Happy Labor Day (I'm still laboring)

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Happy Labor Day (I'm still laboring) Unread post

Hi Everybody,
I hope all are doing well. I'm still going through the training program at New Jersey Transit. I am in the Qualifying portion of the program. I have to qualify on all of the lines that I will run on. It's very difficult. You must remember by heart every detail of each line. Every siding, every road crossing, every signal, every interlocking, all the Rules In Effect, Maximum Authorized Speeds and Speed Restrictions. You must remember all of the Physical Characteristics of each platform and each station, how long they are, which side of the track they are on, etc. etc, etc. On Tuesday I have a series of written tests and then the DREADED, verbal examination by the Road Foreman. They try to confuse you and trip you up. If they give you the thumbs down, it's bad. So far I have been able to get through 4 lines and have 5 more to go. I should be done by Spring and hopefully promoted by early Summer. Keep your kind thoughts coming my way.
Even though I haven't checked in for awhile, you are all in my thoughts. :-D
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Re: Happy Labor Day (I'm still laboring) Unread post

Thanks so much for the update!! I can't watch a steamer moving across the screen without thinking of how you are doing. When you told us what was in your future I had the expectation for your success. You almost have it. I am still crossing my fingers. However they aren't as clenched as they were. You are doing so well!! Good Job William. Visit us when you can.
Never, Never, Never give up. Winston Churchill
Grandma Ruth
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Re: Happy Labor Day (I'm still laboring) Unread post

Hi William! Good to hear from you again. I'm sure you'll get through the training OK, as hard as it is, but until then we'll certainly be thinking of you and sending out the positive vibes in your direction. :-)
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Happy Labor Day (I'm still laboring) Unread post

You'll make the final cut. I have confidence in ya'. ;-)
Hang in there. Spring ain't that far off.
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Re: Happy Labor Day (I'm still laboring) Unread post

Good Luck William !*th_up*! I'm sure you'll do just fine. Then you can your mind back on "real" railroading a la Trainmaster. !**yaaa
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Re: Happy Labor Day (I'm still laboring) Unread post

Good luck on all your exams, I'm sure you'll do fine.

We'll all still be here when you get back.
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