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Re: I made it to ENGINEER!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 10:09 am
by thegrindre
OMG! You've added a CEO! I thought I had made it to the top already.

Well, then, I'm with Wolve in rackin' up another post. !*th_up*! ^**lylgh

Re: I made it to ENGINEER!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 10:27 am
by Hawk
thegrindre wrote: Well, then, I'm with Wolve in rackin' up another post. !*th_up*! ^**lylgh
Oh No! Now we're going to have a bunch of nonsensical posts to add post counts. !hairpull! ^**lylgh
thegrindre wrote:OMG! You've added a CEO! I thought I had made it to the top already.
Actually, that's always been there. When I upgraded to this new version all that data was copied from the old board. ;-)

Re: I made it to ENGINEER!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 11:53 am
by Gwizz
I forgot to have a party when I became an engineer.

Re: I made it to ENGINEER!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 1:53 pm
by KevinL
Sorry I'm late to the party, but I'll hoist a root beer in your direction and say congrats! (0!!0)

Re: I made it to ENGINEER!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 2:00 am
by wsherrick
Congratulations to you Grindre. Now that you've made it you need to report to the enginehouse at 4:30 AM to break the bank in the firebox, shake down the ashes, top off the tender, rake the fire after breaking the bank, throw in a few scoops of coal to get her going, open the turret valve, blow down the water glasses, check the water level in the boiler, crack open the blower valve to start a draft for your fire, check the fire again, put on about 20 or 30 scoops of coal, wipe your hands on your pants, bitch about how crappy the coal is they keep buying, open the engine house doors to let in some fresh air, fill the lubricators on the air compressor, fill the hydrostatic lubricator in the cab, oil the other hundred places that need oil, oil the driving wheel boxes, oil the pony trucks, check the journal boxes on the tender, fill with oil if necessary, get some more clean rags, shoo away the annoying railfans who distract you with the same endless questions they asked you the last time they showed up, put some more coal in the firebox, turn up the blower to raise steam, start the air compressor pumps, after you get enough air to blow the water out of the reservoirs, shut the drain cocks, your fireman should be showing up about now to do half of this stuff, but it's okay because you've done it already-tell him to sit up in the cab to watch the pressure gauge so he'll stay out of the way, now that you've got steam and air pressure up for the brakes, take the engine out to the ash pit, make the fireman shake down the grates, take coal, run up to the plug to top off the tender again, blow down the boiler, put the engine on the train, do your terminal inspection, your brake test, have your meeting with the other members of the crew to work out the days activities, climb into your exhalted seat on the right hand side of the cab, and get ready to start your day. :salute:

Re: I made it to ENGINEER!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 5:06 am
by Hawk
Be careful what you wish for Rick. ^**lylgh

Re: I made it to ENGINEER!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 8:53 am
by proudcanadian
Congrats Grindre, I too will raise a glass of root beer(or cream soda) in celebration of your 500th post (0!!0) ::!**!

Re: I made it to ENGINEER!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 10:10 am
by thegrindre
wsherrick wrote:Congratulations to you Grindre. Now that you've made it you need to report to the enginehouse at 4:30 AM to break the bank in the firebox, shake down the ashes, top off the tender, rake the fire after breaking the bank, throw in a few scoops of coal to get her going, open the turret valve, blow down the water glasses, check the water level in the boiler, crack open the blower valve to start a draft for your fire, check the fire again, put on about 20 or 30 scoops of coal, wipe your hands on your pants, bitch about how crappy the coal is they keep buying, open the engine house doors to let in some fresh air, fill the lubricators on the air compressor, fill the hydrostatic lubricator in the cab, oil the other hundred places that need oil, oil the driving wheel boxes, oil the pony trucks, check the journal boxes on the tender, fill with oil if necessary, get some more clean rags, shoo away the annoying railfans who distract you with the same endless questions they asked you the last time they showed up, put some more coal in the firebox, turn up the blower to raise steam, start the air compressor pumps, after you get enough air to blow the water out of the reservoirs, shut the drain cocks, your fireman should be showing up about now to do half of this stuff, but it's okay because you've done it already-tell him to sit up in the cab to watch the pressure gauge so he'll stay out of the way, now that you've got steam and air pressure up for the brakes, take the engine out to the ash pit, make the fireman shake down the grates, take coal, run up to the plug to top off the tender again, blow down the boiler, put the engine on the train, do your terminal inspection, your brake test, have your meeting with the other members of the crew to work out the days activities, climb into your exhalted seat on the right hand side of the cab, and get ready to start your day. :salute:

Holy crap! !*00*! Is there anyway to get demoted... :shock:


Re: I made it to ENGINEER!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 1:19 pm
by CeeBee
It's pretty hard not to take the oppotunity to get a wee bit closer to leaving the dungeon and getting up to the basement so
(0!!0) !!clap!! (0!!0) !**yaaa *!*!*!
Party on and Congratulations!!! :mrgreen:

Re: I made it to ENGINEER!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:36 am
by wsherrick
thegrindre wrote:Sorry, folks, just a little thing of mine. :oops: It's my 500th post. (0!!0)
I've always wanted to be an engineer ever since I was a kid and I have finely made it. !*th_up*!
I just made it on the Extra Board with you Grindre. See you down at the engine house.


Re: I made it to ENGINEER!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 5:14 am
by Hawk
...and a hearty Congratulations to you too William. ::!**! :salute:

Re: I made it to ENGINEER!!!

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 5:38 am
by thegrindre
Congratulations!!! ::!**! :salute: !**yaaa !*th_up*!


Re: I made it to ENGINEER!!!

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 12:34 pm
by Canadian Viking
Whoo Hooo for wsherrick! ::!**! Always great to have another reason to grab a root beer. (0!!0) Please report to the crew house to turn in your coal shovel and pick up your tallow pot. It won't be long now and your engineering skills will earn you the nickname Wild Willy, and the track gang will be grumbling about how you pound the rails by turning the drivers too fast! Keep those steam engines moving! !*th_up*!

Re: I made it to ENGINEER!!!

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 12:30 pm
by wsherrick
Thank you all very much. I am deeply touched by your statements. :-D

Re: I made it to ENGINEER!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:23 am
by Grandma Ruth
::!**! I made it too - this is number 500 ::!**!

Re: I made it to ENGINEER!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 1:28 pm
by Knave
(0!!0) (0!!0) {,0,} Congratulations!! Quite a accomplishment!! Good Job!! {,0,} (0!!0) !!clap!! !!clap!!

Re: I made it to ENGINEER!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 4:48 pm
by proudcanadian
Congrats Ruth!!!! (0!!0) ::!**!

Re: I made it to ENGINEER!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 6:20 pm
by Gwizz
Da hum bug, a bunch of bucket months. !**yaaa

Re: I made it to ENGINEER!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 12:46 pm
by Canadian Viking
Congratulations, Grandma! I noticed a few days ago that your post then was #498 so I was prepared for another opportunity to hoist a root beer! (0!!0) Always glad for a reason to do so. :-D Just give the whistle signal when you need the brakes applied by lowly lads like myself. Am I correct in thinking that universities world wide should now include your name in their women's studies program as the female pioneer in the field of Hawk & Badger engineers? !*th_up*!

Who's next? Wolverine has less than 100 to go; so keep 'em coming.

Re: I made it to ENGINEER!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 8:05 am
by Hawk
It won't be long and we'll have too many Chiefs and not enough engines. ^**lylgh

Congrats Ruth for working your way up through the ranks, ya' old motor mouth you. :mrgreen: