Are people just getting really stupid?

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Are people just getting really stupid? Unread post

I was watching TV the other night, when I saw what is quite possibly the dumbest marketing ploy ever. An advertisement came on, advertizing DIAMOND SHREDDIES cereal. It's basically a regular shreddie turned on its side, to look like a diamond. I stared in disbelief for a few minutes after that before coming to the conclusion that either a)The general populace is getting stupid enough to buy into this, or b) The people at Post Cereal are getting really desperate.
Here's a link
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That's unbelievable! I've never seen anything like it! This is either really stupid or incredibly clever. **!!!**
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Are people just getting really stupid? Unread post

That's the thing about them Madison Avenue folks. They consider the general populace stupid.
Shredded Wheat just hasn't been the same since Nabisco sold out to Post. I never thought you could screw up Shredded Wheat but Post sure found a way. :-(
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Re: Are people just getting really stupid? Unread post

Amen! Bought one box a couple months ago and just couldn't finish it. It taste like dirt.

That commercial is pretty funny. Good spoof on the public. ^**lylgh I really don't think anybody will fall for it.
a.k.a. Rick

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The guy or gal's boss did.
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Re: Are people just getting really stupid? Unread post

I prefer the diamond shape. The square ones look, ........well..........., too square. Next thing you know they'll be marketing a spoon that's a little bigger so the tips of the diamonds fit on the spoon without hanging over the edge, a situation that could potentially lead to severe gashes in the corners of one's mouth.
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