You cannot buy existing industries.
d) No train crashes.
e) No electric locomotives.
f) You can only build 500 sections of track a year.

Requires the 1.06 Patch
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Pacific Northwest

by Unknown
1930-1956Pacific Northwest

Kannst du genug Möbel nach Seattle schaffen um den Aufschwung zu befriedigen und zur gleichen Zeit den Viehmarkt im Nordwesten anzapfen?

Die großen Hartholzwälder im Nordwesten der USA und in Westkanada werden aus ihrem Schlaf gerissen. Möbel werden benötigt und du bist genau die Person die helfen kann.

Und wenn du schon mal dabei bist...

Wir brauchen auch noch jemanden der in den Viehmarkt in Montana und Südkanada einsteigt und das Fleisch nach Seattle, zur Verteilung  an der Westküste, schafft. Warum nicht zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe schlagen?

Für Bronze musst du 100 Ladungen Möbel und 70 Ladungen Fleisch bis 1956 nach Seattle transportieren.

Für Silber musst du 150 Ladungen Möbel und 130 Ladungen Fleisch bis 1956 nach Seattle transportieren.

Für Gold ist das Ziel 200 Ladungen Möbel und 200 Ladungen Fleisch, die bis 1956 nach Seattle zu schaffen sind. Oh, und mache die American Cattlemen's Association glücklich und transportiere mindestens 300 Ladungen von amerikanischen Rindviechern. Sie müssen nicht unbedingt nach Seattle, solange sie nur irgendwohin transportiert werden, verhindert das einen Boykott.

Updated German version of the PopTop map German version


by MrScott2007

Pennsylvania V3a - created by MrScott1964. An updated version of my Pennsylvania map.

Added more industries. Made major cities bigger. Added more starting money for all companies.

This is based on the real railroad history of Pennsylvania. Are you up to the challenge?

It's 1870, and Pennsylvania is ready for the railroad industy. Your starting a small railroad called Penn Central. 13 other railroad companies are here to challenge you. Some companies will be strong...some will not last the first 5 years.

Be careful to place your first railroad in a good location that will be profitable.

This map update uses my new logo pack.
You will need to download the new logo pack for this map to work.

Requires Mr. Scott's Logo Pack Download

Pennsylvania 1855-1901

Map creation by Ridge Runner Scenario design by John T
1856-1901Pennsylvania 1855-1901

It's the battle zone called Pennsylvania! Carnegie, Rockefeller, Morgan, Frick and you.

Scenario extends fromthe Silliman report on oil in 1856, to the formation of US Steel and the Spindletop oil strike of 1901.

Bronze: Haul 1.500 Loads of Oil,  750 Loads each of Coal and Iron, 500 Loads of Steel.

Silver: As Bronze, plus Lifetime Total Revenue exceeding $1 billion.

Gold: As Silver, plus your Personal Net Worth must exceed $250 million.

You lose if you lose control of any company.

This scenario is a recreation of the period 1855-1901, with over 100 historically accurate events occuring, with most impacting the game. Labor unrest, technological breakthroughs, government decisions and the actions of other Titans of Industry affect the game world, and not all for the betterment of you.  

To win this scenario you have to focus on cargo management, continuous revenue growth and Personal Net Worth. Your railroad must not only be large, but dominating-monopolistic would be best as you must average over $22,000,000 in revenue each year. Your cargo planning must be precise in order to move the 3,500 loads of required cargos. Also you must be willing to be aggresive in the financial markets, increasing your PNW by more than $5 million a year on average.

Pennsylvania Map generated by Ridge Runner of the Gathering.com Forums.
Scenario and event scripting by JohnT of the Gathering.com Forums. Version 2.0.

1856-1901Pennsylvania 1855-1901

Es ist der Kampfplatz namens Pennsylvania! Carnegie, Rockefeller, Morgan, Frick und du.

Das Szenario beginnt beim ersten Ölfund im Jahr 1855 und endet zur Zeit des Spindletop Ölstreiks von 1901.

Bronze: Transportiere 1.500 Ladungen Öl, je 750 Ladungen Kohle, Eisen und Stahl

Silber: Wie Bronze, plus gesamte Einkünfte $

Gold: Wie Silber, plus Privat-Nettovermögen mindestens $250.000.000

Wenn du als Geschäftsführer entlassen wirst, hast du verloren.

Dieses Szenario widerspiegelt die Geschichte  von 1855-1901, mit über 100 historischen Ereignissen, welche bedeutenden Einfluss auf das Spiel nehmen. Arbeiter-Unruhen, neue Technologien, Regierungsentscheidungen, und die Machenschaften der Industriemagnaten prägen die Spielwelt, und das nicht immer zu deinen Gunsten.  

Um die Mission zu gewinnen, musst du dich auf das Frachtmanagement konzentrieren, sowie auf stabiles Wachstum und persönlichen Wohlstand. Deine Eisenbahn muss nicht nur gross sein, sondern dominant oder sogar monopolistisch - denn du musst über $22.000.000 durchschnittliche Jahresgewinne machen. Eine gezielte Frachtstrategie ist erforderlich, um die nötigen 3.750 spezifischen Ladungen zu befördern, das sind 83 Ladungen pro Jahr. Und du musst gewillt sein, auf dem Finanzplatz aggresiv aufzutreten, damit du dein Privatvermögen um durchschnittliche $5,5 Millionen pro Jahr steigern kannst.

Pennsylvania-Karte erstellt von Ridge Runner des Gathering.com Forums.
Szenario-Gestaltung durch JohnT des Gathering.com Forums. Version 2.0.

Check out this thread in the forums Repaint and fixes by Stan (Redband) Hall German version by (Der kleine Muck) English version German version

Pennsylvania Electric

by Richard (Orange46) Lake
1901-2010Pennsylvania Electric

Do you dare to go head to head with the big boys, or would you rather just sit back and train watch? It's your choice.

Pennsylvania Map generated by Ridge Runner of the Gathering.com Forums.

There will be a limited track allotment each year. Track will not carry over to the next year.

Bronze:  Have the most track mileage

Silver: Bronze plus connect 46 cities

Gold: Silver plus connect to Erie, Clarksburg, Oneonta and Atlantic City (50 cities)

You have until 2010

Scenario by Richard Lake

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Prince of Steel

Der Stahlprinz

by Steve (Mobius) Lorenz
1881-1911Prince of Steel

The golden age of the railroad was wrought in America's Age of Steel.

To become Master among the Lords of Industry you must become - The Prince of Steel.

Behold the industrial might of 19th Century America. An industrial empire unmatched in size and strength. But it will take more than a mere rail baron to conquer this land. It will take...
The Prince of Steel.

Game Length: 30 years

Medals: Personal Net Worth (PNW)
GOLD:	$100 million
SILVER:	$64 million
BRONZE:	$32 million

Your PNW must be higher than all other Tycoons.

Early Gold Medal:
3 years in a row with PNW of $100 million.

Instant Gold Medal:
$64 million in Personal Cash.

Limited to 600 track sections a year.

1881-1911Der Stahlprinz

Das goldene Zeitalter der Eisenbahn fällt in Amerikas Zeitalter des Stahl.

Um der absolute Magnat unter den Industriebaronen zu sein, musst Du eines werden - Der Stahlprinz.

Betrachte einmal die industrielle Macht Amerikas im 19. Jahrhundert. 
Ein industrielles Empire, unerreicht in Größe und Stärke. Aber es braucht mehr, als nur ein Eisenbahnbaron zu sein, um dieses Land zu erobern.
Es bedarf eines...   Stahlprinzen

Du hast maximal 30 Jahre Zeit:

BRONZE:	32 Mio. $ Privatvermögen
SILBER:	64 Mio. $ Privatvermögen
GOLD:	100 Mio. $ Privatvermögen

Dein Privatvermögen muss größer sein, als das aller anderen Tycoons!

Frühe Goldmedaille:
3 Jahre in Folge mit
100 Millionen $ Privatvermögen

Schnelle Goldmedaille:
64 Millionen $ Bargeld

Gleisbau begrenzt auf
600 Gleisstücke pro Jahr

Check out this thread in the forums German version by Bernard (Molse) Seehaus English version German version

Rail Baron East

by Richard (Orange46) Lake
1829-?Rail Baron East

In this scenario you will build twelve of the railroads found on the eastern board of Avalon Hill's board game Rail Baron.

You will be asked to build the railroads found on the eastern board of Avalon Hill's board game Rail Baron. Upon completing each railroad, you will be given some extra cash to finish placing maintenance sheds and water towers along the lines. Unless you enjoy watching AI trains struggle and break down, build the service facilities, as the AI will not. Then you should take control of the next railroad on the list. Funds to start the next railroad will arrive at the beginning of the month after you take control of the railroad.

For each railroad you will be given a list of cities to connect to with company stations. You can also connect to additional cities, but keep in mind that there are a lot of railroads to be built so that going far afield will not only slow you down, but could complicate the route of a future road. Most real railroads follow fairly straight routes and do not meander around. When in doubt as to where to build, opt for the straight route. However, since Rail Baron simplified many routes, feel free to design your routes as you see fit, or even follow the historical routes if you know them, as long as you connect to the designated cities.

This map does not include New England, so you cannot build the two railroads that are supposed to be there. You have been given 2 bonus railroad points instead.

Extra funds will be given to each new railroad that you take over if you are playing on any level easier than Expert. If you need even more money, Iowa is the place to go, for a price. Just place one piece of track.

Mr. Scott's Logo Pack contains all of the logos for the railroads used in this scenario. If you are still using the original graphics for freight and passenger cars, it is strongly advised that you download updated graphics. It's like going from toy trains to real trains.

This is a modified version of the EAST OF MISSISSIPPI II map by AROP which in turn was modified from the East of Mississippi map.

Requires the 1.06 Patch
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Rainy Days in British North America

by (Big John) & Joe (JayEff) Fitzpatrick
1840-1875Rainy Days in British North America

A map of British North America, the very poorly developed area is waiting to get the boost it needs to move into a modern growing industrialisation.

It's a rough country, the nature, the conditions and it is hard to make some cash in this time, but if you take the challenge and fulfill the requirements to help the area in its development, you will have the respect of the whole nation. The main resources and exports of British North America (BNA) are:
- logging and the lumber industry
- lots of newly developed mines, coal and ore
- furs (which are represented in the game by wool and the clothing industry)
- fish and prepared fish (represented by cattle and the meat industry - the four-legged fish!)

The main trade connections to the world are the habours, which deliver the necessary goods needed to survive. So your main task will be to connect the resources and trade them at the ports.

- no stockmarket
- no building industry, just buy and develop  the existing ones
- farm and mine production minus 40%
- factory production minus 15%
- therefore yearly adjustments to show up development - +2% factory, farm and mining output!
- also the professionality of your management shows up in reducing the load/unload time -3% a year.
- the engine market delivers also imported locomotives from Europe but of course for additional shipping fees of 20%. Also the yearly growing market raises the yearly engine price by +3%. Yes, and by the way to force you to lay low % track the engine pulling power and acceleration are reduced.

- haul 80 loads of lumber to Halifax
- haul 50 loads of coal to St John's
- haul 40 loads of meat to Boston
- haul 3000 loads gamewide
- no debts

- haul 50 loads of lumber to Halifax
- haul 30 loads of coal to St John's
- haul 25 loads of meat to Boston
- haul 2500 loads gamewide
- no debts

- haul 2000 loads gamewide
- connect Boston to Halifax and St John's
- no debts

Good luck for the next 35 years!

Many thanks also to the raw map designer, Joe Fitzpatrick for his work, before I have done the painting, nature modifications, some level adjustments, the events and testing.

Big John

(slightly modified by Sugus & RulerofRails of the Hawk and Badger forum in 2014)

Updated by Toni (Sugus) Wettenschwiler & (RulerofRails) Check out this thread in the forums Download

Rebuilding the Deep South

by Anders (arop) Pilgaard (R.I.P.)
1865-1950Rebuilding the Deep South

The Civil War is nearing the end and the Southern States and its railways lies in shambles.

Your task is to reconstruct the infrastructure, and promote industrialization in the "Deep South". Game start 1865, game end 1950, or when gold is won.

BRONZE: Have a lifetime Industrial Profit of $200 million and a Players Net Worth of $50 million at the beginning of 1950.

SILVER: Have a Lifetime industrial Profit of $400 million and a Players Net Worth of $100 million at the beginning of 1950.

GOLD: Have a Lifetime Industrial Profit of $600 million and a Player Net Worth of $150 million before the beginning of 1950.

SUPER GOLD: Have a PNW of $250 million a LIP of $800 million, and all bonuses achieved before the beginning of 1950.

A) There is a $10 million company bonus for having 5000/10000/15000/20000 miles of track before 1895/1910/1925/1940.
B) There is a $5 million players bonus for hauling 2000 loads of cotton and lumber LTD.
C) There is a $3 million bonus for hauling 1000 loads of coal, oil, ceramics, and steel.

A) No multiple companies.
B) No customs at borders.
C) No train crashes.
D) No electric locos in this scenario.
E) limited engine availance for AIs.
F) Limited track building:
	AIs: max 250 sections/year.
	Human: start +1000 sections/year.

v1.06 version 1.0 December 2013

Requires the 1.06 Patch
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by Porter (EPH) Hopson

The Civil War is over and the South is devastated.

To rebuild the economy you will need to invest in productivity, develop resources and rebuild the destroyed railroad lines.

Your mission is to rebuild the economy of the American South, state by state, encouraging agriculture, building industries and connecting the major cities with shining bands of steel.

If you succeed, you will make yourself a fortune worthy of a Gilded Age tycoon and win the admiration of millions of Americans. Along the way you will encounter some events both good and bad, a war, some challenges and - of course - some rivals.

The first time you haul at least 10 loads to a territory (other than Illinois) you will be offered the chance to boost production of a particular crop or resource.

One point is awarded for having your own stations to connect:

# Memphis to Cairo #
# (New Orleans or Mobile) to Memphis #
# Atlanta to Memphis #
# (Charleston or Savannah) to Atlanta #
# (Mobile or Savannah) to Tampa #
# Atlanta to *To East Coast #

Bronze Medal - by the start of 1901: have 2 points from connections.
Silver Medal - by the start of 1901: have 3 or more points from connections and earn at least $1,000,000 per year from industry.
Gold Medal - by the start of 1901: meet the Silver condition, have 5 or more points from connections, have your railroad earn at least $5,000,000 per year at least once, and win a challenge.

* All track must be connected *
* Player will have the option to disable sand, water and oil use *

Check out this thread in the forums
EPH wrote a story about this scenario:
The Most Hated Man in the Southern States

Red River Valley

by Ray (OilCan) Albright
1840-1870Red River Valley

Build a railroad for Kentucky's iron industry and build an empire for yourself.

To rebuild the economy you will need to invest in productivity, develop resources and rebuild the destroyed railroad lines.

Gold - haul 500 loads of iron ingots & connect 70 cities
Silver - 300 loads & 55 cities
Bronze - 150 loads & 30 cities

For all medals: end with no company debt
 ---xx   30 Years   xx---

No multiple companies, no train crashes.
Prices reduced to 1840 era.
No AI, so issue stock as needed.

----- xxxxx -----

Smelting iron requires a good grade of iron ore, a hot fire from tree logs or coal (coke), and limestone as a flux to remove impurities. Eastern Kentucky had an abundance of all the essential ingredients.  By 1835, Kentucky was the third largest iron producer in the 24 states of the Union. The first railroad in Kentucky opened in 1832 with a 26 mile route from Lexington to Frankfort.  Re-write history and build a railroad empire in eastern Kentucky.

Requires the 1.06 Patch
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Rule the Rockies

Bezwinge die Rockies

by Eric Larsen & (torontorsh)
1872-?Rule the Rockies

In by connecting Bronze by connecting Denver To Plueblo
Plueblo to Glenwood Springs

Durango To Alamosa
Denver to Craig

Plueblo to Salt Lake City
20 Cities Connected

1872-?Bezwinge die Rockies

Du hast 30 Jahre Zeit für:

Verbinde Denver mit Plueblo und Plueblo mit Glenwood Springs

Verbinde Durango mit Alamosa und Denver mit Craig

Verbinde Plueblo mit Salt Lake City

Bau unverbundener Stecken deaktiviert

(Original: Eric Larsen + torontorsh / Übersetzung: Sugus)

Check out this thread in the forums German version by Toni (Sugus) Wettenschwiler English version German version

San Diego

by David (AD7DB) Bartholomew
1976-2012San Diego

San Diego and Arizona Eastern
An historical railroad simulation.

It's the dawn of a new century. San Diego wants to have its own rail connection to the east. And without having to go up through the Los Angeles area to do it. Besides, another railroad has already claimed the strategic San Gorgonio Pass route.

Build out of San Diego. You have only 15 years, and you must connect to all of your track.

BRONZE: Just get into Yuma.

SILVER: Expand into Phoenix too, and bring 100 loads of passengers into California.

GOLD: All of the above, plus get rails into Tucson, and get the highest company book value (yeah, it won't be easy).

1976-2012San Diego

San Diego und Arizona Eastern
Eine historische Eisenbahnsimulation

Es ist der Beginn eines neuen Jahrhunderts.

San Diego möchte seine eigene Bahnverbindung in den Osten haben, ohne durch Los Angeles' Gebiet fahren zu müssen. Obendrein hat sich eine andere Gesellschaft bereits den strategisch besten Weg über den San Gorgonio Pass gesichert.

Beginne in San Diego.
Du hast nur 15 Jahre und darfst keine unverbundenen Strecken bauen.
Der Kauf bestehender Industrien ist nicht möglich, Du darfst aber selbst welche bauen.

+ + +  Bronze + + +
Du solltest es bis Yuma geschafft haben

+ + + Silber + + +
Expandiere auch nach Phoenix und bringe 100 Passagierladungen nach Kalifornien

+ + + Gold + + +
Erfülle die Bronze- und Silberbedingungen
Baue deine Strecke weiter bis Tucson.
Erwirtschafte den höchsten Gesellschaftsbuchwert (CBV)

(Das wird nicht so einfach)

German version by Bernard (Molse) Seehaus English version German version

San Diego - 1976

by (coruscate)
1976-2012San Diego - 1976

San Diego county, from the edge of Mexico to the top of Oceanside, Morris Junction and Alpine.
Spread industry and rake in monumental profits to leave your fingerprint in San Diego history.

San Diego, one of America's largest cities and a center of multinational business. Home to the Padres, Chargers, Qualcomm phones and the world famous San Diego Zoo, Wild Animal Park, Balboa Park, Coronado Hotel and Whaley House.

But for the rail man... profit calls. Bring this Californian county from the end of the Vietnam war into the modern day.

You have until the end of 2012 to build a financial empire of $50 million company cash and connect from Escondido to Oceanside and Rancho Santa Fe for bronze.

For a silver win combine $100 million company cash with $50 million in player net worth and connect to San Diego and Morettis Junction.

...and finally with company cash of $150 million, $100 million in net player worth, $50 million in lifetime to date industry profit as well as a connection to Tijuana, you take gold.

Be careful with your debt, you may not go 3 million into debt.

Good luck.

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Shattered Union

by Pjay Tycy
1905-?Shattered Union

In anticipation of Poptop's new game Shattered Union about a new civil war in the USA, fight your own railroad-war in this scenario.
Enhanced AI's for a bigger challenge.

The purpose of this game is simple: gain territory access monopoly to all of the USA, Mexico and Canada.

Now, how do you get that? Well, you can not buy access rights, they are given to you and taken from you automatically.

During the first year you'll get access to every territory. After that first year however, everybody gains/loses access rights based on the loads hauled to a certain territory. This happens in 2 stages: first only the company with the most loads hauled to a territory will keep the access rights. After that, you'll receive access rights to all the neighbouring territories (so you can expand).

This will create a 2-territory wide "frontline" where 2 companies compete for control. If you both are the best one at your side of the frontline, there will be no territory change. However, if one of the 2 is best in both frontline territories, the border will move.


As it is impossible to make such a concept known to a computer player, I have given the AI players huge bonusses and the human players a few limitations.


You can build a new industry and sell it immediately if you think you lack a certain cargo.

*** CREDITS ***
Scenario events by PJay
USA Map by Poptop

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Snake River

by Ray (OilCan) Albright
1890-1920Snake River

Become best railroader in Snake River Valley. 1890.
Two ways to play - Tycoon or run trains.

Territory of Idaho, USA. This is a fictional game of becoming the best railroader in the Snake River Valley.

You will be asked to choose one of two different ways to play the game:
1) become the only remaining railroad company, plus build a large personal net worth, or
2) only build track & run trains.

Gold medal only (no Bronze, no Silver).

Thirty years of play beginning in 1890.

Special Conditions:
No bankruptcy.
No being fired as Chairman.
No multiple companies.
No train crashes.

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South Central British Columbia - 1898

by John (JSS) Schwarz
1898-1920South Central British Columbia - 1898

As the new millennium approaches, South Central British Columbia, in western Canada, is still largely undeveloped.
Can you bring prosperity to the area? Better yet, will you also be able to prosper doing so?

Plenty of ore around, and you own a smelter as well as a railroad right in the midst of it. Just one problem. How do you efficiently transport the required raw materials to your smelter, and the refined products to market?

Will you be the driving force that will bring prosperity to the area? Merging with or eliminating the competing railroads, you will be in a dominant position to control the economic pace. Make the different industries part of your empire by merging with them and the wealth of the area will be yours.

The path to become the undisputed regional Tycoon is by reaching the following targets:

Connect your Trail smelter to the CPR docks at Penticton before 1910.

Also, connect your smelter to the CPR main Line at Petain, near Hope, before 1916.

Also, your company will have Lifetime Industry Profits of $10 million or more and neither you or your company will have any debt. In addition you will have a Tycoon rating of 25 or better. This all has to be accomplished before 1920.

Please note that the Gold medal will not be available unless you play at the expert level.

Map Name: South Central British Columbia 1898 (SCBC1898)

Map Version: SCBC -Beta Build 357

Map creator: John Schwarz (JSS)

For feedback or comments please contact me at johnschwarz@hotmail.com or RRTJSS@shaw.ca

Build 357

Hi folks. Just a quick introduction to this map.

This map is still to some degree "work in progress". There are some minor things that I would still like to see changed and at the same time I am hoping that some of you will also have some suggestions as to what might further improve this scenario. Nevertheless, the overall game-play is established and all major events have been written.

This said, that means then that the map is very much geared toward providing a rail connection to the map's central areas and to make copious deliveries to some industries. As a matter of fact you might be doing little else over the first few years besides trying to concentrate on track laying and later on fight like hell to make the deliveries. Since this scenario might be a bit unconventional perhaps I should furnish a few tips.

1.) There is really only one "gate" into unlocking all the events and that is to start building your railway to Midway and on from there. The other "entry point" is to participate in the political elections but that will only enhance your financial picture or perhaps help you getting a few Tycoon points. Therefore, a winning game is likely impossible unless you provide rail service to the outside of the area and the way to do that is to follow the plan of the original pioneers.

2.) When building track use up as much track as you can because if not you will lose it anyhow. The idea of issuing a quantity of track per month is to establish limits of how much track one can place within a certain time. In this case the amount allotted is very much based on historical established connection dates.

3.) Do not let yourself get sidetracked (no pun intended) with some other activities when on a construction project. Find out gradually or later which added tasks are helpful and which are a drain on ones attention.

4.) Your main deliveries are to be made to four smelters, which are:
	a.) Your smelter in Trail.
	b.) Granby smelter near Grand Forks.
	c.) Anaconda smelter near Greenwood.
	d.) The smelter in Nelson.

At the beginning of a game you will only be shown (at the end of the year) the service report for your smelter in Trail. As you place stations at the smelters you will be shown the service status for those smelters also. Please make sure you place your station within each smelters territory.

5.) There are a total of 25 "Tycoon" points required for the gold medal. Within the game there are about 45 available and you could lose up to 11. You will be notified whenever there was a change in your count. To "find" those points is part of the challenge.

6.) If from time to time you feel the urge to just "go for a train ride" just save the game and do so. I was unable to resist and it helps to get away from those pesky situations at times.

7.) Please make sure you start a normal game in the "Expert" mode. This is implemented so all players will play the map at the same level. The actual level of difficulty is adjusted downward by using events.

8.) One of the winning goals is to have an sizable Industrial Profit. However, you are unable to build or purchase industries. Therefore, the only ways to get that profit is to look after your smelter in Trail or take over other companies that already own industries.

9.) You will be able to view the optional newspaper reports only for part the game. I still have to add many of them.

There are also a few map anomalies that I have detected. Not sure to what extend they can be attributed to me making the map or them being the result of an unfinished game design by PopTop.

I found that when I tested maps at the fast setting and while in the track laying mode, items like the year end report, economy status reports or other news reports would become delayed sometimes up to several years. So, should you be testing some parts of this map it might be better to do so while not in the track laying mode.

The scenario uses pre-started/selected players. If for whatever reasons such player is removed and one selects that player or any of the players to the right of it, (as in the stock market screen) the game will crash to the desktop. I have made an effort to ensure that all players will stay in the game but should you still encounter such case, please let me know.

Thanks for giving the map a try. If you would like to make any comments you can find me at Hawk’s forum or you can forward your comments directly to me at RRTJSS@shaw.ca

Have fun.

Check out this thread in the forums Download

Southeastern USA

by Anders (arop) Pilgaard (R.I.P.)
1860-1930Southeastern USA

The fledging South East USA is an economic boom in the making.
Soon after the establishment of the B&O, the South sends cries for their own transit system. Can you rise to the challenge?

Well I'll be, if it's not another one of them Tycoons I keep hearing so much about. Well there's more to us down here than just sweet tea and cotton, I can tell you that. We're good folk here, so if you treat the South right, we'll treat you right back. Just remember, you've only got 75 years to prove how good you are.

For a Bronze win, you'll need to connect Memphis to New Orleans, Jacksonville via Birmingham and Charlotte via Nashville & Knoxville. Your Company Book Value must be at least $100 million. Your Player's Net Worth must be minimum $50 million.

For Silver you need to do all that, and connect Tallahassee to Birmingham via Montgomery and Miami. Your CBV must be $200 million, and your PNW must be $75 million.

And for a Gold, not only do you need to do all that but your CBV must be $300 million, your PNW must be $100 million, and your lifetime industrial profit must be $150 million, before the beginning of your companys 75th anniversary.

No train crashes.
No multiple companies allowed.
No electric locomotives are avaiable.

Requires the 1.06 Patch
Check out this thread in the forums

Southern Pacific

by Steve (Mobius) Lorenz
1862-1872Southern Pacific

Take control of the Southern Pacific railroad and complete the second transcontinental railway across the southwest.
Note: This scenario is harder than most.

Head east young man! That's right... with the first transcontinental railroad on its way to completion farther north, there's a need to make another, southern route, and you're just the person to do it.

What is needed is a route from Los Angeles to New Orleans. Other companies have been contracted to start heading westward from New Orleans. Your task will be to start building eastward from Los Angeles and meet up with them in El Paso.

The going won't be easy. You'll have nasty stretches of mountains and desert to cross before you get to the open plains of Texas. You'll be kept on a budget, but each city that is connected along the way will entitle you to additional land grants (in the form of more available track).

Good luck and see you in El Paso. Eastward Ho!

Bronze Medal
Connect Los Angeles to El Paso by the end of 1880.

Silver Medal
Connect Los Angeles to El Paso by the end of 1876.

Gold Medal
Connect Los Angeles to El Paso by the end of 1872.

- You must start in Los Angeles.
- You can't build unconnected track.
- You will have to work with limited track.

1862-1872Southern Pacific

Übernehme die Kontrolle der Southern Pacific und vollende die zweite transkontinentale Eisenbahn durch den Südwesten der USA.
Beachte: Dieses Szenario ist schwerer als die meisten.

Blick nach Osten junger Mann! Das ist richtig...
Mit der ersten transkontinentalen Eisenbahn die weiter nördlich vollendet wird, entsteht auch das Bedürfnis eine weitere zu bauen, auf einer südliche Route und du bist die Person die es tun soll.

Es wird eine Strecke von Los Angeles nach New Orleans benötigt. Andere Firmen wurden gegründet um von New Orleans aus nach Westen zu bauen. Deine Aufgabe ist es von Los Angeles aus nach Osten zu bauen und mit den anderen in El Paso zusammenzutreffen.

Dies wird kein Spaziergang. Du musst wiedrige Strecken in Bergen und Wüsten bauen bis du die Ebenen von Texas erreichst. Sei vorsichtig mit deinem Budget. Aber jede Stadt die du entlang deines Weges anschliesst wird dir Land schenken (in der Form von verfügbaren Gleisstücken).

Viel Glück und wir sehen uns in El Paso. Auf nach Osten!

Los Angeles und El Paso bis Ende 1880 verbunden.

Los Angeles und El Paso bis Ende 1876 verbunden.

Los Angeles und El Paso bis Ende 1872 verbunden.

- Du musst in Los Angeles starten.
- Du kannst keine unverbundenen Strecken bauen
- Die Gleisstücke sind beschränkt.

Requires the Coast to Coast Expansion
Also requires 7 PK4 files (included in the zip)
Check out this thread in the forums German version by Thomas (Hobo) Köhler
English version German version

Southern States USA

by Joseph Tinoco
1862-1872Southern States USA

Industry in the Southern States was limited before 1862. Agriculture was how people made a living here. The railroads of the period were disconnected.
Can you do better, connect the Southern States, and export its cotton?

In the rich and fertile Southern States, an abundant source of agriculture supply existed. You must link up these sources within the Southern States to create your railroad empire and do it within 25 years.

Bronze - Connect 20 Cities in 25 years and Haul 100 loads of cotton.

Silver - Connect 25 Cities, Haul 200 loads of cotton, Connect 10 Southern States (- Florida) togeather and have a PNW of $15,000,000 in 25 years.

Gold - Connect 30 Cities, Haul 300 loads of cotton, Connect all 11 Southern States togeather and have a PNW of $20,000,000 and do all in 20 years.

You may not start Multiple Companies
You cannot lay unconnected track
You cannot resign as Chairman

Atlanta, Georgia
Charleston, South Carolina
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Fort Smith, Arkansas
Mobile, Alabama
Nashville, Tennessee
New Orleans, Louisiana
Norfolk, Virginia
San Antonio, Texas
Tupelo, Mississippi
Wilmington, North Carolina

Check out this thread concerning the update Updated 2/2/13 by Toni (Sugus) Wettenschwiler Download

Summer Vacation

Seebader am Atlantik

by Lars (Lama) Maischak
1885-1915Summer Vacation

The Delmarva peninsula - the Eastern Shore of Chesapeake Bay - waits to be discovered as a destination for summer vacationers. Build a railroad to the seaside, and get city-dwellers to the ocean.
Build a railroad to the seaside, and get city-dwellers to the ocean.

For BRONZE, connect Baltimore and Philadelphia to the four beach resorts (Rehoboth Beach, Bethany Beach, Ocean City, and Assateague), and haul 20 loads of tourists to each of them.

For SILVER, also haul 100 loads of tourists to, and have $1,000,000 revenue in, three of the four beach resorts.

For GOLD, also haul 150 loads of tourists to, and have $2,000,000 revenue in, two of the four beach resorts. In addition, have an average express train (carrying any mail, passengers, or tourists) speed of 25mph or more.

You have 30 years to meet your goals. You may only start one company. All goals have to be met by the company you started.

Tourists are represented by Troops. Tourist traffic will begin once you have connected Baltimore or Philadelphia to any of the four beach resorts; and will increase with each resort you connect. You have to place your station directly in the territory of the resort for your revenue and loads to count. Make sure the coverage area of the station includes the resort hotel (barracks). You can only build to Ocean City and Assateague, once suspension bridges become available (1895).

Tobacco is represented by Coffee. The warehouses in Baltimore and Annapolis receive hogsheads of tobacco grown on the sandy soils of Southern Maryland and the Eastern Shore, for processing or export.

Seafood (fish and crabs) is represented by Livestock. Therefore, ports or warehouses at landings generate this type of cargo.

1885-1915Seebader am Atlantik

Die Delmarva-Halbinsel, die die Chesapeake-Bucht vom Atlantik trennt, bietet sich als Ziel für Urlaubsreisende an.
Bauen Sie eine Eisenbahn an das Meer und bringen Sie Städter in die Seebäder.

Für BRONZE verbinden Sie Baltimore und Philadelphia mit den vier Seebädern (Rehoboth Beach, Bethany Beach, Ocean City und Assateague) und befördern Sie 20 Ladungen Touristen nach jedem.

Für SILBER befördern Sie außerdem 100 Ladungen Touristen nach dreien der vier Seebäder und erzielen Sie in jedem dieser drei Einkünfte von 1.000.000$.

Für GOLD, befördern Sie zudem 150 Ladungen Touristen nach zweien der vier Seebäder und erzielen Sie in jedem dieser beiden Einkünfte von 2.000.000$.

Außerdem müssen Ihre Expreßzüge (alle Züge, die mind. einen Wagen Post, Personen, oder Touristen befördern) eine Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit von 25 Meilen/h erreichen.

Sie haben zur Erreichung Ihrer Ziele 30 Jahre Zeit. Sie dürfen nur eine Gesellschaft gründen. Alle Ziele müssen von dieser Gesellschaft erreicht werden.

TOURISTEN werden durch Truppen dargestellt. Touristen beginnen erst mit der Bahn zu reisen, wenn Baltimore oder Philadelphia mit einem der vier Seebäder verbunden wurde. Mit jedem verbundenen Badeort wächst die Zahl der Urlaubsreisenden weiter an. Damit Touristen und Einkünfte gezählt werden können, müssen Sie ihren Bahnhof innerhalb der Grenze eines Seebades errichten. Der Einzugsbereich Ihres Bahnhofes muß außerdem das Strandhotel (Kaserne) bedecken. Nach Ocean City and Assateague können Sie erst bauen, wenn Hängebrücken verfügbar werden (1895).

TABAK wird durch Kaffee dargestellt. Die Häfen in Baltimore und Annapolis exportieren den auf den Sandböden des südlichen Marylands angebauten Tabak.

FISCH und KREBSE werden durch Vieh dargestellt. Daher kommt diese Ladungsart in (Fischerei-)Häfen an.


Summer Vacation
a map for Railroad Tycoon 3
by Lars Maischak

You can contact the author by sending a message to user Lama at the forums on the following web-sites: http://hawkdawg.com/forums/ and http://www.railroadtycoon.info/forum/

Geography: The map covers the area around the Delmarva Peninsula, on the U.S. East Coast.

Time frame: 1885-1914 (30 years) in single; 1885-1909 (25 years) in multi-player. You may change the start date to 1890 (slightly easier).

Players: Single or multi (up to 4 players); no AI.

Restrictions: Players may only start one company.

Medal goals:
Single player -
Bronze: Connect the four beach resorts (Rehoboth Beach, Bethany Beach, Ocean City and Assateague) to Baltimore and Philadelphia. Haul 20 loads of tourists to each beach resort.

Silver: Also haul 100 loads of tourists to, and have $1,000,000 revenue in, three of the four beach resorts.

Gold: Also haul 150 loads of tourists to, and have $2,000,000 revenue in, two of the four beach resorts. In addition, have an average express train speed (all trains that carry any passengers, mail, or tourists) of 25mph or more.

Multi-player -
Gold: At the end of 25 years, own the company that hauled the most tourists.

Special Conditions:
TOURISTS are represented by troops. In both single- and multi-player, tourist traffic will begin once Baltimore or Philadelphia have been connected to any of the four beach resorts; and will increase with each resort that is connected. You have to place your station directly in the territory of the resort for your revenue and loads to count. Make sure the coverage area of the station includes the resort hotel (barracks). You can only build to Ocean City and Assateague, once suspension bridges become available (1895).

In multi-player, the company with the fastest express train speed in any year will be paid a 25% bonus on tourists hauled in the following year.

TOBACCO is represented by coffee. The warehouses in Baltimore and Annapolis receive hogsheads of tobacco grown on the sandy soils of Southern Maryland and the Eastern Shore, for processing or export.

SEAFOOD (fish and crabs) is represented by cattle. Therefore, ports or warehouses at landings generate this type of cargo.

Historical background.
People took trains for travel almost from the beginning, but tourism as a mass phenomenon, as opposed to a handful of individual travelers, only began in the 1860s. Starting in the 1880s, railroads began to put much more of an effort into attracting vacationers to their routes, often building their own resort hotels in remote towns, among beautiful but sparsely populated landscape, to increase passenger traffic. In this scenario you will be in charge of a railroad that aims at developing seaside resorts as destinations for tourists. The cost of buying into the beach resorts reflects the efforts involved in developing a place as a tourist location.

Strategy Hints.
When building track on the sand banks along the shore, consider placing maintenance sheds and water-towers first, then connect them with track. Often you won't be able to place these support structures alongside existing track in locations where the ocean is nearby.

To keep your express speed up, separate freight from express trains, as soon as there is enough express traffic volume. Consider running Eight-Wheelers with two-car trains, and replace them with Atlantics as soon as they become available, since their faster acceleration makes up for their lower nominal top speed.

Don't ignore those tourists who decide to travel between different beach resorts, perhaps because they want to find out whether the ocean is bluer elsewhere - they may not pay much, but help you increase the number of tourists hauled.

Seebäder am Atlantik
ein Szenario für Railroad Tycoon 3
von Lars Maischak

Sie können den Autor erreichen, indem Sie ihm auf den Foren bei Molse, Gathering, oder der H&P RR unter dem Benutzernamen ‘Lama’ eine Nachricht schicken.

Geographie: Die Karte bildet das Gebiet der Delmarva-Halbinsel an der Ostküste der Vereinigten Staaten und einen Teil des Hinterlandes ab. 

Zeitrahmen: 1885-1914 (30 Jahren) für Einzel-; 1885-1909 (25 Jahre) für Mehrspieler-Spiele. Sie können das Anfangsjahr auch auf 1890 einstellen (etwas einfacher).

Spieler: Einzel- oder Mehrspieler-Spiele (bis zu 4 Spieler); keine Computerspieler.

Beschränkungen: Spieler dürfen nur eine Gesellschaft gründen.

Bronze - Verbinden Sie die vier Seebäder (Rehoboth Beach, Bethany Beach, Ocean City und Assateague) mit Baltimore und Philadelphia. Befördern Sie 20 Ladungen Touristen nach jedem Seebad.

Silber - Befördern Sie außerdem 100 Ladungen Touristen nach dreien der vier Seebäder, und erzielen Sie in jedem der drei Einkünfte von 1.000.000$.

Gold - Befördern Sie außerdem 150 Ladungen Touristen nach zweien der vier Seebäder, und erzielen Sie in beiden Einkünfte von 2.000.000$. Außerdem müssen Ihre Expreßzüge (alle Züge, die Post, Personen, oder Touristen befördern) eine Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit von 25Ml/h erreichen.

Gold - Besitzen Sie nach Ablauf von 25 Jahren die Gesellschaft, die die meisten Touristen befördert hat. 

TOURISTEN werden durch Truppen dargestellt. Touristen beginnen erst mit der Bahn zu reisen, wenn Baltimore oder Philadelphia mit einem der vier Seebäder verbunden wurde. Mit jedem verbundenen Badeort wächst die Zahl der Urlaubsreisenden weiter an. Damit Touristen und Einkünfte gezählt werden können, müssen Sie ihren Bahnhof innerhalb der Grenze eines Seebades errichten. Der Einzugsbereich Ihres Bahnhofes muß außerdem das Strandhotel (Kaserne) bedecken. Nach Ocean City and Assateague können Sie erst bauen, wenn Hängebrücken verfügbar werden (1895).
TABAK wird durch Kaffee dargestellt. Die Häfen in Baltimore und Annapolis exportieren den auf den Sandböden des südlichen Marylands angebauten Tabak.
FISCH und KREBSE werden durch Vieh dargestellt. Daher kommt diese Ladungsart in (Fischerei-)Häfen an.

Historischer Hintergrund.
Urlaubsreisende fuhren von Anfang an mit der Bahn, aber bis zur Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts konnten sich nur wenige leisten, zum Vergnügen zu reisen. Tourismus wurde erst ab den 1860er Jahren langsam zu einer Massenerscheinung. Etwa ab den 1880er Jahren begannen Bahngesellschaften, offensiv um Touristen zu werben. In den USA bauten sie oft ihre eigenen Hotels in dünnbesiedelten, aber sehenswerten Landstrichen, um ihre dorthin führenden Bahnlinien besser auszulasten. In diesem Szenario ist Ihr Ziel, Badeorte am Atlantik zu begehrten Urlaubszielen zu machen. Die Kosten des Zugangs zu diesen Seebädern stehen für die Aufwendungen zur Entwicklung dieser Orte als Reiseziele.

Beim Streckenbau auf den Sandbänken am Atlantik sollten Sie zuerst Wartungsgebäude und Wassertürme errichten, und diese erst dann durch Gleise verbinden. Andernfalls wird es Ihnen oft unmöglich sein, diese Versorgungsgebäude an bereits vorhandenen Gleisen nahe des Ozeans aufzustellen.

Um die Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit Ihrer Expreßzüge zu erhöhen, sollten Sie Expreß- und Güterzüge trennen, sobald das Verkehrsaufkommen es erlaubt. Die Eight-Wheeler (Vierachser) kann hohe Geschwindigkeiten erreichen, wenn sie mit nicht mehr als zwei Wagen betrieben wird. Ersetzen Sie diese Lok durch die Atlantic, sobald diese verfügbar wird. Durch ihre schnellere Beschleunigung ist sie der Eight-Wheeler trotz ihrer geringeren nominellen Höchstgeschwindigkeit überlegen.

Vernachlässigen Sie nicht die Touristen, die zwischen den verschiedenen Seebädern reisen wollen, vielleicht um sich anzusehen, ob der Strand dort schöner ist - diese Reisenden zahlen nicht viel, aber helfen Ihnen doch dabei, die Zahl der beförderten Touristen zu erhöhen.

English version German version

Texas II

by Anders (arop) Pilgaard (R.I.P.)
1875-1935Texas II

Texas in the late 19th century. Prepare to capitalize on the newly discovered oil deposits and forge your own rail empire.

It's big, it's dry, and it's yours. The vast lands of Texas are begging for an implementation of well-planned transit. Texas still has some resources that are newly discovered, and tapping the dark treasure of Texas will be your true key to success.

You have 60 years from game start to do the following:

For Bronze, have a Company Book Value of $150 million, a Lifetime Industrial Profit of $50 million, a Players Net Worth of $25 million, and haul 150 loads of Oil.

For Silver, have a CBV of $300 million, LIP of $100 million, PNW of $50 million and haul 300 loads of oil.

For Gold, have a CBV of $500 million, LIP of $200 million, PNW of $100 million, and haul 300 loads of oil and 100 loads of cotton.

Good luck, and watch out for the tumbleweeds.

A) No multiple companies.
B) No train crashes.
C) No stock trade on margin.

1875-1935Texas II

Texas im späten 19. Jahrhundert Mach Dein Geschäft mit den neu entdeckten Ölvorkommen und bau Dir Dein eigenes Eisenbahnimperium.

Es ist gross, es ist trocken, und es gehört Dir! Die riesigen Ebenen Texas' schreien geradezu nach der Errichtung eines gut geplanten Transportsystems. Texas besitzt eben erst entdeckte Ressourcen! Und dieses schwarze Gold anzuzapfen, bildet den Schlüssel zu Deinem Erfolg als Eisenbahner.

Du hast 60 Jahre Zeit für

- Firmenbuchwert $150 Millionen
- Industriegewinne insgesamt $50 Millionen
- Privatvermögen (PNW) $25 Millionen
- 150 Ladungen Öl

- Firmenbuchwert $300 Millionen
- Industriegewinne insgesamt $100 Millionen
- Privatvermögen (PNW) $50 Millionen
- 300 Ladungen Öl

- Firmenbuchwert $500 Millionen
- Industriegewinne insgesamt $200 Millionen
- Privatvermögen (PNW) $100 Millionen
- 300 Ladungen Öl
- 100 Ladungen Baumwolle

- Aktien auf Kredit kaufen/leerverkaufen deaktiviert
- Gründung mehrerer Gesellschaften deaktiviert
- Zugunglücke deaktiviert

(Original: arop / Übersetzung: Sugus)
(Siegbedingungen durch Sugus korrigiert)

Requires the 1.06 Patch
Check out this thread in the forums German version by Toni (Sugus) Wettenschwiler
English version German version

The Cheshire

by Lars (Lama) Maischak
1930-1955The Cheshire

Build the route of the Boston & Maine streamliner "The Cheshire" through Southwestern New Hampshire.

In 1944, the Boston & Maine RR brought streamliner service to New Hampshire, when it assigned a Zephyr-type train to the "Cheshire," running between White River Junction and Boston. Build the route of this once-famous train through its namesake Cheshire County, and through its county seat, Keene.

You have 25 years.

To receive any medal, connect Fitchburg to Keene and Bellows Falls.

Your success is measured in points.
You receive one point per year for ...

... running express trains at an average speed of 35mph.
... hauling 10 passengers from Keene.
... hauling 5 passengers from Bellows Falls.
... hauling 5 passengers from Fitchburg.

For Bronze, you need 48 points.
For Silver, you need 60 points.
For Gold, you need 72 points.

You will receive bonus points for connecting Fitchburg to Keene and Bellows Falls quickly.

- You can only build track connected to your own, existing track.
- You can only gain access to New Hampshire by merging with a company that has access to that state.
- You may not buy or build industry.
- Sugar plantations represent maple sugar houses.
- The map closely follows the historical economic climate, partly disabling the randomness of changes of the economic state.
- For a quick overview of the map, press the hotkey '0' (zero).

1930-1955The Cheshire

Erstelle die Strecke der Boston & Maine Streamliner "The Cheshire" durch den Südwesten von New Hampshire.

Im Jahre 1944 brachte die Boston & Maine RR den Streamliner Service nach New Hampshire, indem sie "The Cheshire" einen Zug vom Typ Zephyr zuwiesen, welcher in der Folge zwischen White River Junction und Boston verkehrte. Erstelle die Strecke dieses einst berühmten Zugs durch sein gleichnamiges Cheshire County und durch dessen Hauptbezirk: Keene.

Du hast 25 Jahre.

Dein Erfolg wird in Punkten gemessen. Einen solchen gibt es pro Jahr für:

- Expresszüge mit einer durchschnittlichen Geschwindigkeit von 35 mph
- 10 Ladungen Passagiere aus Keene
- 5 Ladungen Passagiere aus Bellows Falls
- 5 Ladungen Passagiere aus Fitchburg

Ausserdem werden Bonuspunkte vergeben, wenn Du Fitchburg mit Keene und Bellows Falls schnell verbinden kannst.

Verbinde Fitchburg mit Keene und Bellows Falls (in jedem Fall).

Sammle 48 Punkte

Sammle 60 Punkte

Sammle 72 Punkte

Der Zugang zu New Hampshire ist nur durch Fusion mit einem Unternehmen möglich, welches Zugang zu diesem Staat hat.
Die Karte orientiert sich stark am historischen, wirtschaftlichen Klima, wobei das zufällige Verändern des Wirtschaftsstatus teilweise unterdrückt wurde.
Einen schnellen Überblick über die Karte liefert die Taste "0" (Null).

Bau unverbundener Stecken deaktiviert
Bau von Industriegebäuden deaktiviert
Kauf von bestehenden Industriegebäuden deaktiviert
Gründung mehrerer Gesellschaften deaktiviert
Zugunglücke deaktiviert
KI ignoriert Gebietsrechte

(Original: Lama / Übersetzung: Sugus)

Check out this thread in the forums German version by Toni (Sugus) Wettenschwiler English version German version

Tonopah and Tidewater

by David (AD7DB) Bartholomew
1901-1925Tonopah and Tidewater

The great dream of the builders of the Tonopah & Tidewater was to connect from Tonopah, Nevada all the way to the Pacific coastal ports.

The predecessors of this line were the Las Vegas and Tonopah, and the Bullfrog and Goldfield railroads. After various mergers and takeovers the T&T was born. They managed to join Goldfield to Ludlow, with connections via other railroads.

Their railroad lasted several decades until it was taken up and the rails and ties salvaged for material to help in World War II. Their story was like many of the little-known desert short lines that flourished during the early 20th century.

Maybe you can do what they didn't. You do, however, have intense competition from the UP, ATSF and maybe other railroad companies. Be careful that other railroads don't get into the area where you want to build. It might make things difficult.

You have the first 10 years to connect Tonopah into Los Angeles (via anybody). Following that you have to haul 50 loads of aluminum. This industry does not appear until 1910, so you will only have 10-15 years to do that portion.

Special Conditions: No building or buying industries.

Read more about it at www.ttrr.org

Tonopah and Tidewater
Map for Railroad Tycoon 3 by
David Bartholomew

Requires the additional (real world) company logos. The game specifically uses Union Pacific, Southern Pacific, and Santa Fe logos.

1. You have the first 10 years to get Tonopah connected to	Los Angeles. It does not have to be all your own line. A good route may be via Indian Springs, or via Pahrump, or down through Baker as the real T&T did.

2. You cannot build or buy any industries. I had two reasons for this. First, I think it's too easy to make money in most scenarios by buying up hot properties until you are gushing in cash and then building at the very last. Second, the AI have the same limitation, so the only place they can spend their money is by building more track!

3. The AI get some help to keep them afloat, for the sake of keeping some competition going.

4. I purposely limited the engines to either the good "Mountain Kings", or to electrics of all types. Otherwise, the AI buy a flatland speed king every time, that cannot handle the grades out in the desert areas. Their own tracks get bogged down with slow trains. This way they stand a decent chance of getting some trains that will move along.

5. After your first task (of connecting Tonopah), you have to haul aluminum. This industry does not appear until after 1910. It will not always be profitable, in fact you may have to run these trains entirely on the AI's tracks, thus handing over all train profit to them!

6. Oil wells can be found in the Bakersfield (Calif) and in the Duckwater (Nevada) areas. This reflects some real world oil fields. They can be rather lucrative.

7. Tunnels and steep grades cost a lot of money. Plan your routes carefully.

1901-1925Tonopah and Tidewater

Der grosse Traum der Erbauer von Tonopah & Tidewater war es, Tonopah Nevada vollständig an die pazifischen Küstenhäfen anzuschliessen.

Die Vorgänger dieser Linie waren Las Vegas & Tonopah und die Bullfrog & Goldfield Eisenbahnen. Nach verschiedenen Fusionen und Übernahmen war die T&T geboren. Sie verband Goldfield mit Ludlow und hatte diverse Anschlüsse zu anderen Eisenbahnen.

Diese Eisenbahn überstand mehrere Jahrzehnte, bis sie aufgegeben wurde und ihre Schienen und Schwellen als Material im Zweiten Weltkrieg Verwendung fanden. Ihre Geschichte ist eine von den vielen, wenig bekannten, vergessenen Bahnen, welche im frühen 20. Jahrhundert ihre Blütezeit hatten.

Möglicherweise kannst Du das erreichen, was sie nicht konnte. Du hast jedoch intensive Konkurrenz durch UP, ATSF und möglicherweise noch anderen Eisenbahnfirmen. Achte unbedingt darauf, dass andere Eisenbahnen nicht in jene Bereiche vordringen, in denen Du vorankommen willst, sonst könnte die Sache schwierig werden.

Du musst innerhalb der ersten 10 Jahre Tonopah (irgendwie) mit Los Angeles verbinden. Danach gilt es 50 Ladungen Aluminium herumzuschleppen. Diese Industrie erscheint aber nicht vor 1910, weshalb Dir nur 10 bis 15 Jahre verbleiben, um diesen Teil der Geschichte zu erfüllen.

Weitere Info gibt's bei www.ttrr.org

Du hast also 20/25 Jahre Zeit für:

Verbinde Tonopah mit Los Angeles

Transportiere 50 Ladungen Aluminium

Erledige alles innerhalb 20 Jahren

Bau von Industriegebäuden deaktiviert
Kauf von bestehenden Industriegebäuden deaktiviert

(Original: AD7DB / Übersetzung: Sugus)

Requires 3 of the Railroad Logos by Steve (Mobius) Lorenz German version by Toni (Sugus) Wettenschwiler English version German version


by Porter (EPH) Hopson

1800 miles of granite mountains, empty wasteland and hostile Indians. No water, no lumber, no people. Everyone wants you to build a railroad but nobody wants to pay for it.

Still interested?

At a time when most railroads are a few hundred miles in length, a Transcontinental Railroad will have to run 1800 miles. For most of that way there is little wood, water or people except hostile Indians. Steep mountains, deep canyons, swift rivers and dry desolation all lie ahead.

No-one believes it can be built, yet every American knows it must be built. Without a railroad the interior cannot be settled and California will remain isolated and indefensible. The estimated cost of $150 million dollars is so heart-stopping that no financier can fund it. The Union Pacific and Central Pacific were the two biggest corporations in the world, paid by the mile in government bonds and western land, and they both nearly ruptured under the strain.

Yet it must be built. You must build it. You control both the Central and Union Pacific Railroads with terminals in Sacramento and Omaha. As you lay track you will be given land grants and bonds, and in time your monthly allotment of track will increase.
*** Gold Medal***
Connect Omaha to Seattle
Connect Omaha to Ogden to Sacramento before June of 1869
Connect Omaha to the three Chicago, St Louis and Memphis rail Links

** Silver Medal **
Repay the bonds before 1891
Connect Omaha to Sacramento before 1873
Connect Omaha to any one of the Chicago, St Louis or Memphis Rail Links

* Bronze Medal *
Connect the cities and repay the bonds before 1891

Camera views 1, 2, 3 and 4 will be useful to you; enter the number on your keyboard.

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United Indian Federation

Vereinte Föderation der Indianer

by Steve (IsiOwatta) Mortenson
1850-1890United Indian Federation

What if things happened just a little bit different?

In the year 1675 King Phillip, Chief of the Wampanoag tribe, attacked the English settlements in New England. In June of that year the Mohegans, instead of joining with the colonists, joined forces with King Phillip.

Together they drove the English and the French back into the sea. Now after 200 years of successfully defending their lands, Chief Red Cloud of the Lakota has sent word to you. He asks for your help building a rail system, to unite the newly-formed nations in America.

Are you up to the task? You have 40 years to complete the following:

__) BRONZE (__
Connect the national capitol in Kansas Cty to Waukegan and Iroquis Cty.
Collect $200 million in industry profits.

__) SILVER (__
Along with the above, connect your rails to Geronimo and Lakota.
Make $300 million profit from your industries.

__) GOLD (__
Also connect to Osseolia.
Make $400 million in industry profits.

__) NOTES (__
You may only start one company.
No unconnected track building allowed.

1850-1890Vereinte Föderation der Indianer

Was wäre, wenn sich die Dinge in Nordamerika ein bisschen anders entwickelt hätten?

Deutsche Bearbeitung des Szenarios "United Indian Federation" (v1.2) von IsiOwatta.

Im Jahre 1675 griff König Phillip Cheif vom Stamm der Wampanoag die englischen Siedlungen in New England an. Im Juni des selben Jahres entschieden sich die Mohegans, anstatt der Kolonisten Phillip Cheif zu unterstützen - mit vereinten Kräften vertrieben sie die europaischen Siedler vom Kontinent. Nun, nach 200 Jahren erfolgreicher Verteidigung ihrer Länder, erreicht dich eine Botschaft von Häuptling Cheif Red Clowd vom Stamm der Lakota. Er bittet dich um Hilfe beim Aufbau eines Eisenbahnnetzes, um die neuen Nationen Amerikas zu vereinen.

Bist du dazu bereit? Du hast 40 Jahre Zeit für folgende Aufgaben:

__) BRONZE (__
Verbinde die zukünftige Hauptstadt Kansas City mit Waukegan und Iroquis City. Erwirtschafte ausserdem 200 Millionen Industriegewinn.

__)SILBER (__
 Verbinde zusätzlich zu den Bronze-Zielen deine Eisenbahn mit Geronimo und Lakota und erreiche 300 Millionen Industriegewinn.

__) GOLD (__
Verbinde zusätzlich zu den Bronze- und Silber-Zielen auch noch Osseolia und erwirtschafte satte 400 Millionen an Industriegewinnen.

__) Zusätzliche Bedingungen (__
Du darfst nur eine Gesellschaft gründen.
Alle Gleise müssen mit deinem Eisenbahnnetz verbunden sein.

German version by (Beeblebrox) Updated 10/29/14 by Toni (Sugus) Wettenschwiler - fixed medal events English version German version

Utah & James Hill

by Jerry (Gwizz) Meyer
1925-?Utah & James Hill

Remake of RSH's Cache Valley Map, by Gwizz.

All industries removed from starting in cities & some pre-planted. Modified win events. No time limit.

Bronze: Connect 5 other Railroad Cities to Salt Lake city: Bonneville Salt Flats (SW), Daniel (NE), Fort Duchesne (SE), Logan (upper center), & Minidoka (NW).

Silver: Complete bronze goals, plus haul 20 each of Munitions, Equipment & Diesel to Bonneville Salt Flats from a military warehouse. One is north of Bear Lake. Others are at different RR yards. Connection point labels are on the map. There are no hidden territories.

Gold: Complete Silver Goals and haul, from the industry center near Salt Lake City, 50 loads each of furniture, goods, auto and toys to each of the four Big City Warehouses: Near Big Burley (NW corner of map), near Big Piney (NE corner of map), near Big BlueBill (SE corner of map) and near Big Hyde Park (upper center of map).

1925-?Utah & James Hill

Remake von RSH's Cache Valley Map von Gwizz.

Alle Industrien in den Städten zu Beginn entfernt und dafür einige vorplaziert. Siegbedingungen verändert. Keine Zeitlimite.

Du hast unbeschränkt Zeit für:

Verbinde Bonneville Salt Flats (SW), Daniel (NO), Fort Duchesne (SO), Logan (oben Mitte) und Minidoka (NW) mit Salt Lake City.

Transportiere auch je 20 Ladungen Munition, Waffen und Diesel aus einem der Militärlager (eines liegt nördlich von Bear Lake, andere finden sich bei verschiedenen RR Yards) nach Bonneville Salt Flats.

Transportiere ebenso je 50 Ladungen Möbel, Autos, Stückgut und Spielzeug vom Industriezentrum bei Salt Lake City zu jeder der folgenden vier grossen Lagerhallen:
nahe Big Burley (NW)
nahe Big Piney (NE)
nahe Big BlueBill (SE)
nahe Big HydePark (oberhalb Mitte).

Verborgene Gebiete gibt es nicht.
Anschlusspunkte sind auf der Karte markiert.
Als Vorsitzender gefeuert werden deaktiviert.

(Original: Gwizz / Übersetzung: Sugus)

Check out this thread in the forums German version by Toni (Sugus) Wettenschwiler English version German version

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