Economics not looking good

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Joined: Sat Nov 11, 2006 6:45 pm

Re: Economics not looking good Unread post

I agree, it is a persons status just before death that gives the ticket for the train going in the correct direction.
I pulled the posted line from a poem and thought it was an interesting comment.

Water powered cars:

The process was discovered by a man searching for a cure for his cancer. He gave the discovery away so that he could continue his search for a cure. It was in The Popular Science magazine, I think, about 3 or 4 years ago.

I have gathered enough data to fill a thick book. This amount of available data is unusual for a fraud.

Different parts of the process have been patented by a number of people as the process is continually being improved. Patents are very rare for something that is a fraud.

I have produced hydrogen with a 12 volt 6 amp battery charger. Not enough to even run a lawn mower.
There was a video of Meyer's running his first project, a water powered lawn mower.

The Microwave process seems very efficient for generating the quantity needed to run a car engine.
There wasn't bubbles like I got; but, a fog of vapor was being developed. It did take an extra car battery and a strong Alternator.
There is is a video or 2 that shows this hydrogen gas in production.

Too bad there is so much garbage on the web. It creates skepticism that negates what could be true.
I have no problem with skepticism as it helps clean up what is false. It has also been used historically by dishonest people to drive many new discoveries underground or off the market so the money hungry competitors are protected.
Last edited by Gwizz on Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: Sat Nov 11, 2006 6:45 pm

Re: Economics not looking good Unread post

Yesterday I was watching my sons TV and there was a report on the Fox channel about a man making Methanol in his back yard from yard waste and wood scraps. he is running it in his car and claims to be getting 100 miles to the gallon on straight alcohol.

I helped a young man build a Still so he could run his car on Alcohol. It stood about 12 feet tall.
I never did hear from him on how it worked.
The Plans came from The Mother Earth News magazine over 25 years ago.

While I was working in Oregon I met a man what ran his pickup on smoke.
The four foot unit set in the back of his pickup truck behind the cab on bricks.
When he got home from work he would add a few sticks to the fire box and close the air door tight.
The next morning he would start his truck on gasoline, open the line from the fire box,
then switch the gas off and drive to work on the smoke. It was less than a 10 mile trip.
When he got to work he would again throw a few sticks into the fire box and shut the door.
After work he again would use the same procedure to start and drive home.
He worked at a saw mill so the scrap wood was free. He said a tank of gas would last him almost a year.
he put a small pile of scrap wood in the back of his pickup about once a week.

The Germans also ran their trucks late in world war II on different types of fuel when gas and diesel was in short supply.

I've been looking at You Tube and there are a number videos on the use of alternative fuel sources as fuel.
Man's ingenuity is not lacking. Filling up at the gas station is just easier.
Posts: 1100
Joined: Sat Nov 11, 2006 6:45 pm

Re: Economics not looking good Unread post

Yesterday I heard on the news that the UK now has an airplane that can take off and fly on battery power alone.
It uses hydrogen and Oxygen and exhausts water.

Few details were given; But it sounds like they use water as the base fuel to generate electricy.

I wonder if the water coming out of the tail pipe can be re-used?
Even if it is heavy water it probably can be re-cracked by first mixing it with air.
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