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Dishwashing Detergent ban in Washington

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:06 am
by Wolverine@MSU

I read in the paper this morning that Washington has banned dishwasher detergents that contain phosphates. The "eco-friendly" detergents don't seem to work well in hard water, and so lots of your folks are smuggling it in from Idaho. The artical did say that it is only forbidden to sell the product, not to own or use it, hence the growing patronage of Idaho establishments that sell "the good stuff". Sort of like the cigarrette thing we have with Indiana. Michigan has a big tax on tobacco, so just across the state line, in northern Indiana, there are a whole slew of cigarrette vendors. It is, however, illegal to bring Indiana cigarrettes across the state line without paying the Michigan state tax on them, but people still do it............go figure **!!!**

Re: Dish washing Detergent ban in Washington

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 1:51 pm
by Gwizz
We have not heard about this ban on dish soap. figures. The news is only full of information on how our local congress, wants the people to vote for increasing taxes to reduce our huge State debt. The pork is not being cut. Our congress is making cuts in areas such as Education, that will make people unhappy and I believe, they are hoping to force the tax increases they want.

Our farmers use huge amounts of Phosphates to fertilizer their crops. I wonder how this will affect our future food supply. Sometimes I wonder if these changes are part of a master plan to kill the American economy. If so, it seems to be working.

California farmers are having to stop planting huge areas of land because a small fish was dieing in their water pumps when they irrigated with river water. Last year they also cut back on planting. Apparently California supplys about 25% of America's food supply. That percent is dropping.

The environmentalists seem unable to look ahead far enough to see how the changes they make can damages our future.

Good thing we had stocked up on dish soap. I wish we could use some of it to clean up our congress, local and national.

Re: Dishwashing Detergent ban in Washington

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 1:57 pm
by Hawk
Let's not get too political here folks. ;-)

Re: Dishwashing Detergent ban in Washington

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 4:59 pm

I really dont think that dish soap is strong enough to "Cut the Crud" that sometimes flows out of Washington. Something a bit stronger maybe....
Also in the line of chemicals used how about an ingredient used to manufacture Meth, you know the nasty drug that you smoke once and hooked for life. Anhydrous amonia is a key ingredient but its ok to mix with our corn crops....

Re: Dishwashing Detergent ban in Washington

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 6:28 pm
by SRV Ron
In Bay County, officials have banned the use of phosphate for fertilizer. Again, the same concern is the runoff into the bay.

Time will tell if the lawns turn sickly and the crops start failing since phosphates are a major nutrient needed for plant growth.

My prediction, the lawns will become sickly and farmers will have a difficult time growing any crops in Bay County.

Re: Dishwashing Detergent ban in Washington

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:26 pm
by ostlandr
Of note in one article I saw was that people are running their dishwashers on the "pots & pans" cycle to try to get the dishes clean, increasing their electricity and water consumption to do the same amount of dishes. Darn that law of unintended consequences! It's like people flushing their "eco friendly" 1.6 gallon (2.0 liter) per flush toilets two and three times to well, you know. . .