You won't believe this!!!

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You won't believe this!!! Unread post

I'm not going to share any information so you gotta go to this site and see for yourselves.

You can be assured that the United States won't stand for any imports... :cry:
a.k.a. Rick

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Sorry, the text was mostly covered by ads that I couldn't find a way to close.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true." - James Branch Cabell
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The Big Dawg
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I didn't see a bunch of ads but I did see a very poorly designed and built web site. Kinda' hard to read the text the way it's done.
I do agree with one comment in the article though. I don't believe it will ever make it to the US simply because of the way it's built. Here's an example of why the site is poorly built.

As seen in Firefox:


As seen in IE:


EP-I think I know why you see ads all over the place. It might be because you allow all Flash content to be displayed in your browser. Here's a shot from Opera;


Needless to say I didn't install the plug-in. :wink:
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I received an error on the site that killed the ads and doubled the text field. I was able to scroll back and forth and read it. Many mining railroads used compressed air in their locomotives. They worked well but were not free roaming and stayed close to an air compressor or an air fill station. It was not unusual for shunting or switching locos to run many hours between refills.

I liked the idea of using solar power to run a very small on-board compressor that during daytime would continually re-fill the big tank for a vehicle that was used for infrequent trips. Go to work car, etc.

But I think I'll wait for Toyota's cold fusion powered car; If they ever build it. I could plug my shop into it when I'm not driving across the US without stopping for any fuel.

The problem I see for the car is similar to the problem Toyota had with the 22R motor. The motor didn't wear out with proper maintenance. So they replace the motor with one that does wear out. The Cold Fusion generator has no moving parts to wear out.

Cold fusion is a bit like that small temple that a Midwest university tried to duplicate from the bible. They had it about 85% complete when It started generating so much electricity that it was deemed to dangerous for a student project and disassembled.

The future is going to be an interesting place. I wish oil would run out sooner so we could move on into the new technologies that are sitting on a back burner waiting.
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The Big Dawg
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Gwizz-Did it look like the second shot in my post?
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Yes. The text ran off my screen to the right. Just before I got a code error page of some type. I Xed it out then I was able to read the text.

I'm using IE.
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The Big Dawg
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That error was about not having a Flash Plug-In so that you can see the ads. No big deal, for this site anyway. :wink:
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Sorry, guys. I use Firefox exclusively unless I have to use IE for some reason. I also have all plug-ins installed and never had a problem. I also have a ton of adware and pop-up blockers installed, too so I don't get all the crap you guys might get while surfing the net.
a.k.a. Rick

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It's not your fault that person doesn't know how to effectively build a web site. :wink:
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well, i had the same results as thegrindre when viewing this page,
its came up perfect for me, with no popups/adds at all,
(in firefox thats is),
its IE's fault that the page gets displayed wrong in IE,
firefox follows W3C HTML standards, thus it displays fine in firefox,
IE does not follow W3C HTML standars, thus in IE it displays wrong,

In regard to cars i firmly believe that electric cars are the future,
and teh technology for electric cars has been around for ages,
(just oil/auto companies just stopping electric cars development),
Electric cars are clean, fast, safe,and economical,
they are perfect, :)

And if you have not already seen it, i recommend that you all watch who killed the electric car.
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The Big Dawg
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The fact of the matter is none of the browsers follow W3C standards. If they did the need to write css in a certain way wouldn't be and simple html would suffice.
The problem still falls onto the web designers hands for not designing the page to suit all browsers.
Come on, if I can do it, anyone can. :lol:
Granted a lot of the pages at aren't set up for all 4 browsers, but then they were built before I learned how.
The other web sites I've done show the same in all 4 browsers, as do some of the pages at 'cause I've redone some as time and necessity require.
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