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Resources dissappear after multiple saves

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 7:05 am
by Wolverine@MSU
Has anyone seen this behavior before? I'm working on a map, and trying to adjust the overall and regional building densities. I made some changes (increased densities) and resaved the map without renaming it. Then I went to the Main Menu and started the scenario only to find less cargo than before. So I went back to the Editor via the Main Menu, reloaded the map, increased the densities, and again resaved the map under the same name. Went back through the Main Menu and started the scenario, only to find even less cargo placed on the map. In fact, if I start with a well endowed map, load it into the Editor, repeatedly save it under the same name (without making any changes) and then go back through the Main Menu to start the game, there's hardly any cargo left on the initial seeding of the map. If I go back to the editor, load up the offending map and then save it under a new name, when I go back through the Main Menu and load it to play, it is covered with cargoes.

What's really strange is that if I Exit the game and then restart it, a map that previously had little cargo on it now has the expected amount. Has this ever happened to anyone else? I did a lot of tests and have come to the conclusion that one should always rename a modified map in the Editor, or Exit the game entirely before play-testing the scenario. I have some numbers, and will post more when I've done some more testing. Initial numbers showed about 200 map-wide loads on a repeatedly saved scenario, but almost 500 loads on the identical map saved under a new name (both played by going from Editor to Main Menu to New Scenario. I've got the 1.06 patch, so I don't know if it's a glitch in 1.06 or not.

Re: Resources dissappear after multiple saves

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 7:16 am
by Stoker
Interesting observation. I hadnt noticed this, but I am in the habit of saving "early and often" from experience with map making going way back into the dark ages (Age of Empire-etc). I have also heard, buy not noticed my self that saving changed maps under the same name in this game causes a color bleed/ dulling effect. In this game, my "working map" I always start a series of maps with a "1" as the prefix , so that they are on the top of the list, and I dont have to search through the giant pile of maps I have. Example: my current project is 1_To Build a Nation_k- me having started with "a"- and just changing the last letter each time I save it. then when I am done I move the mass of in progress files to a different folder to clear up my map menu.