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Lesson: When things are good leave things alone.

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 2:13 pm
by JSS
Once, a long time ago, I had a computer that worked very well. So well in fact that it became boring. An upgrade seemed to be just what was needed to get things „ right“.
To double the memory from 4Gb to 8Gb, to change the video card that had 2Gb of Ram rather than 1Gb and for „just in case“ a PSU that had more output than the current one seem to be just what was missing.

Installed the 8Gb of new Ram without any issues. Ram tests were good but overall was not able to notice any significant increase in performance.

When installing the video card it became obvious that the card required two multipin power connections of the type my old power supply had only one off. Trying to make the card work with one was not very successful. So, congratulating myself on my foresight to get also a more powerful PSU that just by chance seem to have both required outlets I went ahead and also changed the PSU. Making certain that the plugs of the new power supply wiring did fit the same plugs as the old one, the job was done in next to no time.
To make a long story short …..when the smoke cleared I had a dead 1.5TB C-drive a dead 1TB data drive and a dead Plextor Blue Ray Disk Player/Writer.

Lesson learned: When changing a PSU all the time also change the wiring harnesses to the one with the new power supply. Do not rely on them being the same type and looking just like the old one. In my case the wires within the cable changed which became obvious when I traced each single wire.

Hope that this now will not happen to any of you.

BTW, I am now experiencing frequent crashes to the desktop for a variety of reasons. One thing for sure, it isn’t boring anymore.

Re: Lesson: When things are good leave things alone.

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 3:48 pm
by Hawk
Just the thing to keep life interesting. :mrgreen:

Re: Lesson: When things are good leave things alone.

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 5:39 pm
by Falcen81
That's bad news :-(

but ******* happens. :-D

but it's good you warn others, so that they hopefully don't make the same mistake.

i got small kids at home, and din't like the program on the tv and trowed a heavy toy on the screen and crack !facepalm! !facepalm!

it's part of life :salute:

Re: Lesson: When things are good leave things alone.

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 12:07 am
by AdmiralHalsey
Read the date of the posts dude.

Re: Lesson: When things are good leave things alone.

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 7:27 am
by RulerofRails
Yeah, old thread, but I am sorry to hear that your screen is broken. I hope it still works. From my experience with cell phones often they will continue to work even when the screen is cracked, just aesthetically not as good and more fragile.