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New Scenario: Beta Test Reviewers Kick-Me Elmo

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 5:36 pm
by Trainboy
Hello Everyone!

i'm new to this forum and wanted to say hi.

Since this seems to be one of the most active RRT3 sites i wanted to release a Beta of a new scenario i'm working on here (since this is my first scenario, and if i wasn't working so ****** many hours it'd be done already! Ooops. Sorry for that. :) )

The scenario is a non-historical one which gives certain liberties i prefer in the creative process. i'm going to upload it when it's 90% or so done-which i'm guessing will be in a week or so. My hope is it will be funny and entertaining and still have an instructive point without being too buggy :oops:

While hopefully i'll get a few reviewers, i have one basic general question about the editor. The question is essentially this: if you have many events (which run off the editor debugger screen) is there a way to view them all (can you scroll down or print to a file in some way)? Although i'm sure i'll be able to finish the scenario in any case, being able to see all the event statistics would be helpful.

Thanx in advance to anyone who can answer this and hello again.

Trainboy a.k.a. Anthony

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 6:14 pm
by Grandma Ruth
Hi Trainboy - welcome aboard! Can't answer your question. I'm afraid, but one of our experts will know. Looking forward to your scenario!

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 7:12 pm
by pure al
I second Grandma Ruth's hello, but I'm also unable to answer your question. I've never tried anything like that.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 10:45 pm
by milo
Nope. The upcoming 1.06 patch fixes a drawing problem on that screen, but I couldn't figure out how to introduce scrollbars.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 6:38 pm
by AZ Rail Rat
Since nobody has come up with a better way, I just make screenshots and load them up in PowerPoint. :?

Maybe some of our "hackers" can come up with a routine that get's into the text part of the events database and lets us extract them.

Not to take away from Hawk's site, but everyone should remember there IS another RRT site:

It's pretty quiet over there, but if Hawk does not mind, you can upload your map into the TEST MAPS section (after registering) and we can grab it from there. I say this because if Hawk does not watch his access time, his Host might start charging him more! !*00*!

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:00 am
by Gwizz
I'm going to keep on truckin.

I think I will start dropping by the Info site more often. I don't want to see any RRT site disappear. I haven't stopped by steve's site or the UK site for a while. This site and the terminal will still be my main sites.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:13 am
by Gwizz
Back to the topic.

During bata testing of RRT3 Pop Top was asked if that panel could be scrollable. The rush to market left that request in the dust.

Best is to do all of the more important events first so you can use the debugger for these. Then do the simpler events last. Probably too late for your map now.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 8:44 am
by Hawk
The Rat's right. It's a good idea to start going to the other forums. Grant had talked to me once a few months ago about shutting down his forum and I talked him out of it.
Let's make his decision worthwhile. :wink:
I think from now on all new maps should be uploaded somewhere else. That will show support for the other forums and take the heat off of me. :D
After all, Gwizz posts his new RRT2 maps over at the Terminal and I support that.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 12:02 pm
by Gwizz
Hawk the work you do on your site is above outstanding.

At this point is time I feel it is the best site in many ways. I will not stop posting here.

My maps while 1st posted at the Terminal to keep the site active, I'm always glad to have them on your site and others as well.

I believe in supporting the RRT community and have not done a good job of this lately. Thank you for your stand on this issue; But I also don't want to see a slow down on your site. There are some talented people posting on your site who attract others to come here. (It is my learning channel where I have my fog removed) I hope the activity at this site never ends.

Again thanks Hawk for all you do.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 8:14 pm
by Trainboy
Well it's so hard to NOT want to post here. All the maps/scenarios are so elegantly placed and posted.

By the way, Hawk, i messed up with d/l size of the file. It was only 1148KB or just over one meg. So it'll prolly go email ok.

Which brings me to one other query: Although the map is more or less complete i haven't done any detailed painting yet. (Not really my favorite pastime and i've seen so many that are much better than i can do-not much of an artist here). Anyone like painting who might want to volunteer if they think the scenario is any good?

Did one pre-beta test this morning and it's coming along ok. Might be posted here tues or wed.

Oh, and hello all again.



Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 9:00 pm
by EPH
Most - not all - of my scenarios are available at both sites, but most of the 'commenting' community is here. That is because I think there are too few of us to support multiple sites. Sad - but I think true.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 10:23 pm
by milo
I've been posting the various patches wherever admins will take them - our sites tend to vanish without warning. All of the dev work stays here in Hawk's parlor, though I may have to venture onto Molse's again to get some of the internationalization stuff validated.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 11:10 pm
by Hawk
Trainboy-Whenever you get ready just email me that map and I'll get it added for download.
I think the patch, when finished, should be posted at as many sites as possible to try and rekindle interest back into the game.
It's also a good idea to post maps at more than one place because some folks find one site but not the others.

Prolly Tomorrow

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 3:20 pm
by Trainboy
Just about finished everything i wanted for the beta this a.m. Want to make one more test run tonight. Hope to have it uploaded by tomorrow eve. Thanx in advance to all testers.

And i'll certainly upload it to other sites if it goes well and is satisfactorily completed.


Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 3:45 pm
by Hawk
I'll keep my eyes out for it. :)

Beta v1 Uploaded

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 5:09 pm
by Trainboy
Hello All-

The Beta has been uploaded and hopefully a link will appear for it here soon.

My hope is that it will be very different from every other scenario published and that it will be enjoyable.

i am particularly interested in how well the overall concept is received and suggestions to improve it. There may be a few bugs still in it that i haven't shaken out yet so of course i also want to know about those.

And please be a little gentle-i am a first-timer. :)

Hope you have fun!


Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 5:56 pm
by Hawk
Kick-Me Elmo is now in the archive, in the 'Other Lands' section. :D

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 1:51 pm
by Orange46
Although the place names are fictional, to protect the guilty, this sure looks like a real map of the middle east.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 8:42 pm
by Trainboy
i think maybe possibly you are correct.

But, if it really WERE a map of the Middle East "Locational Liberties" would be located somewhere in the middle of the Caspian Sea...

what Caspian Sea? Oh yeah that's right :roll:

KME v1.5 Update

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 8:24 am
by Trainboy
Hello All:

A mostly (i hope!) debugged KME version has been posted. (Thanks Hawk!)

Should work pretty well now. But am wondering if it seems too difficult or easy and if the $200 M industry goal is appropriate.

Take care.
