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Re: Making 1.06.1: any interest?

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 7:39 pm
by Blackhawk
Stoker wrote:Speaking of odd aircraft, one of the weird assets I know of that I have no idea why it is there is the Tiger Tank. I have no clue why that is included, but there is a full 3d model and all of the associated files to make it function.
I have never tried it but according to the release notes from 1.06:
"Passing "-d" as a command-line option to RT3.exe will turn on the old RT3
debug menus. These let you modify several aspects of the game, such as
time-of-day and camera angle. They also enable driving the Tiger Tank and
flying the plane, though the latter does not work very well."

Wonder why the PopTop crew had a tank in the game as an easter egg rather than spending more time fixing things that they would have liked done.

Re: Making 1.06.1: any interest?

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 7:40 pm
by Gumboots
Stoker wrote:
AdmiralHalsey wrote:Maybe add some more whistles and horns. It get's annoying hearing the same 5 or so every time a train leaves the station.
I will look into it, although I do not know what the limit of randomly called sounds is or how that is controlled exactly. If it appears to be easy I will consider it, but I suspect that adding extra randomly called sounds might be beyond what we are aiming for with this patch.
Yeah there's a hard-coded limit on those. I remember seeing discussion about it before. You can swap existing files for another sound, but you can't increase the number of them.

ETA: And you need to keep the same file names too.

Re: Making 1.06.1: any interest?

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 7:42 pm
by Gumboots
Stoker wrote:Speaking of odd aircraft, one of the weird assets I know of that I have no idea why it is there is the Tiger Tank. I have no clue why that is included, but there is a full 3d model and all of the associated files to make it function.
That was going to be an extra for the game just for laughs, but the devs ran out of time on it. I think it runs via the debug menu or something, but not through the game interface.

Re: Making 1.06.1: any interest?

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 7:45 pm
by Stoker
RulerofRails wrote:
Stoker wrote:Speaking of odd aircraft, one of the weird assets I know of that I have no idea why it is there is the Tiger Tank. I have no clue why that is included, but there is a full 3d model and all of the associated files to make it function.
Any idea how to make it appear in the game? My curiosity again. What about aircraft, is there some way to make one appear?
I think that these things require adding to or modifying the game engine, which is way beyond what I can do. In other games this is not as big of an issue. If this game were using .xml asset coding and .lua game engine scripting like a lot of other games in the RTS genre (particularly of this era), I could probably do it no problem.

Re: Making 1.06.1: any interest?

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 7:47 pm
by Gumboots
Hey you could always skin up a "locomotive" as the Tiger by nicking the Tiger files if you wanted to. Wouldn't be able to driive it, but might look funny running around the tracks.

Re: Making 1.06.1: any interest?

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 7:57 pm
by Stoker
I suppose the Tiger Tank could be added as a "Building" or "Tree" as well, but I don't have much interest in spending time on goofs. Just getting done the things which will actually improve the game is stretching the amount of time and patience that I have.

Re: Making 1.06.1: any interest?

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 8:00 pm
by RulerofRails
Blackhawk wrote:I have never tried it but according to the release notes from 1.06:
"Passing "-d" as a command-line option to RT3.exe will turn on the old RT3
debug menus.
Thanks for the quick response. Not exactly sure how to do that though. My knowledge of programming is this small. Do I do that in Windows command prompt, or is this something I start within the game?

I appreciate answers, but don't want it made into a loco or anything time-consuming like that.

Re: Making 1.06.1: any interest?

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 8:10 pm
by Blackhawk
Make a short cut of your RT3.exe on the desktop that you'd like to use as your "debug" version. Then right click on it and hit properties. Under the shortcut tab there will be a spot that says Target. This should be the RT3.exe file in your directory. Something like "C:\rt3\RT3.exe" then after this just put -d so the full strand would be: "C:\rt3\RT3.exe" -d

Then when you open it up you'll see all the debug menus and the tank is under the option that says Fun stuff or fun things, something like that.

Re: Making 1.06.1: any interest?

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 8:28 pm
by RulerofRails
Couldn't get it to work. But in the process I found out something useful. The train chime "ka-ching" volume is fully adjustable in 1.06 by going to the Miscellaneous tab. Also, an extra adjustment for brightness of night. I use the TM RT3.exe file for all my installs, but assume this was a change made when 1.06 was made.

Re: Making 1.06.1: any interest?

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 8:32 pm
by Stoker
Ya, the train arrival ching is adjustable, but a lot of the other ones are not like the regular select sound (real loud compared to the overall volume), as well as the ledger, and a few others that I can't think of at the moment. If I play a game of RT3 at a volume where I can here the background noises I could make a list of which ones are overly loud by noting when the wife gives me a "look".

Re: Making 1.06.1: any interest?

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 8:37 pm
by Gumboots
Might ruin your marriage, but an excellent way to get bug reports. ^**lylgh

Re: Making 1.06.1: any interest?

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 8:44 pm
by Blackhawk
RulerofRails wrote:Couldn't get it to work. But in the process I found out something useful. The train chime "ka-ching" volume is fully adjustable in 1.06 by going to the Miscellaneous tab. Also, an extra adjustment for brightness of night. I use the TM RT3.exe file for all my installs, but assume this was a change made when 1.06 was made.
I should add, you can't be playing in full screen, you must play in windowed mode to see the debugging menus.

Re: Making 1.06.1: any interest?

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 8:45 pm
by Stoker
She actually gets a kick out of the sawing and hammering sound when you place a new building. Does a real good impression of it even. :lol:

Re: Making 1.06.1: any interest?

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 8:50 pm
by Gumboots
Blackhawk wrote:
RulerofRails wrote:Couldn't get it to work. But in the process I found out something useful. The train chime "ka-ching" volume is fully adjustable in 1.06 by going to the Miscellaneous tab. Also, an extra adjustment for brightness of night. I use the TM RT3.exe file for all my installs, but assume this was a change made when 1.06 was made.
I should add, you can't be playing in full screen, you must play in windowed mode to see the debugging menus.
Just remember the release notes say you have to pass the -d stuff as a command line operation. I tried adding the -d to a shortcut but Windows wont accept that.

Re: Making 1.06.1: any interest?

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 9:03 pm
by Blackhawk
While you could go to the command prompt and type c:\rt3\rt3.exe -d that works but the specialized shortcut worked for me as well on 2 computers.


Re: Making 1.06.1: any interest?

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 9:09 pm
by RulerofRails
Thanks! It worked. :-D Once I got out of full screen mode, the menu came up. The tank is definitely buggy though. I messed up my installation, be careful around the edge of the map. I couldn't get rid of the plane once I was flying it either.

Re: Making 1.06.1: any interest?

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 9:11 pm
by Blackhawk
I think the most disappointing thing about the tank is it's inability to damage anything. What good is a tank if you can't do some destruction. :lol:

Re: Making 1.06.1: any interest?

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 9:16 pm
by Gumboots
Blackhawk wrote:While you could go to the command prompt and type c:\rt3\rt3.exe -d that works but the specialized shortcut worked for me as well on 2 computers.

Weird. I couldn't get it to accept that on my W7 box.

Re: Making 1.06.1: any interest?

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 9:29 pm
by Blackhawk
That is rather odd. It worked for me on my Vista and Win7 machines with 1.06 and TM. **!!!**

Re: Making 1.06.1: any interest?

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:05 pm
by Tomix
Since I use the Steam version, all I had to do was edit the properties and change the advanced options to -d. Worked great for me. This Tank is too much fun.

If you can't get it to work, just open notepad and put: RT3.exe -d and save it as a .bat file. Load it up and ready to go.