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Military tank in RT3

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 2:02 pm
by Gwizz
I''ve often wondered why the Military tank was in RT3.

1. It could be from another game using the same engine and
they forgot to remove it.

2. Maybe planned to be a bulldozer to grade for new track in RT3.

3. Maybe just a fun thing that the developers played around with
during development.

I wonder if it could be skinned and used for something practical in RT3?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 4:21 pm
by milo
My suspicion is that it was an early model from Shattered Union. If you have 1.06 installed, run rt3.exe with -d to bring it up with the debug menu; you can then drop a tank onto a map and drive it around. There's also a MiG-31 in some versions of the game, but the support for it seems to have been compiled out before the production release.

I entertained vague notions of having a 'war' flag on a territory, which if set caused the tank to prowl around and destroy stuff for a while. Turned out to be far too hard to implement, though, and it wouldn't work unless the AI susceptibility to missing track segments could be fixed at the same time.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 6:36 am
by bombardiere
Yeah it is WWII German Tiger tank. Long time ago I introduced it into the game and made it running along the track. But I could include only the body and anyway it was way too big, so I couldn’t figure about any use for it. Milo can you explain in detail how to get it running the way you described?

And Milo have you seen the body for MiG? I noted it being mentioned in the files, but haven’t found any skin or body.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 1:13 pm
by milo
To turn on the debug menu:
  • Make sure you have 1.06 Beta 4 or later installed, and that you're in windowed mode rather than fullscreen mode (hit F9 while the game is up to swap between them).
  • Create a copy of the shortcut to RT3.
  • Right-click on the new shortcut and select 'Properties'.
  • On the 'Target' field, add a -d to the end of the line It should now read something like

    Code: Select all

    "C:\Program Files\Ralroad Tycoon 3\RT3.exe" -d
  • Select the 'General' tab and update the shortcut name to something like Play Railroad Tycoon 3 (Debug).
  • Click OK.
Launching the game from that new shortcut will now bring up RT3 with a debug menu. The tank options are in Debug...Fun Stuff. You can also fly the plane from there, but I haven't had any luck getting the controls to respond.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 9:48 am
by pure al
I've got to try that out!

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 5:52 pm
by Viconius
Hey guys.
The tank was put in to test the early engine capabilities. Guillermo and I were tank enthusiasts and tanks use their own tracks to ride on.

At one time Guillermo put in all kinds of functionality into the tank, lights, recoile from firing, firing, turet control and pain in the but GEAR BOX for use with driving the tank. You had to shift to do any driving.

Thier was a MiG, Bi-Plane and a Leer Jet. At one time at least. Phil didn't like any of these till I started to use them in press demos to entertain people.

The game engine is capable of much more than was used. In the back of my mind I'd hoped to use it for an improved version of Tropico.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 7:29 pm
by pure al
Hi Gungagalunga,

It sounds like you guys had some fun during development! That's really what we're doing with the patch, just a few of us with a wide range of abilities doing our bit for the community and having fun while we're at it. It's great to see one of the creators stopping by.

What's the trick, official patch 1.06? I'll volunteer :D

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 10:35 pm
by Gwizz
Hi Gun......
It is good to have you drop by.
I hope you do so more often and interact with us when you can.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 10:39 pm
by GranBichus
Hi all,
Well, thats right Gungagalunga... or Franz... him and I were the tank guys back at PopTop.
The "infamous" tank simulator started life during a lunch break in the late fall of the year 2000. It grew up from a fun side project for me into a full blown tank physics engine that would ship in Shattered Union 5 years later. Originally it was something to play with while I was testing terrain LOD, distance transitions and camera movement in the very very early stages of the Engine (when it was still DirectX 7, about to get ported to 8.0).
At some point there was a lot more in there than just the Tiger I E tank that made it to the final release. Phil told me that whichever models shipped in the game, I won't be able to own as an individual so I decided to leave just the Tiger tank in there in hopes that someone will discover it and would have some fun with it! All the other models were mine so I had to take them all out.
If I remember correctly I modeled and animated a Panther Ausf G. a King Tiger with Heinschel turret, the Tiger IE that you see now, two prototype fighter planes (the two MiGs that have been mentioned in here), the Blue Thunder helicopter and an AH-6 defender helicopter. All flyable, including helis, and the Blue Thunder even had a working and aimable (mouse) turret w/ a gatling machine gun with side spot lights. (Machine gun did make a firing sound, it spin up, spin down and you could even see the muzzle effects when fired, it just didn't fire bullets tho :( ) I even had in there a 4-wheeler off-road pickup truck to showcase some of my early physics work for the engine. Sadly, most of it was #defined out when the game shipped but some of it was later revived to make its way into what would later become Shattered Union... :)
Oh well, we could've done so much with the engine...



Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 12:43 am
by milo
Welcome to the speakeasy! Glad we could reintroduce your models. That Tiger is really something... I can't imagine what it must have been like to put this game together, but there was clearly a lot of love poured into RT3.

Incidentally, GranBichus, your MiG-31 slipped into one of the original RT3 betas, though the code to support it is long gone. Would you like it to make a cameo in 1.06? If so, how would you like to be credited?

I've kinda wondered what would happen if anyone from the original team discovered what we were up to. All of the old Easter eggs are intact, though I've added a few more. We're on the edge of being able to construct new models using Blender, Bombardiere and pure al seem determined to add so many locos and buildings that a Civ IV-style mod launcher is necessary, and nobody's scraped the surface of what we can do with the event extensions yet.

How do you feel about what we're doing to your game? Are we just drawing moustaches on your Mona Lisa, or are you happy to see your creation grow?

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 3:39 am
by bombardiere
Welcome aboard
How do you feel about what we're doing to your game? Are we just drawing moustaches on your Mona Lisa, or are you happy to see your creation grow?
Actually, I have been wondering about the same thing than Milo. Are we creating something new and better or just destroying everything?. (well, you guys popping in is kind of answer already)

I am sweating while trying to learn 3D, but I am getting somewhere. Well, I don't know nothing about the computers and I have learned about train only a year and half when I picked up RRT3 in a bargain bin. (7 Euros, offer I couldn't resist) So I salute to your effort to bring us a Railway game.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 11:37 am
by GranBichus
Hey, whats up guys...
I originally intended the game engine to be completely moddable from the outside. I even shuffled around the idea of a console window (quake style) to change stuff in the game. The next game, Shattered Union, had all the ingredients for the console but the console itself wasn't allowed... I was never able to win that battle...
The 3DP file was designed with simplicity in mind: Easy to read headers (3DPF,3DPI... ) for when I was doing debugging and I knew that with a bit of investigation it could be very easily reverse engineered. The scripts for making locomotives (which I also wrote, despite all the flak I got from the upper spheres :) ) was put in there to create any imaginable locomitve/car a breeze, like I said, it all was with a console idea in mind. The game even had hot-swapping capabilites while we worked on it.... In case anybody is interested to know, the authoring tool we used for the game was 3D Studio MAX.
The early betas might've had the 1st MiG, but there were two in there. :) As a curiosity note, the MiG in there was an imaginary fighter plane from a role-playing game I wrote back in 1991.

As for your question, well, there is two parts to the answer to that: 1) I only wrote the 3D engine for the game (I wanted to stay away from the game side politics), so the game itself isn't really mine at all. 2) It really sucks to see ppl who truly care about one of my greatest creations and not being able to do much about it due to all the propietary/copyright crap... well, maybe some screenshots...? but what good is that!

Milo, kudos to you for dissassembling the game... trust me, some of the game logic wasn't very clean to begin with even in C++!!... )


Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 6:01 pm
by pure al
We all owe a lot to Milo and the great work he's putting into this. And getting credit from one of the designers is something he should be very pleased about!

Not having enough money to buy 3D Studio MAX I've been hoping we can make Blender save files readable by the engine, as I've used the program before and think it's adequate for our needs. At first I must admit I was a little shocked to see you posting in our closely guarded secret empire, but I've modded other games before and the designers have always been great. And you haven't proven otherwise so far! :D

You don't happen to have any spare 3dp models that weren't used, and the money-men don't have a clue about? I would do anything for a quarry looking building at the moment. I don't know how I'm going to make a Bauxite Mine into a quarry Milo! But I'm off to try anyway :?

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 1:19 am
by Viconius
I'm pretty sure no extra building or locomotive models were hanging around. I'd worked on a cement plant for a while but we cut it early in the project.

There were lots of things we wanted to do.