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Sahara (my new map)

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 10:15 am
by andy-rails
Hi all! Hawk just uploaded my new map 'Sahara', i hope you'll like it!
It seems a bit tricky and difficult to start but it can be easier if.... !*th_up*! well...not now, some day maybe! :-D
Tell me about any problems you may encounter, i tested it some times and it seems functioning!
Andy (andybis)


Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 9:14 am
by Optimizer
The Sahara map by andybis is a rather nice one. The time period and location are both refreshing.

The map could use some better finish, though. The translation is far from perfect (and should preferrably be done by someone native in English). Morocco could use some trees, and historic events should spice up the story.

I got a gold medal on Normal difficulty level, with just a few years to spare.

This is a spontaneous rating of the map, scores 1 to 5.
Challenge: 5
Finish: 2
Realism: 3

Re: Sahara

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 11:21 am
by andy-rails
Thankyouverymuch for the comment...Well my english is a little...ehmm..creative? ^**lylgh
Anyone feel free to translate it, to add or eliminate any thing, i will be glad if anyone would make a new scenario with this map or 'optimize' mine. :salute:

Re: Sahara

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 11:49 am
by RayofSunshine
Well Andy,

My opinion !#2bits#! is not as critical as Optimizer to some extent, as I would like to congratulate you in the attempt of not only making such a creation, but being able to use the English language. I am at a stand still when I see any other language. !**yaaa

However, I was not as successful as Optimizer on getting the medals. I started at Rabat, and it was slow moving. The only industries was that of "steel mills", and the "tool and die", which is not is not practical, as the "coal and iron" are on the other side of the country. I did go into $2M in debt on bonds to buy the only "grain" to supply a "brewery". I will try 1 of the other 2 selection of areas next time to see if there is an advantage.

The map is very creative, however, I did find that it was with some difficulty to find the best location for revenue, in the placement of a depot. If it wasn't the terrain, it was the buildings. BUT that is part of the challenge, and I wouldn't change it.

There will always be a difference of opinion, but want to thank you for your contribution of time, imagination, and creativity. I am looking forward to other scenarios which you will create. :salute: {,0,}

Re: Sahara

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 2:56 pm
by andy-rails
thanks for your opinion Ray...i can suggest only one thing...oil-diesel! I will tell you more, and i will tell you how to make this map easier-to-manage, but...not now :lol:
Stay tuned! Hope will see some more comments :salute:

Re: Sahara

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 3:19 pm
by Sugus
Gave it two short tries last sunday. In the first one I also started in Rabat, but stopped after a few years ... see above. In the second try, I started by hauling oil from the very northern desert to Algiers and by buying there an oil raffinery - seems that this was a good start! Unfortunately, I hadn't the time till now to go on ...

An interesting map !*th_up*! ; for my taste "a little bit too mountainous"!

Re: Sahara

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 11:33 am
by renatinho
I liked the map, but i think it´s easy (gold in expert 15 years before limit). But the idea is great and i liked the surprises :-D

Re: Sahara (my new map)

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 9:57 am
by andy-rails
All right, this is my experience on my map: this scenario can be quite difficult if you start it in Morocco, because of the mountaineous terrain and of the low price for any you can start in Algeria, the access costs are very low, the terrain is not so easy but there is plenty of oil and..this oil refinery in Sidi Bel Abbes is quite cheap and it is just starting to be first rails are from oil to my oil refinery and then...anywhere! Sometimes this can be not enough to ensure success, and so there is fruit, livestock and so on...
I never tried a start in Ghana or Guinea, but this can be something different to try, isnt it? ::!**!

Re: Sahara (my new map)

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 9:49 pm
by RayofSunshine
Well, I believe that I made a partial mistake by starting in Rabat and following the Ocean to get from Abadir to Semara. *!*!*! After spending a fortune in bonds of $2.4M for a Grain Field and $1.7M for a Brewery, the expense to get to Semara in a different territory, I ran into a NO TRESSPASSING zone. Penalty is $100.000K. ^**lylgh Hence if Rabat is used, I would be possibly more strategic to cross the mountains, which encircled Rabat. That is IF YOU CAN FIND A ROUTE, other than constructing a tunnel. !hairpull! But eventually you have to connect Rabat as part of the requirement. *,*!
I had mentioned previous, that it might be a some what better to start in the other selected locations. :idea: However, a player still has to connect to the Mountainous encircled city of Rabat. *!*!*! In any case, the scenario is a challenge. So a thank you to Andybis for his creation in talent and imagination. !$th_u$! Good Luck. !*th_up*!

Re: Sahara (my new map)

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 1:09 am
by RayofSunshine
Well Andy is right about one thing, and that is to maybe start in the Algerian territory. I tried constructing a tunnel to Tindouf. It gave me access as a by-pass of that $100.000K "NO TRESSING" zone, but wasn't feasible. From the NO T Zone, at Tindouf, there is the Big Western Sand Dunes, which wipes out your track within a month or 2 of it being laid. *!*!*! The Dunes strech along the mountains 1/2 way up the desert. So it is not feasible to tunnel, hence if started at Rabat, a player has to direct laying track to the Algerian territory.

Now as Andy mentioned, :idea: that to start in the Algerian Territory, revenue is more abundant that that surrounding the Rabat territory.

Just my !#2bits#!

Re: Sahara (my new map)

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 10:52 pm
by RayofSunshine
Well I have just decided to start from the beginning in the Algerian territory. By starting In the Rabat area, I have wasted too much revenue and time trying to bypass or tunnel thru the mountains. Once I found it of too much foley, the terrain is considerabley mountainous even to get to the Algerian territory, so as to have an adequate amount of time to continue for the required goals. Placing track and depots in satisfactory locations is "trying" in the least, to allocate the best routing. Really a challenge, which took a lot of imagination for the challenge. :salute:

Re: Sahara (my new map)

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 11:58 pm
by Gandar
I thought I would give it a try starting in Ghana, I laid electric track and concentrated on rails with a couple of hotels. My first industry was after I connected to Dakar,I built an oil refinery by a single oil well in the bottom right hand corner of the map but it didn't give me anywhere near enough oil so I built a refinery in Algeria too. That gave me the industry profits and I laid burn track to Rabat and 3 other cities to make the final connections I scraped a gold with a year to spare.
I think I will have another try and see if I can make it from Guinea I think it might be a little easier.
Nice big map I liked it. !$th_u$!

Re: Sahara (my new map)

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 5:39 pm
by belbincolne
Well I dont know who said this was easy. I gave it a try and ran into the no entry and sand dunes problems so gave up and started again. By this time I'd realised oil and that route was the key and thought I was going to get Gold easily. Not so - suddenly everything stopped making money and that was that. Anyway will give it another try soon.

Re: Sahara

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:49 pm
by Sugus
Gave it a try today. Was in short for one single city (Al Aaium) to reach the golden one in 1980. But - interesting: the game didn't stop me nor did it present the silver one! :oops: Seems that I unsuccessfully could play until God thinks it's time for me ...