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Re: "missing" industries

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 3:13 pm
by Stoker
I like the idea for making smaller footprints. One partucularly buggersome oversized one is the Quarry in 1.06 using the Aluminum Mill. You cant place it where you would typically find a "quarry" in a mountainous area, it has to be very flat ground, and the thing is HUGE. Using any small building with a "hole" painted in or a fence would be much better.

Re: "missing" industries

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 7:18 pm
by nedfumpkin
Here's the silos from the grain farm. On the right I left the bricks for use as a grain silo, on the left I used painted steel to make it for the liquid storage. These use a lot less space.

Re: "missing" industries

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 7:21 pm
by Stoker
Bravo Ned! !*th_up*!

Re: "missing" industries

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 7:53 pm
by WPandP
Good work!

I should say, for the record, that I actually was intending for Yard-type structures to have a very large footprint, and only be buildable where a decent swath of flat land was. My gripe with the Grain Elevator was that it was necessarily so small! I envisioned a giant looming collection of a dozen or more silos, and then lots of yard tracks filled with covered hoppers, but I had to settle for only 3 silos by themselves.

Incidentally, on my machine the GrainElev and other yards are buildable in some rather odd locations... like in the middle of a large station, for instance. I'm not sure how it is calculating the footprint.

Re: "missing" industries

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 8:25 pm
by coruscate
I've had large stations, unmodified square themselves completely over the railroad tracks... could just be glitchy period.

I like the idea ned, good execution.

Re: "missing" industries

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 8:51 pm
by nedfumpkin
I was hoping to make some of these buildings on the rails as much as I can. That's tomorrow's "to do". So that's why I am looking for a small footprint as much as possible.

Here is the shed and the shanty. The shed is for drawing cotton, wool, hemp and hides, all things to make textiles. It's the rest of the grain farm without the silos.

The shanty is the clapboard station in red. I want to make it a station as well as making it draw coal, sand, and explosives, and other things used by railroads. If I could make it freight only I would, but so far haven't figure it out.

So basically the station buildings will consist of the following:

Shanty, Shed, Storage Depot, Ice Platform (1800s), Cold Storage (1900s), Silos, Stock Yard, Liquid Storage.

Of course the hotel, tavern, etc, are also still there.

Re: "missing" industries

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 9:00 pm
by Stoker
How about a "Hobo Jungle"? With some shanties and tents? :-D

Edit: That only partly a joke. it could demand and produce passengers- albeit illicit ones, and demand alcohol, of course. !*th_up*!

Re: "missing" industries

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 3:51 am
by coruscate
Something like that made it in at one point.

Sounds fun Ned!

So far I haven't found much reason to put stuff on rails beside the idea of pre-built tram stations or subway tunnels. I'll be interested in what you pull off. If you've figured out how to make plants other than those originally programmed to appear as crops and or something like that I definitely want to know, on my list of to dos is an illegal dump site as well as a national park, so far my only option is to make it with a building that has a completely transparent skin.

Re: "missing" industries

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 10:15 am
by nedfumpkin
I've just zipped up a .05 version of the rail yard structures from Trainmaster.

It needs to be tested by at least one other person.

Here's the readme for it....

***Be Sure to BacK Up Your Data Just In Case****

Railroad Tycoon 3 - Trainmaster

Rail Yard Structures Mod for version 1.05

Created by WP&P (Michael Roundtree), and Nedfumpkin

This mod installs 9 rail yard structures that can be used for drop shipping cargo where there is no demand. They do this by demanding and supplying .2 of various loads. Their purpose is to allow the player to create destinations for certain cargo. This is not done at a profit though, it is a cost of doing business.

This mod also makes adjustments to the fertilizer cargo by making available from the start, and it travels in a covered hopper now. The Cattle Ranch, Dairy Farm, and Sheep Farm are also adjusted so that they produce fertilizer as well as their respective products.

Storage Depot $65K 1830->

--- Goods, Alcohol, Furniture, Toys, Tires, Paper, Clothing.

Ice Platform $30k 1830-1910

--- Meat, Milk, Produce,
- and it demands 1 load of pulpwood per year for insulation.

Cold Storage $100k 1890->

--- Meat, Milk, Produce, Cheese

Hopper Yard $65K 1830->

--- Coal, Bauxite, Iron

Liquid Storage $65K 1860->

--- Oil, Diesel, Chemicals,
- and it demands 1/2 load of pulpwood for spills.

Railroad Office $50K 1830->

--- Mail at .3 = .5,
- and it demands 1/2 load of paper for business purposes.

Shed $30k 1830->

--- Wool, Cotton, Lumber.

Silo $50k 1830->

--- Grain, Corn, Rice, Sugar, Coffee.

Stock Yard $100K 1830->

--- Livestock, also produces fertilizer,
- and demands corn to feed the livestock.

* * * *....

To install, unzip to RRT 3 directory...

Fertilizer.cty .../Data/Cargo Types/

*.BCA, *.BTY .../Data/Building Types/

StationBuildings.pk4 .../Data/UserExtraContent/

Re: "missing" industries

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 11:09 am
by nedfumpkin

Re: "missing" industries

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 11:28 am
by Stoker
Everything looks great! Are the buildings listed "static" only(demand produce same amounts), or are some actual "industries"? Something the original game lacks is early industries, perhaps making a small shed into a "Wood Craftsman's Shop" that turns lumber into goods and or furniture(I believe Furniture should be a cargo from the start) or "Barrelmaker(cooper)" or "wheelwright" shop that would demand lumber and iron to make goods or "furniture" or of course a "balcksmiths shop" that would be a small building and demand coal(or logs) and iron to make goods?? These small industries could have small production limits of course. I know you are trying to finalize this mod, and perhaps the door is shut on adding things, but even turning on the "regular" industries of furniture factory and cheese etc at the start would be an improvement over the original IMHO.

P,S, How about making an additional production output to the furniture factory of CLOTHING(TEXTILES)+LUMBER=2 Furniture(Upholstered furniture !hairpull! )?? :-)

Re: "missing" industries

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 12:02 pm
by nedfumpkin
Theses are just station buildings, and the only change in production levels would be via economic or event changes. In which case, they'd likely cost more to operate.

I won't be bothering with any of these as actual industries since everything else you mentioned is taken care of in Trainmaster where Textiles is Textiles. :)

Re: "missing" industries

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 3:12 pm
by coruscate
Looks fun, I'll give it a try very soon here.

Re: "missing" industries

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 4:33 pm
by Stoker
I downloaded the carriages pack and got the PK4 tools. Thank you Ned. I was going to stick to map making for a while, but I must replace all the warehouses in 1.06 , I am fed up with making maps that are covered with those ugly warehouses. Will putting the extracted 3dp files in User Extra Content and replacing all the files with a certain building name with copies of the files from a different building renamed exactly as the "replaced" files work to change the graphics of a building? Or do I have to change something in the BCA or BTY files as well?

Re: "missing" industries

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 4:47 pm
by nedfumpkin
I'll make a deal with you...I'll help you with whatever you need to know, as much as I can if you let me have copies of your buildings since I am still missing industries, and some of them are the same as for 1.06...I'll also give you copies of the buildings I have made. (how's that for haggling) :-D

You will also have to change the bty files associated with the building, and possibly the bca files...I'll have to look to know. I have the 1.06 files so I can easily make whatever changes are necessary, and send you the files when you have your skins done.

For a building you need the following files in addition to the bca and bty...

.3dp are the models for the files.
.imb is for the 2d pic that shows up in the little window
.dds for the actual 2d picture
.tga or better as dds, is the skins for the building. A lot start at 1024x1024, then reduce down to 16x16, some only start at 512.

these files can be in the user extra content folder, or even the poptop extra content folder. One thing I have found is that leaving them loose gets things cluttered, so packing them into a pk4 file always works best.

Once you have your list file for the pk4 packer, updating it takes seconds, and keeps things tidy. A trick for this is to browse the directory with the files in IE, copy the list of files and paste in wordpad. Search and replace File: to blank, then save and import that file into excel. Remove the extra columns and save as a text file. A lot of steps, but makes good lists for pk4 that are easy to manage.

Re: "missing" industries

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 5:09 pm
by Stoker
I guess what I am thinking about is a "Band Aid" patch for 1,06 just to swap out the warehouses with other existing buildings. I have Photoshop CS3 and have done some dds skin painting, but thats about the limit of my skills for changing the graphics. I just did a little test with some weird results. I swapped all of the IronMine files for the "Quarry" ones, renaming them all Quarry_"descriptivename" . These files I have with the rest of the unpacked 1.06 files in the UEC folder, and the original PK4 for 1.06 buildings still in the PoptopExtra file. When I launched the game, the Quarry showed the original 2d beauty shot when selected , and the 3d building had the Iron Mine replacing the Buildings of the Quarry, but with the same footprint of the Quarry and the rock field! Hwen I removed the 1.06 PK4 from PotopExtraContent, the game crashed when selecting the Quarry.

Re: "missing" industries

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 5:15 pm
by nedfumpkin
If all you want to do is swap warehouses with existing buildings, then your band-aid is in the bty files.

Give me a list of what you want swapped with what, and I'll do up the files for you. I just can't test anything since I am on a completely different planet right now as far as the game goes.

This will only take a few minutes.

Re: "missing" industries

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 5:28 pm
by Stoker
Does the BTY fie actually define the size of a building, or does it just instruct the program to fetch files named "Quarry_xxxxx" etc etc ?

Re: "missing" industries

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 5:57 pm
by nedfumpkin
It tells it which files to display. i.e. which 3dp and tga (dds) files. It does some other things too, but basically it's just an information file.

Re: "missing" industries

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 6:03 pm
by Stoker
I see, so I could make a "patch" with new BTY files pointing to existing buildings, and the download for it would be really small , as opposed to changing all of the graphics files and rePK4ing them.
Dit to add: In Experiment #2 I replaced the "Quarry_xxxxx" files with the OreMine files, renamed with the "Quarry" prefix. Interesting. It places the Oremine Model on the map, but still has the "Field of Stones" that surrounds the Quarry. I actually like it. It seems to have a slightly bigger footprint than the Oremine, but definitely smaller than the Quarry, based on the Aluminum Mill, which is Gigantic.There seems to be a 1 or 2 square exclusion zone around the new " Quarry". I tried it out, and it functions fine.