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Beg. of Year test but with 186504 condition

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 6:34 pm
by grashopa
The map Pennsylvania 1855 has a lot of Event Validation errors in the editor because many events are set to beginning of year evaluation yet have a condition specifying a specific month. Will these events fire? Or was this map always broken?

Re: Beg. of Year test but with 186504 condition

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 9:03 am
by OilCan
I looked at the Penn 1855 game and WOW! The validation errors go off the page!
Yes, this game is broken, very broken.
For some of the error events, the author used = which means the event will never fire, never activate because the month never matches the timing.
For some of the error events, the author used >= which means the event will fire at the end of the year, but not during the intended month.
The 'story' of the game is messed up.

The errors are easy fixes. Each event has to be visited and the timing set to beginning of the month.

Re: Beg. of Year test but with 186504 condition

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 1:31 pm
by grashopa
I may fix it up, but if I start putting time into it I'll want to edit the map and everything else as well to make it the way I like it :) Not sure I have the time now to indulge myself.

Re: Beg. of Year test but with 186504 condition

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 9:50 pm
by JohnT
I don't know if anybody who commented on the Pennsylvania 1855 map is still active, but I'll be glad to try to fix some of these errors if (a) you let me know what they are, and (b) you tell me how to fix them. Sorry to be so demanding, but I really have no idea where to begin anymore.

This was my first attempt to create a mod/scenario for *any* game and am not surprised there are mistakes!

Re: Beg. of Year test but with 186504 condition

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 1:31 am
by RulerofRails
Oilcan is still active here. (When signed in you can view profiles and see the last time that member signed in.) He is a true engineer and has written some excellent tutorials "for dummies" both regarding gameplay and how to use the editor and make great maps. You will find pdf for his tutorials on the main site on this page: The individual files are for making maps and using the editor. The Handbook is many pages of game-play tips, tricks, and information.

After a quick check, I believe the guy who did the re-paint (Pennsylvania Revisted) also fixed the events so they work correctly. At a glance it seems that the events are the same, he just did the fixes to make them work right. As regards the events you did the hard part of entering them and making a story for the map and it seems he changed a few switches, values, and conditions to them to make them do what he understood you wanted. The briefing is the same so anyone who plays the map sees that credit is due to Ridge Runner and you. I would check it out, because I think he may have done this work for you. !#2bits#!

Re: Beg. of Year test but with 186504 condition

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:31 pm
by RulerofRails
I have played through the "revisted" version and everything seems ok to me. Events do what they are supposed to do. You may not know this, but any event that changes the price of a cargo seems to eventually mess up. Cargo prices will inevitably end up sky high. Likely a game engine problem. One day someone will find a solution for this problem (I hope), but for now a fair few maps are like this. So no big deal. The seeding is fairly dense, but it seems to work here making a Milk-focused $1.8M first year profit. Early industry isn't a great idea here except maybe Steel and Oil, but that's good. I found the painting in the mountains to not show the contours very well, there is also some pieces of the old rainbow colors faintly poking through. A minor deal though. Very enjoyable. Thanks for you efforts with this one!

I tend to be too efficient with my play style as this is what I enjoy (I like a challenge and pushing the boundaries), hence I only played till 1877 when I received the Gold Medal. This isn't good for a real "test" as I have only seen around half the events, but by this time I have 300+ trains, am the only company with many mainlines of double tracks, and have over 350M of industry investments. The combination of all that is too much for my computer as it starts to lag, hence it isn't fun for me to continue to 1901. By the end the prices of Oil and Livestock were starting to get a little high, but nothing over $500 per load. I like the balance with the goals. I thought I had put enough effort into my PNW and was focusing on revenue when the panic of 1873 hit and found I had to put up dividends so ended up with no debt. I passed 1bln revenue the previous year. Had over 2x the required hauls of Oil, Iron, Coal, Steel. Didn't use any lame hauling tricks and only built stations in the cities. Can write a lot more about strategy on this one, but will leave it there for now.