Mafia game cities

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Lone Cat
Posts: 131
Joined: Mon Apr 23, 2012 4:01 am

Mafia game cities

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Yep. It is about the Mafia series game. an open world 3PS criminal sim set in the golden age of the classic gangsters. featuring the two fictional cities in the U. S. ...
1. Lost Heaven
2. Empire Bay

While it is clear that Empire Bay located by the Atlantic coast (and it is likely located in the Northern States... possibly New York or above), Lost Heaven.. however, is a bit confusing ... aven-rage/

If you play both games. there are two characters said that the two cities are located on the 'different corners of the United States' . First... Tommy Angelo (by the end of Mafia 1, the epilogue is that he was shot by a pair of hitmen.. in a very front of his 'new home' located in 'Another City', which later revealed in Mafia 2 as Empire Bay (And in Mafia 2, player played through the perspective of the hitmen).. Second, a Consiglero named Leo Gallante informed the player that he must leave to the west, riding (streamlined) train from Empire Bay to Lost Heaven... then he will board a plane to the third city (he never say its name... ) in Mafia 1, Lost Heaven already has an international airport (Player sees it even in 1930!), none.. however were built in the Empire Bay (Mafia 2, set in 1945-1951). An item of note is that both cities were linked by rail (And there were passenger trains from Empire Bay to Lost Heaven, and to the real cities like New York and Chicago!). in the map of the first game. Lost Heaven 'strides' over a river (flown from north to south), and a lake / sea to the south...... If Lost Heaven is located in the Midwest
1. Should it be a city by the great lakes? and which one of hte five lakes is the city locates?
2. Which states Lost Heaven is it?