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Logo Design

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 8:08 pm
by Dad
PS, Sorry, but how do I design my own logo?
Thanks, Dad

Re: Logo Design

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:44 pm
by WPandP
Designing a logo is a big task; the question is a bit too vague. Lots of people spend lots of money going through artistic training to earn graphic design degrees, just to be able to do things like that. If you're talking about coming up with a concept for a logo, there's a lot that could inform that. Even if you're just talking about picking out colors, there's all kinds of color paradigms that would call for a fair amount of study.

If you're just talking about execution, in that you already know what it's gonna look like, and just need to know how to introduce your graphics into the game, then that's more like something we can answer. Still, it requires something from you in that you must be comfortable using at least one capable image editor, such as GIMP or Photoshop, etc. You'll need to acquire your graphics somehow (either you've drawn it yourself or you've hunted down usable graphics from the web or some other means), and then you'll have to resize it to a certain resolution and save it in a certain file format. When you get that far, you can use the editing tools included in the 1.05 expansion to get the logo into the game.

That's a brief overview; if you can clarify your question a bit I'm sure we can give better advice.

Re: Logo Design

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 10:50 pm
by Dad
Thank you very much. It sounds bigger than I am, but maybe I can take my time and play around with a drawing program or something like that.