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what is the difference between the Pennsylvania maps?

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 10:23 am
by BTB
i downloaded the Pennsylvania 1855-1901by Ridge Runner & John T and the Pennsylvania Revisited by Stan (Redband) Hall and the goals are the same, the only difference that i could see in the beginning was the rainbow colors on the map of the 1855-1901 and the revisited maps colors were the way they should be and i was wondering if there was any difference in the game play.

i played the revisited on expert and ran across some issues during the game the first 2 times that really kicked my rear and it was "game over" for me :lol: third shot at it, gold was given and goals completed in 1894 and completed 6 years and 11 months early and didn't seem to be any where near as hard as they make it sound so i was wondering if the 1855-1901 was harder.

as far as enjoyment of playing the scenario give it a 9 easy, a lot of logos and rr names i haven't seen since i was a kid. i pass by conway yards at least 4 times a week since i was born, and it is nothing like it was years ago with the amount of trains being switched and sorted, but it is getting busier and a lot more rail cars there now since the fuel prices have gone up. i miss all the different rail companies names but still see them occasionally in an old train yard at a steel mill or other industry.

time to try trainmaster and relearn the industries, wanted to try a hard map or 2 first before taking tm on.

Re: what is the difference between the Pennsylvania maps?

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 11:07 am
by Hawk
Those two maps came from the old H&P (Heinken & Pacific Railroad) site.
That's all I know about them.

It could be that one was a re-painting of the other.

Re: what is the difference between the Pennsylvania maps?

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 6:24 am
by Hawk