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Small 1.06 Fix

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 2:52 pm
by Blackhawk
I posted this in the large Cargo & Industry fixes for 1.06 thread but it probably got lost in there as much of that topic has turned towards a 1.07 rather than fixing 1.06. I'll repost it here as it only talks of making a couple small changes to improving 1.06 while attempting to maintain compatibility.

The attached files are a couple small changes that may help 1.06 work better, specifically the furnace.

1. Church.bca -- It now demands 2 ingots a year. Its start date was changed from 1905 to 1830.

2. Machineshop.bca -- Start date changed to 1860 to maintain compatibility. The alternate machine shop buried in the threads with an early recipe could be used, but then it could lead to compatibility issues if any pre-1860's scenario demanded machinery production. Although using the alternate recipes would increase ingot demand. I'm 50-50 as to which route to go. If the ingots at a church provide sufficient variation and demand for ingots then a 1860 start should be fine.

3. Concrete.cty - Changed to a closed hopper car, price changed from 100k to 120k, rot time changed.

4. Ceramics.cty - Price changed from 40k to 70k.

Feel free to test these out with any 1.06 maps you play and to see if there are any improvements with the price of ingots and the likelihood of ore converting to ingots at the furnace. Obviously not a perfect fix since the furnace is still 1 industry instead of separated into 2, but it should be an improvement now that there is a greater demand for ingots.

If there are any improvements with this fix, I'll likely package it with the finalized 1.06 warehouse replacement buildings and release it as a 1.06.01 fix. If there are any 1.06 locomotives with improved skins or anything like that by Gumboots those could probably be added as well.

Re: Small 1.06 Fix

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 5:03 pm
by Gumboots
I've been keeping an eye on this site, but haven't had time to work on anything. Too much other stuff going on at the moment (TBH I put some real life things off during my last RT3 coding binge).

Re: Small 1.06 Fix

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 7:27 pm
by Blackhawk
I completely understand. I've done that before as well (and to some extent I'm still doing at this moment). Good luck with your real life things.

Re: Small 1.06 Fix

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 3:23 am
by Gumboots
Bumpity bumpity bump. Just hijacking this old thread to post another small 1.06 bugfix.

The 1.06 cargoes don't display cargo icons on the sides of reefers, boxcars, covered hoppers or tankers. This is obviously due to the original 1.05 cargo icons image not including icons for 1.06, and previously nobody had got around to making a customised version for 1.06.

I've just made one, and funnily enough it works. !!party*!
It turns out that the RT3 devs, may their names be hallowed forever, must have been smitten with a misguided fit of magnanimity one day and decided to not lock things down with their Infamous Code of Evil, thereby allowing us mere mortals to sort things out when we wanted something different. I was very surprised to find this out, since I expected the game to do something awful when I tried it. *!*!*!

Anyway, zip is attached. You just extract it, and drop the six DDS images into Data/PopTopExtraContent or Data/UserExtraContent.
Either folder will work, and no other changes are necessary. (0!!0)

Edit: Old zip removed. Turns out we can get an even better fix, which is attached here.

Re: Small 1.06 Fix

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 5:27 am
by RulerofRails
Nice. I tried them. !*th_up*!

This may be the fault of the cars themselves, but the B-era boxcars aren't showing up for me.
Was there no room for icons for Concrete and Ceramics?

Re: Small 1.06 Fix

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 7:51 am
by Gumboots
Concrete and Ceramics won't work.

Edit: Concrete and Ceramics will work now. See this post below.

B era boxcars work in my installation. Dunno offhand why they wouldn't work for you. I'm running the same boxcar files as are in the zip here.

Re: Small 1.06 Fix

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 11:29 am
by RulerofRails
Ok. B-era icons don't "work" with the default boxcars even in 1.05. Guess why?
B-era hidden icons.jpg
Sorry to imply that it was a fault of this fix. I never noticed them missing before (actually have got more used to no icons since running so much testing with stand-ins). Which boxcars are you using? I only saw cty files above.

Just FYI, Concrete and Ceramics always show the generic icons for me. Like this:
Ceramic and concrete icons.jpg

Re: Small 1.06 Fix

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 5:15 pm
by Gumboots
I'm running my custom boxcars, of course. :-D I'd forgotten about some of the default cars hiding cargo icons.

I'd also forgotten, or never noticed, that Ceramics and Concrete shows those generic icons, but it does make sense. Which means I can fix the fix to fix those too, but the problem is that I suspect the same icons are called for the consist settings pop-up, so if I fix those two cargoes for cargo cars they will display instead of the generics when you are setting up an "Any cargo" or "Any freight" consist.

I'll test it now, just on the off chance that we're lucky, and see what happens.

Re: Small 1.06 Fix

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 6:23 pm
by Gumboots
Well, I'm amazed. We are incredibly lucky. For once they haven't amalgamated things all over the place.

It turns out that the cargoicons_*.dds is only called on the sides of cargo cars. All of the other cargo icons, for consist settings and for the overall cargo map, are done with the individual little icons: such as Data/2D/rt3_2DDS.pk4/

This is awesome, because it means we can get a complete fix for all cargo icons and all 1.06 cargoes. I had assumed it wouldn't be possible, but it is. (0!!0)

Train set to any cargo:

Consist pop-up:

Train set to any freight:

Consist pop-up:

Re: Small 1.06 Fix

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 6:25 pm
by Gumboots
And, train set to only haul Ceramics and Concrete:

So, it all works perfectly. !*th_up*!

Old zip has been removed from the earlier post. New zip is attached below.

Re: Small 1.06 Fix

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 8:35 pm
by RulerofRails
That's great. !$th_u$!