Open Rails, the new Railroad Simulator of the future

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Open Rails, the new Railroad Simulator of the future Unread post

We've just posted an official announcement to the train sim community.
I've copied and pasted it here;

Dear Train Simulator community,

In an effort to keep you informed about Open Rails, the Open Rails Team would like to announce a tentative target of the second half of January 2011 for a new public download.

The Open Rails team has been hard at work improving the performance and adding new capabilities to the software since our last public download in September. While we aren't going to announce what new features will be included in the new public download, since it's too far in the future to be certain, the Open Rails team is excited about the progress toward our goal of the "most realistic train simulator". We realize that this announcement will cause community speculation as to what's coming. We ask the train sim community to be patient as the Open Rails volunteers work to get Open Rails software ready.

As part of the next public download, the Open Rails team is pleased to announce that we will be offering the complete source code to Open Rails as a separate download for those community members who are interested. Access to the source code has been part of our mission. The Open Rails team believes that now is the time to fulfill that promise to the train sim community.


The Open Rails team

For those of you that would like to try the September's release, v360, you may download it here;

Have fun,

a.k.a. Rick

At my age, 'Happy Hour' is a nap...
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Re: Open Rails, the new Railroad Simulator of the future Unread post

Somehow, I have lost my MSTS files --- probably when I cleaned my hard drive out.

Two questions:
1) How or where can I download MSTS?
2) When do you plan to have a version of Open Rails that does not depend on having MSTS installed?
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