Price of Parts

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Price of Parts Unread post

I priced a new lens for my head light at the jeep dealer.
His quote was $349.00 dollars for the part.
The dealership is owned by a Chicago group.

I shopped around and got it wholesale for $75.00 at a small jeep repair shop.
The way prices are being inflated in our troubled times, it Pays to shop around.
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Re: Price of Parts Unread post

Yea, it's amazing how stores can still do that. I guess they're counting on some real lazy customers.

Especially with the internet, anyone with just a tiny bit of effort can find what they need at the lowest available price in seconds.
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Re: Price of Parts Unread post

The dealer is 99% always more expensive than either a regular auto parts store, or a regular mechanic. They claim its because they give their mechanics more training on that specific brand, but I still wont pay their prices. And the dealers get their parts from Mexico or China the same as everyone else.
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Re: Price of Parts Unread post

I remember reading somewhere that if you were to build a car strictly from parts purchased separately you would end up paying 6 times the price. Could have been four...I forget. That comes in part from the cost of storage. Cars are built on a just in time system where the parts arrive just in time to be used. This reduces the cost of storage. To ger replacement parts, those parts have to be removed from the just in time stream and then stored somewhere until needed then shipped to be stored again.

And dealers like to rip off their customers cause they have a lot of overhead sitting in unsold cars.
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