Autumn Observations In Your Corner Of The World

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Autumn Observations In Your Corner Of The World Unread post

I thought I would start a topic that everyone can participate in without politics, etc. I am always excited when the Summer comes to a close because I just don't like hot weather. The Prognosticators are predicting a colder than average Winter for most of the North American Continent and a general cool down of the Climate in general.

I thought it would be interesting to hear if any signs of Autumn have been seen or felt in your area yet. Here in PA the leaves are already starting to change and we have had a Summer that has averaged 2 to 6 degrees below normal depending on the location. In August we only had one day above 90 degrees, normally we have 7 to 10 days above 90. We have already had lows down in the lower 50's and 40's with some high mountain tops reporting frost a month early.
So, what's going on in your area? Inquiring minds want to know.
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Leaves in the soybean fields are starting to yellow; a sure sign that Autumn is underway. It's been really dry here in mid Michigan, but our garden is starting to come into its own. We planted a few pole beans a little late (early June) and were complaining during early August about the paltry number of pickable beans on them. Now we are awash in them; so many that we have been giving them away to neighbors. Tomatoes are coming on too. We ate a monster Brandywine yesterday that was bigger than a softball. As nights have become cooler (in the mid to upper 50s) and days only into the 70s, I think we will be getting fewer new 'maters ripening on the vine. Hello green tomatoe pie!
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Well, it's not quite snowing yet north of the border, but things have gotten a little cooler. The leaves have not yet fully begun to change, but a couple are starting to turn to tinges of red and yellow.
As for this summer, it was actually pretty normal for what we get. Not too many ridiculously hot days, like the drought-like summers we've had in the past, but I think it had the right mix of rain and heat.
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We don't seem to have seasons in the UK, it's very rare to get more than a week of consistent weather. If we actually have more than a week when it is the same then it becomes a major talking point. I suppose this is why most of us over here spend so much time talking about our weather.
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I love fall season - partly because it's football season! But summer sure goes by too fast here. On the western Canadian prairie we had a cooler than normal summer. The leaves are starting to turn, and we've had a couple light frosts in the last week. Day time highs are about 15 (roughly 60 F. for those of you south of the border). The ground still has enough residual heat that frost is only visible on garage roofs in the morning. The garden produce hasn't been hurt yet. Grain fields are golden and harvesting is in full swing - in between rain showers every few days. Crop yields are looking pretty good. !*th_up*!
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The leaves change colour based on light, not temperature, so the further north you are, the sooner it happens. We're not yet at the point of change. Probably in a week or two.

I especially like autumn...hate summer but I'll admit we had a great one this year.
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A chill is for sure in the air here in the desert - - - only a bit over 100(F) today, will creep up to 102 Tuesday and a real cold spell (99, 96 & 99) Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. ^**lylgh ^**lylgh ^**lylgh
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I feel for you Rat, I really do!! (0!!0) (0!!0) The weather service told us that this summer was the third coldest since record keeping began. I believe it. We were not in the least motivated to put the boat in the water. Very rare for us to let weather dictate our activities. Although a couple weeks behind the raspberries have come in with a vengeance. I heard on the radio the other day, that Summer didn't have that far to Fall.
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Re: Autumn Observations In Your Corner Of The World Unread post

We have had over a week of sun. Took a small vacation. The weatherman said more sunny days are coming and we will be warmer for a while, if 80 degrees is warm. We pulled out the tulips today. I will re-plant them in about 6 weeks after they cool in the old refrigerator. I may even get my construction done before the cold weather sets in. I expect a cold winter so I need to split more firewood or buy some coal. :salute:
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Looking like an early Winter. The geese headed South early, the crows are flocking together, and the trees started turning back in August up North (in the Adirondacks.) Was horribly sticky hot last night as the remains of Ike passed by, but tonight it's cool with a beautiful Harvest Moon shining. The bugs have that late-Summer sound, and all the plants have that scent they get when they are trying to get the last bit of growing done before the first killing frost.
My Lady Wife baked a pie tonight, and dinner is at home all week. The building's shadow is getting longer in the morning when I walk in to the office from the parking lot. Starting to think about picking apples, and putting the storm windows up. Might get a nice day or three to hang in the hammock, even if I need a sweater or jacket. And pretty soon my Lady will start nudging me to renew my hunting license, and remind me that there's room for a nice fat deer in the big freezer downstairs. Better get my little single-12 into the gunsmith and get that new front sight put on. We planted some sprouted potatoes in the dug-up ground by the new well, and they really took off even planting them late. Could have "new potaotes" now but we're gonna let them run til the vines get frosted before we dig them.
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Re: Autumn Observations In Your Corner Of The World Unread post

WOW! Sooooo nice. Was 78F this morning (5:30) heading for work. !!clap!!
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