Flu shot research

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Flu shot research Unread post

An interesting comment by one of the flu vaccine research participants.

She said she had volunteered at the University of Washington to test the new swine flu vaccine.
She said after testing her blood, the doctors had to boost her immunity system for her to become a participant in the study.

I wonder how many people will test their blood before taking the shot to protect them from what? The shot?

I'm sure it was just misdirected verbiage. The shot has to be perfectly safe.

The different between the bird flu and the swine flu, is one requires treatment and the other ointment
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Probably had to boost her immune system to deal with the mercury in the vaccine. :roll:
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Hawk you may be correct.
I heard a later message of the same massage.
The previous woman was no long speaking in the interview.
The new spokesperson said the U of W was developing an improved version of H1N1 called version 2.
It is designed to be safer by boosting a persons immune system.

What I get from this is if there is any chance that a person is not 100% healthy, they should not use H1N1 or version 2.
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I was watching something on TV just tonight that had a couple of advanced doctors talking about how this strain of flu is actually morphing into a less dastardly version, possibly making the vaccine worse than the flu itself.
'Course it is always possible it could turn directions and get worse again.
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AZ Rail Rat
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Better than ANY flu shot:

- Wash your hands good and often
- Drink a glass of orange juice (or pink grapefruit juice) EVERY morning
- Eat at least one orange or one pink grapefruit EVERY day
- Watch out who you kiss

Why pink grapefruit you ask? Because pink grapefruit from my tree requires NO added sugar to be eatable !*00*!
Ferroequines UNITE!!!

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AZ Rail Rat wrote: - Drink a glass of orange juice (or pink grapefruit juice) EVERY morning
- Eat at least one orange or one pink grapefruit EVERY day
...OR - if you can't get to The Rat's grapefruit tree and you can't find any palatable, real orange juice (don't waste your time with the orangeades), and/or there's been a devastating frost in the orange groves, you could always find some good Vitamin C tablets. :mrgreen: Make sure they have Rose Hips and bioflavonoids in them. ;-)
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you mean if ever we go to Arizona we can get free grapefruits? Awesome. :)
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It was announced this morning that for those who can't afford the flu shots you can get them free if you are 65 years or younger. Apparently you have to be young enough to still be productive.

This flu is hitting the young the hardest. I have heard some very negative comments about
how this vaccine was made in China. I don't trust the vaccine coming out of China. There is another county that makes a flu vaccine; But I believe it is for another older kind of flu. I'm not planning on getting the shots. I'm sticking with Arizona Grapefruits. But you have to pick them late at night before the moon rises.

It is too hard to figure out who is honest and who is blowing smoke on this one.

As a side note: I heard that it is now almost possible to grow any part of the human body using a persons own tissue and stored the parts to make repairs for a possible future illness.

Also Hip replacements are now good for the rest of a persons life and won't have to be replaced every 10 to 20 years.
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The different between the bird flu and the swine flu, is one requires treatment and the other ointment
I think the bird flu requires tweetment and the swine flu requires oinkment! :-)

There have already been some cases of N1H1 in our small community. I don't think I'll get the vaccination. The odds of getting a really serious case of the flu seem to be rather low, and vaccinations are not without there own risks. I am a daily drinker of orange juice, and maybe I'll pick up some grapefruit, too! Thanks for the tip, AZRR. !*th_up*!
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Re: Flu shot research Unread post

I'm just going to put a few snippets here from a lot of gathered information:

....Overall 60 Minutes did a fairly good, objective piece of journalism that told the truth. (Oct. 18 2009 - YouTube title: Alert: Special Swine Flu update, by Dr. Mercola) They even pressured the Assistant Surgeon General about the vaccine's safety. On one hand, she's hitching her safety statements to the fact that the H1N1 vaccine is similar to seasonal influenza vaccine, and therefore "safe," even though she realistically CAN'T say that the new H1N1 swine flu vaccine is safe, or that it has been thoroughly tested because it only has been tested for a few weeks.

.....It was discouraging to see 60 Minutes end their segment on H1N1 influenza vaccine with an encouragement to go to their website to find out where to get a swine flu vaccination...

.....Interestingly, the 60 minutes segment acknowledges that many people born before 1950 have antibodies to the new H1N1 influenza and are naturally protected.
WAKE UP AMERICA, this is before ANY vaccine was available!

.....On the other hand CDC officials are screaming that H1N1 is so different from the seasonal influenza strains that have circulated in the past few decades that a national alarm must be sounded and everyone needs to be so afraid that we all should get vaccinated to prevent a deadly pandemic. This is completely inconsistent and irrational logic.

......A Canadian preliminary study is provocative in that it suggests those who have gotten seasonal influenza vaccine in the past may be at greater risk for getting H1N1 and having complications. This reinforces NVIC's call for a comparison of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated individuals for all health outcomes.

.....If 99.9% of the people are not having any serious complications from the infection, it would seem perfectly rational to believe that minor lifestyle changes could have dramatic effects on fighting this infection, and none of these involve taking potentially dangerous and unproven vaccine interventions.

.....Last week the New York state Supreme Court judge issued a restraining order against the state from enforcing mandatory vaccination.

.....The fact of the matter is that vaccinations do not optimize immune function and there is way too little information about what else they do in the human body that may contribute to poor health. My main point is that there are ways to prevent illness and maintain health that are so much more natural, easier, less expensive and more effective than routine use of multiple vaccines in childhood and throughout life.

So in many ways I am grateful for the swine flu challenge that we are now going through, because it allows us the opportunity to expose flaws in vaccine system and the way mainstream medicine thinks about health and wellness.

......Nearly all of them, just like the CDC and mainstream media, use the statistic that 36,000 people die from the influenza every year.

.....However, the truth is that less than 1,000 people actually died from type A or type B influenza. The other 35,000 died from pneumonia. This is actually clearly listed on the CDC's own website, yet virtually everyone ignores this fact.

The 36,000 mortality figure is nothing more than a mathematical model. The British Journal concluded that the only possible rationale for the CDC's complete disregard for scientific fact, even in face of independent research to discredit its statistics, is a public relations effort between the CDC and the vaccine manufacturer's campaigns to increase flu vaccination.

So the truth comes out: it is a means to increase profit by people who seem to care less for peoples health.

.....Simple Measures That Can Help You Fight Illness

Vitamin D has been well documented to increase the production of over 200 anti microbial peptides that fight infection.
Eliminate sugar from your diet as that will impair your immune response
Get plenty of rest
Exercise appropriately
Take appropriate supplements like oil of oregano extract, propolis, olive leaf extract, elder flower extract, acerola, DMG

However you will need to know the above BEFORE you purchase any supplements on that list. Any company that informs you of the above will be in violation of US Federal law and a newly created Swine Flu Task Force has been given the authority to shut the business down and even throw owners in jail.
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Let's see. I was born in '51 (missed that by a year).
I've never had a flu shot in my life. Never will (sounds like I'm reasonably safe there).
I don't eat a lot of sugar.
I take vitamins, including Vitamin C, a natural anti-biotic.
I don't get as much exercise as I should.
I don't eat much junk food at all (nasty stuff, that junk food).
I don't subscribe to the federal laws that promote and protect Big Pharma and methodically demonize (legally and subliminally) alternative healing.
Since I've retired, I get plenty of rest. :mrgreen:

I'll let y'all know how I fair if/when I get this recent, overly publicized flu. ;-)
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Hawk, have you planned out who you're gonna turn this forum over to, when H1N1 killz ya? 'Cause we're not going to tolerate loss of this here forum just because you won't get a lousy flu shot! ;-)

Maybe you'll just let Obama bail it out, that seems a safe plan. :-?
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Actually, I do have someone lined up to take over the hosting stuff so all the sites will still have a place to live, but not to actually handle the running of the web site.
You interested? :mrgreen:
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Re: Flu shot research Unread post

Since there is a lot of resistance to the flu shoots, The government is paying for flu shots to be given free to different populations.

These populations include the homeless and the poor non-working population who consume and are not contributing to the economy.

Is this use of tax payers money for purely humanitarian reasons or
Is it a means to remove non-productive individuals who do not pay taxes in what government believes is an over populated world.

Naaaaaah. People with power and profit motives are not that bad.
Who could possibly believe such a thing? (smack))))
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I believe it would depend on what you believe the purpose of government is. To eliminate the homeless and the poor, would also eliminate the need for such a large government. Since in fact, government is a corporation, this would be bad for business. While conventional wisdom says those who are homeless and or poor are a drain on the economy. If you look at the way the system is now, you will see that that is really not the case. In the old days, the poor would have been provided basic necessities. Food was 50# bags of flour,10# bags of sugar, Potatoes, carrots. Fresh in season, dried the rest of the year. Now, the system is a Debit Card. Almost everything you can buy off the shelves, is available to them. Including heat and serve prepared meals. The point here is The food manufacture made their money, as did the retailer and the bank processing the transaction. The government still has to employ people to process all the paper involved who on average get $30.00 per hour + benefits. So in actuality they are stimulating the economy. This is proven more so by the fact that government is borrowing the money in the first place, since they have no intentions to ever pay it back. While the system may appear retarded, that is the one in place for over 40 years.
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Re: Flu shot research Unread post

To eliminate the homeless and the poor, would also eliminate the need for such a large government
With the direction the government is going, the homeless and poor could become too numerous. To help the very rich get richer they must collect more money thus creating more poor people and at the same time they need to pay less to feed and house them.

I still wonder why the government built the internment camps in the Midwest.

All one has to do is look how the government has hurt the Native Americans. For a simple life, they really don't have to work to make a living. They live off the Government. (tax payers)
Free medical. free housing, free depression type food, etc. They don't even have to take the flu shots but are afraid if they don't they might lose some of their benefits. Once a person takes the dole, even freedom is no longer sacred if it means loosing some part of it.
There are just too many hidden exceptions to everything.

Also, if the present Government wants to control every US citizen and Dole out the benefits, then who will pay the huge costs.

It is like building a house up-side-down. When it comes time for a foundation the house will be crushed. There is nothing to support it and there are too few people paying attention.

I took this thread off topic a bit. But, the direr problems facing us are many.
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Barney wrote:While the system may appear retarded, that is the one in place for over 40 years.
Appear retarded? Only if you believe Socialism is retarded, which I do.
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Re: Flu shot research Unread post

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uHs9TuS ... re=related

History of the flu problem.

True or false, ?????????

Another youtube video.

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Hawk wrote:
Barney wrote:While the system may appear retarded, that is the one in place for over 40 years.
Appear retarded? Only if you believe Socialism is retarded, which I do.
The concept is totally retarded. To believe that everyone will live equally, has been a Utopian goal that will never be achieved. The reason is, it defies the laws of nature. Regardless of what man believes, he still a product of nature, thus the 7 deadly sins still apply. To prove this, all we have to do is look to the big cities. Civilization is hardly civilized, and humans are seldom humane. What usually causes this is peer pressure of keeping up with the Jones', and maintaining status. Something that is less of an issue in rural areas, since seeing the same people day after day rarely happens. As well the ability to taunt and flaunt, seldom pays dividends.
Gwizz wrote:
Also, if the present Government wants to control every US citizen and Dole out the benefits, then who will pay the huge costs.
What you are forgetting, is that money is a man made concept, it does not apply in nature, thus it has no use.As well, debit only has value if you attempt to repay it. The fact is they have no intention of paying the debt, so why worry about it. Your thinking is practical, the thought of government and practical being used in any context, together, is a sign that you may be loosing your mind. :-D

On the Flu topic, I still see it as more of a way to make money, and gain power through value. This would be the case, even if the value is only perceived. The point being money, gold, whatever only has value so long as you can exchange it for life requirements. As long as people believe that the vaccine has value, they will buy in provided they believe the threat is real. The keyword is BELIEVE. Since the media is great at dispensing Koolade, it will be interesting to see how the scam runs. Remember, one of the results of the 7 sins is agenda, everybody has one. While most are non-threatening, some are. To this, a person must rely on common sense. Your gut instincts, exist for this reason. When instincts are ignored, you end up in trouble, with no way out. Follow your instincts, and think through the plan. Weigh all the results, and guide yourself accordingly. Plans are always subject to changing variables. So long as you can feed yourself, that is all that matters.

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Re: Flu shot research Unread post

The world of science is still trying to understand the in and outs of the new flu shot.

They say the affects of the shot is killing 5 times as many people as the normal flu kills.

There is a lot of holes in that statement depending upon what and how the count is taken. I'm sure money and the profit motive are part of the counting equations.

I'm told that few people are agreeing to take the shots. When I'm asked I say no.
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