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A possible answer to the high divorce rate?

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A possible answer to the high divorce rate?

Unread post by Wolverine@MSU »

Although the oft cited statistic that 50% of marriages will end in divorce is probably not accurate (see:, there are still a lot of divorces, and that opens up the possibility of states cashing in on it. What if states imposed a $10,000 "processing fee" for divorces? It might make a couple think twice about marrying in the first place, and make them think several times about a hasty divorce. In Michigan last year, there were 34,522 divorces; at $10,000 a pop, the state could stand to bring in $345 MILLION.
Just a crazy, radical thought.
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Re: A possible answer to the high divorce rate?

Unread post by Hawk »

Radical indeed, and a bit to 'governmental' for my taste. :mrgreen:

There is a lot of divorces that need to be, due to spousal abuse, infidelity, etc.
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Re: A possible answer to the high divorce rate?

Unread post by nedfumpkin »

I think that lawyers do a good enough job of fleecing divorcés that the government need not also get involved.
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Re: A possible answer to the high divorce rate?

Unread post by WPandP »

Wolvy, I think you are really on to something!

Essentially, this is a Divorce Tax. It fits in with the notion that you tax the things you wish to discourage (like the liberals desiring to discourage income by taxing it *!*!*! ). I don't know how much it would actually do to reduce the divorce rate, other than delay it a little while both parties save up. And, I guess you'd have to set it at $5k per spouse, to avoid more lawyerly bickering about whose estate pays. It would affect the poor more than the rich, who can get small-fry loans or otherwise absorb a $10k shock... and this might be good, to encourage loyal marriages among the poor, where single-parent households are a contributing factor to delinquency among the children. If mom works 12 hours a day in order to keep feeding her kids, who is there to discipline the kids? The rich mom can hire a nanny or send them to day care. The poor mom would do so much better to stay married, at least from a financial standpoint.
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Re: A possible answer to the high divorce rate?

Unread post by Penn Minuteman »

Nice try, wont work though. Wont take long till a spouse realises that a handgun costs $100 and a dovorce costs 10,000. Though maybe we should make it a real pain to get married. That way they bond going through all the aggrivation. If they can handle a messy marriage, then they will stick together for life.
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Re: A possible answer to the high divorce rate?

Unread post by KevinL »

nedfumpkin wrote:I think that lawyers do a good enough job of fleecing divorcés that the government need not also get involved.
This was my opinion. Thanks to lawyers, a messy divorce already costs $10,000 or more. No need for the gov't to get involved.

Now, how about a tax on illegals who cross the border? They seem to have no trouble saving up the $3500 or more to pay a coyote to get here. Having to pay the state some more money might go a ways towards the money they dont pay in income taxes nor health services.
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