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Lone Cat
Posts: 131
Joined: Mon Apr 23, 2012 4:01 am

Transarctica Unread post

Old game. it is a game that made from a french post-apoc steampunk novel. it portrays the adventure in the world in the second ice age.. and the world where (gigantic?) coal-fired steam trains made a huge comeback!
Yes player runs an armored train and fights its war against some kind of evil big empires. towards the course of war.. player must acquire coal (works as either fuel or currency), troops (Infantrymen and Mammoth-riding cavalry for offense (I think). Machineguns for defense. and big guns to whack the enemy armored train. the game map itself looks very confusing.. here ... 2names.png

it's a very huge! the routing is quite puzzling and it involves alot of switching stops. if there's a map in RT3 engine it will be cool so to explain why the rail net routing looks very confusing.

Has anyone ever play the game, or read the novel yet?

^ Look at this artwork! The train is HUGE! the locomotive alone has the size of any freight ship! and it is 0-16-0 !!! wheel arrangement not possible in real life! the track is wider than even the widest German broad gauge attempted during the Nazi era ! ... 574lo6.png
^ The actual train in game. it is a generic standard gauge 1930s steamliner (I think)