Transport Fever

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Transport Fever Unread post

The game came out recently and the screenshots look interesting; has anyone tried it? It's not entirely railroad related but is in the general railroad tycoon genre, and the graphics look great (not sure about historical accuracy, I've never been a stickler for that ;-) )
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Just Crazy Jim
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Re: Transport Fever Unread post

My thoughts on Transport Fever are that it looks good, but feels like it was sent to market before completion. I found the user interface to be a bit crude and cumbersome. If you can get around that defect, it's an otherwise entertaining game for the sort of players that like micromanagement and city-building sorts of games. There is however a strong "sandbox" feeling to the game.

I also tried Train Fever, Transport Fever's predecessor. Both look good, but come up a bit light on game-play.
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Transport Fever Unread post

Train Fever was discussed here. It seems it was a sandbox play style as well.
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