Global Warming or Cooling?

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I agree that the U.S. is no longer the 800 pound gorilla, but I think it’s a bit too soon to be writing the epitaph. We are still a nuclear power, so our national sovereignty is ensured. And we have one thing that’s the envy of the world. That is, lots of insatiable consumers with substantial disposable income.


I’ve heard about the ocean methane issue before, but it was considered a potential future problem, rather than one of the issues that could be addressed immediately.

I am in constant (internet) contact with people whose political compass leans to the left, and I’ve never heard of the oxygen/carbon dioxide balance issue, so I really can’t comment on it.
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Beancounter wrote:That is, lots of insatiable consumers with substantial disposable income.
That insatiability may be in the hearts and minds of the general populace, but it's sure not in their wallets right now. :-(
As for us being a nuclear power, haven't you heard - our new fearless leader doesn't like that stuff. :roll:
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Hawk wrote:
Beancounter wrote:That is, lots of insatiable consumers with substantial disposable income.
That insatiability may be in the hearts and minds of the general populace, but it's sure not in their wallets right now. :-(
As for us being a nuclear power, haven't you heard - our new fearless leader doesn't like that stuff. :roll:
We're on the downside of an economic cycle that seems to typically come in 20 year waves, but we'll recover eventually.

In terms of nukes it's the threat that counts.

Don't get me started about you-know-who...
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Beancounter wrote:but we'll recover eventually.
Hopefully sooner rather than later, but it's lookin' a might grim at the moment. We're trying to sell a house to satisfy the hungry relatives (it's an estate) and they just don't understand that people aren't going to buy a house at it's normal value. They just want what they think they should get. They don't want to accept what they actually could get. It's not enough for them.
It's my wife's family and it's tearing her apart because they all turned on her because she's one of the co-executors. They wanted control and their dad didn't think any of them were intelligent enough to handle it (which they're not) so he made her (she's the youngest) and her oldest brother the executors.
It's even causing riff's between them. He's also quite greedy.
My wife and I just want to sell the place to get out from under the anguish it's causing so we can get on with our lives. Neither one of us are too concerned about the money. Just get us outta' here.
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I'm sorry to hear that Hawk.

My wife's aunt went through a similar situation with her deceased husband's relatives.

I hope you can sell the house soon. The market in many areas is starting to stablize, so hopefully things will work out.

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I think that its a very difficult thing to be an exutor the remaining family seem to think that this very stressful job is a pice of cake and all you have to do is A B and C and then distribute the money. Some estates take a year or more to settle. Hawk your wife should tell these contrary people to buy the property themselves for the amount of money that they feel it should realise and then she will gladly distribute the monies.
I got up and the world was still here, isn't that wonderful ?
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Gandar wrote:Hawk your wife should tell these contrary people to buy the property themselves for the amount of money that they feel it should realise and then she will gladly distribute the monies.
I wish we could tell them that but most of them can't afford to buy a pot to pee in, much less have the credit rating to do it. They're not known for paying their bills as it is.
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I was an executor of my mother's estate. No one contested, but I did get some complaints. My problem was different. Her house caught fire, she had a heart attack and died from the smoke. Like our US government, She had more debt then money to pay it and, unknown to me, had dropped her fire insurance.

I buried her, rebuilt the house with the help of my sons and I paid off her debts.

My biggest lesson was what I told my kids to do, to keep doors within a house closed just encase a fire started, as doing this would slow its' spread. Other than smoke damage which was a lot of labor, the damage done by the fire department was my biggest expense.

To get back on topic, Some group (I don't remember who they were) made the news a couple of days back, by listed the top ten technological advances for 2009.
After starting at #10, They said the #1 most important technological discovery was that the ice was melting at the poles.

I guess they failed to read the release of the hacked emails on how Global Warming was hoaxed by changing scientific numbers.
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Gwizz wrote:What we have are idiot profiteers trying to make a buck without thinking about consequences. If too many believe their lies and act on these lies, disastrous results are possible.

These global warming idiots must have been schooled under the new education programs that teach us to be good followers and not critical thinkers.
Remember when there was talk about banning dihydrogen monoxide because it was toxic to humans? ^**lylgh

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Re: Global Warming or Cooling? Unread post

Mother nature has everything in a balance.
....and I am quite sure, if the human race would get extinct, that balance would be restored. !*00*!
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Re: Global Warming or Cooling? Unread post

Remember when there was talk about banning dihydrogen monoxide because it was toxic to humans? ^**lylgh

There is a website dedicated to this toxic and contributor to Global Warming chemical.

While the farming practices of raising cattle, sheep and goats, has been blamed for Global Warming, ignored is what the Great Plans were like before the invasion of the E-Vil White European. During that time period, over 100 million buffalo roamed in great herds over that grassland. Biologically, they are little different from the E-Vil methane belching cattle of the E-Vil White European. They produce just as much methane as the same number of cattle do today. The only difference is that Buffalo meat has far less artery clogging fat then beef does.

The fact is that any ruminant, grazing animal that chews its cud, will produce large quantities of methane while digesting its food. That class of grazing animal includes Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goats, Elk, Moose, Whitetail and Mule deer, Pronghorn Antelope, etc...

When you go complain about the high price for oranges and fresh vegetables, just remember what Global Warming did to those crops in Florida last week.
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I just read a nice article this morning on the ABC website which attempts to prove how the 'deniers' or whatever u wanna say are wrong,

Feel free to check it out, I found it pretty good,
another 2 articles by the same guy about it as well;

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This is a case of Double Think. When the human brain is confronted with two true (according to the information available) yet mutually exclusive answers to a problem, it gives up . The Powers That Be are presenting two opposite yet equally believable sets of evidence about Climate Change. This forces those who actually examine the issue and weigh the evidence to get confused and think in circles, without coming to a concrete decision on what the truth is. In the meantime, the PTB push forward the agenda they had already decided upon.

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Stoker wrote:the PTB push forward the agenda they had already decided upon.
They have to. They have too much time and money invested in the hype not to. Plus most of them stand to gain a small fortune from it.
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An article by Jeremy Clarkson on the subject ... ts-05-1996
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That was pretty funny. ^**lylgh
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I heard this morning that the Iceland volcano is generating, in one day, more Co2 than all of Europe generates in a whole year. That means our plants that need and use Co2 will be able to produce more oxygen that humans need and use.

I wonder if the underwater volcanoes, that are melting the poler ice, are producing Co2.

I few thousand years ago the earth had a higher level of oxygen than it has now.
Maybe that was why the largest of animals were able to survive in days of old.
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Any real climate scientist knows that the majority (some say its well over 90%) of C O2 in the atmosphere is from geologic processes. The amount that man can add is a tangible amount, but the math does not support the claim that man-produced CO2 emissions are the cause of any type of climate change. This is not to say that we as a species are not destroying our habitat, because we are, at an alarming rate. The Problem and Solution presented by the Powers That Be has NOTHING to do with "climate change". It has EVERYTHING to do with creating a global police force that can (for the sake of Mother Earth of course) kick in any door on the planet (or decide who is worthy of emitting CO2) or shut down any industry (the ones that won't go along with the agenda) that they choose. Look at who is behind the modern "environmental" movement. Do you honestly think the Sierra Club was created by a bunch of earth loving granola crunching hippies trying to save the planet??? WRONG. It was created by a group of power hungry Eugenicists ( Led by the Rockefellers) who believe the planet must be cleansed of the "rabble" (This means YOU and ME). Do you think the "Environmental Protection Agency" was created by people concerned about Industry destroying out habitat? WRONG. It was created by known "tree hugger" the criminal Richard M. Nixon. It's real purpose was to make the public THINK something was being done for the public good, and to give the Industrialists who are running our country the ability to destroy any competition or other industry that refuses to go along with their agenda, and of course to make the taxpayers foot the bill for any "cleanups" created by any of the PTB. The next step is to create an agency that will have TOTAL say over every persons life on the planet- up to and including choosing who is worthy of having children (or continuing to live).

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Re: Global Warming or Cooling? Unread post

Ricky was that you carrying that save the earth sign? ::!**! !*th_up*!
I was the one one carrying that save the people sign. (0!!0)
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I am on the Save the People side of things myself as well . But this points out a moral/intellectual quandary. The fact is that we are indeed destroying the livability of this planet.If the consumption levels and destruction of habitat continue at the present rate there won't be any resources left. The most obvious "easy" solution to this problem would be a stabilization or reduction in the human population. Does this REQUIRE a draconian -1984/Brave New World type of a society to survive and prosper as a species and save a substantial amount of the other life on the planet as well? I firmly believe the answer is no. I think that an enlightened populace living in a symbiotic relationship with our planet would allow the Human use of Earth to expand, AND make things livable for the other passengers here as well. Now the Bad News : The people running the planet have decided it is better to make the entire population into a mass of semi functional drugged up and dumbed down consumer units instead of an enlightened populace. Unfortunately our society is ruled by those who strive for power , and don't like to relinquish it. It is a lot easier to Con and manipulate ill-informed (Spoon fed their "knowledge" of the world by the same people who are conning them!!) morons than well informed Men and Women. The population as it now stands would ruin this planet, so it looks like the PWB have created a self fulfilling prophesy of sorts : It may indeed NOW require a draconian eugenic society to actually survive as a species because they have created a society that is self destructive! Oh geee- we know these measures might seem a little harsh- but it's for the good of Mother Earth!!! The Con is to get people to WANT to "make do with less" . If you were to Request or Demand that the sheeple make do with less, they would revolt. BUT- Con them into believing that they are saving the planet and they will be smug as heck driving around in their overpriced piece of crap hybrids and "not having kids". This is their end game on this con - I think- unless there are some conquerable inhabited planets within a few light years, then these same wolves will run amuck there as well.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.
Edmund Burke
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