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CFL bulbs (Compact fluorescent lamps)

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Capn Twisted
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Re: CFL bulbs (Compact fluorescent lamps)

Unread post by Capn Twisted »

OMG I saw that and the first thing to cross my mind was ***........ seriously It's like right out of George Orwell.

I'm reminded of the story of the Arab and the camel:

An Arab is making a journey on his camel, and he stops for the night. He pitches a tent on the desert floor, climbs in and soon is fast asleep. Shortly however he is awakened by the camel, who complains that he is cold... would the Arab possibly share his tent. The Arab points out that the tent is much too small for the both of them, and that the camel, unlike himself, has a warm coat of fur. The camel then says that his nose is coldest of all. Would it be too much for him to put just his nose inside the tent. The Arab figuring there would be more than enough room inside the tent agrees that this would be just fine. However, it is not some 30 minutes later the camel once again awakens the Arab, this time complaining that his ears are also cold. If he could just stick his head into the tent until his ears were also inside, then he could get some sleep for the next day's journey. Since there would still be plenty of room for himself the Arab agrees so that finally he can get some sleep. But it it not even another 30 minutes later that the camel once again wakens the Arab, this time complaining that his neck is also extremely cold...... and so it continues throughout the night until finally morning comes and the camel is sleeping snugly within the tent, and the Arab shivering and cold outside.

It started with our speech. When we allowed ourselves to be told that certain speech was unacceptable in certain places, and now anywhere, we willingly allowed our creator bestowed rights to be invalidated. Free speech includes the most unpopular of speech, in fact if it does not, then there would be no need to defend it in the first place. Political correctness was just the nose of the camel though. We are being told what to do in our cars, our homes, how to discipline our children, what to eat, even what light bulbs to use. Although it may seem to be whats best for us, and even a harmless intrusion on our personal and individual freedoms it is an infringement nonetheless. It gets worse, not better from here I am afraid.
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Re: CFL bulbs (Compact fluorescent lamps)

Unread post by Gwizz »

My bulbs came from china that could be a clue. I just bought too many at one time.
Hawk you could be right. There was a black van parked next to the power pole that morning. But there was no body in sight. They must have waited until no one was around then climbed that poll and put in more Amps.

Anyway I caught my Amp. I stuck my long nose pliers into those two little slots. It put up one heck of a fight.
It Chewed the ends off of my pliers and it turned off the breaker. With the lights out it could have escaped. But, I think I got it because there was a terrible smell that came out of those slots. !**yaaa

Gees, my computer might be bugged. Now, the next thing we will hear or read about will be the invasion of the Amps and how Gwizz caught the first one. They say they want to give us less Amps. I think they lie. They are going to give it to us anyway they can.
I sure like the spell checker on Google's tool bar. But it still can't spell Gwizz or Google. I guess I'm going to have to teach it some new words.
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The Big Dawg
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Re: CFL bulbs (Compact fluorescent lamps)

Unread post by Hawk »

That's a pretty good analogy there Cap'n. Thanks for posting that. There's a couple other places I'd like to use it. ;-)

Way to go Gwizz. Let's all get together and start this war on amps. Let's stop them before they stop us. :mrgreen:
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Capn Twisted
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Re: CFL bulbs (Compact fluorescent lamps)

Unread post by Capn Twisted »

My bulbs came from china that could be a clue.
Surprised they haven't been recalled yet ;)
Hawk you could be right. There was a black van parked next to the power pole that morning
Now you're in it... if you see a black helicopter you're toast ;)
That's a pretty good analogy there Cap'n. Thanks for posting that. There's a couple other places I'd like to use it. ;-)
Thanks....and by all means... I claim no originality or authorship (of the camel story) though... just something I heard years ago somewhere.
Women want a lot of things from one man. Conversely, men want one thing from a lot of women.
Penn Minuteman
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Re: CFL bulbs (Compact fluorescent lamps)

Unread post by Penn Minuteman »

Yes, all florescent bulbs/tubes have trace amounts of mercury. Mercury in larger amounts build up in the brain and can cause problems that resemble mental instability. In the 1800s beaver skin hats were the rage in Europe. But beaver skins are impervious to water. So the shape the brim of the hat by rolling between thumb and finger, the hatter had to use something to soften the skin. Mercury was the choice, unknown to them. Hence the term now 'Mad as a hatter'.

i have worked for companies that recycled florescent bulbs and ones that they them away. Florescents are cheaper to operate, but if you obey the letter of the law, it is not worth the extra expendature due to recycling and hazard materials removal.

We would pay roughly $100 american for a case of 30 4' tubes and then spend another $45 american to have them specially hauled away at one company.
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