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Re: Handles?

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 1:50 am
by wsherrick
My handle is also my name, but when I am on the business end of a scoop, bailing black diamonds into the fire, keeping up steam against all odds-I am known as the, "COAL GOD.' As can be seen in the little picture here my left hand is on said scoop handle.

Re: Handles?

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:15 am
by Capn Twisted
Hey some of us still use Cee Bee's ;) I have one on my scoot... it's good for long rides with other riders, though I guess if I got with the times I'd have one of those fancy UHF in helmet doohickies.... but on a motorcyle built in the early 80's ... a cb just seems to fit ;)...

My handle... well it comes from college, and probably was fueled by copious amounts of liquor and stupidity, but it stuck (I majored in Beer and Whiskey my first 2 years of a 4 year course. Amazingly it took me 5 years to finish... wonder why?). The Capn part comes from an earlier nickname I have, because my real name is Kirk... ie: Capn Kirk. In college they started calling me Capn Twist ... no idea why, and it evolved into Capn Twisted... Other than that I really dunno... I didn't make it up ;)

Re: Handles?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:28 am
by bombardiere
Originally my nickname had nothing to do with trains. I was (and still am) interested in Italian aeroplanes. I model those in plastic. My favourite plane was huge four-engined bomber know as Piaggio P.108. Most Italian aeroplane have nic names, but this one really didn’t It was only know as Bombardiere, Italian for Bomber. I fancied that name and used it as my nick for long time.

Interestingly, Bombardiere has railway connection. In Europe rolling-stock manufactures are mostly merged in handful major groups. One is called Bombardier. I thought it was very appropriate as I make engines too. Bombardier is known for its EMUs, DMUs and trams (which all broke in use), so I guess that is why I am so interested in multiple units. :twisted: So I retained my old nick, but didn’t bothered to drop e at the end.

Re: Handles?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:35 pm
by Capn Twisted
Ahh yes, a good old Canadian company turned multi-national. They also provided car body designs and tilting mechanisms for a couple of US LRC including the Acela Express. Best known for inventing the snowmobile aka the ski-doo, and named after it founder Joseph-Armand Bombardier.

(edit typo)

Re: Handles?

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:11 am
by Zoogz
Mine's a bit more bawdy...

Turns out, there's a progressive-rock musician named Zoogz Rift, recorded a bunch of stuff in the 80s (but amazingly still online). I took the name not because I liked his music, but because he decided to name one of his backup bands the S**theads.

You wouldn't believe how often it feels like the whole world is my backup band. ;-)

Re: Handles?

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:32 am
by Cats
Amazingly it took me 5 years to finish... wonder why?
)........................per the Capn!

My feeling exactly! I never wanted academics to interfere with my college experience!

OK, I actually have two nicknames: One of course is Cats. I enjoy writting acts for MSTS and my wife came up with moving the c to the beginning and hence Cats.

The other is Fingers. I play piano in nightclubs. You figure it out!

My wife also has other names that range from the good to the bad and of course the ugly! Those will go unpublished!

My best

Re: Handles?

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:56 pm
by Capn Twisted
Zoogz wrote:Mine's a bit more bawdy...

Turns out, there's a progressive-rock musician named Zoogz Rift, recorded a bunch of stuff in the 80s (but amazingly still online). I took the name not because I liked his music, but because he decided to name one of his backup bands the S**theads.

You wouldn't believe how often it feels like the whole world is my backup band. ;-)
In that case my backup band would be called idiots and morons..... I swear they are multiplying at an exponential rate. I often wonder what happened to common decency, manners and respect.... I guess they disappeared around the same time common sense bit the dust;)... that reminds me....


Re: Handles?

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 4:21 am
by Czar Mohab
Mine came in two halves. Long ago, 'round '95 or so, Interplay released a fantastic videogame, Fallout, wich fueld my fanatsy desires to run rampant in the post appocalyptic world. First time playing, I had to name my in game 'toon. So I turned to my brother and asked what name I should use, he said, "Mohaby". Or maybe "Mohabee". Whatever the spelling, I didn't like the sound of it, so I dropped the "ee" sound for Mohab. Whenever possible, at least this half of the name is used whenever I can choose my own name in a video game.

The second half came about in '99, when Interplay again released another fantastic game, StarFleet Command (SFC). At the same time, I'd discovered the internet, message boards, etc. One message board for SFC was poluted with names including some rank, such as Captain Joe, Admiral Smith, etc. Well, what's better than an Admiral? I don't much care for the "tsar" spelling. "Czar" looks more formal.

This name lead me to the creation of an SFC fan fiction based main character, Czar Jacob Mohab.

I use the name whenever I create new accounts. Doesn't always fit in with the locals, but there has (as far as I know) been no one else to date to use the name, so if you find something somewhere by Czar Mohab, its probably me.

Czar "I usually put something in quotes between names, too" Mohab

Re: Handles?

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 8:29 am
by Capn Twisted
Czar Mohab wrote:Mine came in two halves. Long ago, 'round '95 or so, Interplay released a fantastic videogame, Fallout, wich fueld my fanatsy desires to run rampant in the post appocalyptic world. First time playing, I had to name my in game 'toon. So I turned to my brother and asked what name I should use, he said, "Mohaby". Or maybe "Mohabee". Whatever the spelling, I didn't like the sound of it, so I dropped the "ee" sound for Mohab. Whenever possible, at least this half of the name is used whenever I can choose my own name in a video game.

The second half came about in '99, when Interplay again released another fantastic game, StarFleet Command (SFC). At the same time, I'd discovered the internet, message boards, etc. One message board for SFC was poluted with names including some rank, such as Captain Joe, Admiral Smith, etc. Well, what's better than an Admiral? I don't much care for the "tsar" spelling. "Czar" looks more formal.

This name lead me to the creation of an SFC fan fiction based main character, Czar Jacob Mohab.

I use the name whenever I create new accounts. Doesn't always fit in with the locals, but there has (as far as I know) been no one else to date to use the name, so if you find something somewhere by Czar Mohab, its probably me.

Czar "I usually put something in quotes between names, too" Mohab
Loved Fallout... and Fallout 2... Tactics meh... Funny thing is, I'm not an adventure/shooter gameplayer, but they (interplay wasn't it?) made it very playable and enjoyable for folks like me.

Re: Handles?

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 8:15 pm
by Czar Mohab
As for Fallout, F2, FT:BoS, yeah, Interplay was the champion in designing those. BoS was less interactive and more "blow stuff up", but a good game, none the less.

There is another Fallout, for the Playstation 2... unless you REALLY want to waste your time, or are a REALLY big Fallout fan, don't bother. It was ok, but you have to replay it over a few times (and make somewhat ridiculous mission goals) to unlock other toons to play the same exact story line. Over and over. And for good measure, over once again. It, unfortunately, was not done by Interplay. If it was, it probably would have been worth the time, and a better game all around. Thankfully, it was someone else's, so I only wasted time, not ever-precious cash.

Czar "Sorry for the hijack" Mohab, who actually misses Interplay. :-(