Spammers confidential!

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The Big Dawg
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Spammers confidential! Unread post

In my efforts to keep spam out of this forum I do a Google search on all new registrants before I approve them as members.
Recently one of the registrants, which didn't get approval, sparked my interest when a Google search directed me to a forum the registrant had posted in.
In this post, this person claimed to be able to get by any registration particulars and claimed the ability to be able to post thousands of posts filed with spam (it wasn't worded quite like that :roll: ).In an effort to hopefully learn this technique, for security reasons, I emailed for more info. Below was the reply I got.

Dear sir/madam,
Thanks that have written to us.

Software can perform registration at forums (if necessary for posting messages) and automatically fill in the required fields. Upon successful registration programm posts the user-specified message and/or links.
Able to work with lots of different types of forums and guestbooks: phpBB and PHP-Nuke with any modifications, yaBB, VBulletin, Invision Power Board, IconBoard, UltimateBB, exBB,, wiki, different types of bulletin boards and even custom-written code.
Sample of forums on the set parameters is possible: keywords, the countries, domains
work around EVERY possible type of protection from automatic registration, including:
- Pictocode protection (tickets, captcha), which look something like: "Enter the number you see in the box".
- E-mail activation protection.
- Java-script protection.
During the process of posting a detailed log is created with precise path-links to posted messages so that you can check every link and every posted message afterwards.
The Success report Looks comething like this: Result: success - posted message to topic "Stuff"; Result: success - posted message to topic "Talks about everything"; Result: success - posted message to topic "Others"; Result: pictocode decoded; registered; logged in ; success - posted message to the first topic "Getting a visa"; Result: success - posted message to the first topic "Test forum"; Result: success - posted message to the topic "Buying!"; ... ic&p=41#41 Result: success - posted message to the topic "Sport and nothing but sport"; Result: success; Result: success - posted message to the first topic "Guestbook"; Result: success - posted message to the first topic "gbook.php3"; Result: success - posted message to the first topic "For guests"; Result: success - posted message to the first topic "guest book";
A variations system, using which you can post up to 10000 messages all looking different but with similar contextual meaning and the user-defined hyperlinks in them. It helps to broaden the key queries (for Search Engine optimization) and protect your posts from being filtered out by Search Engines (that is, your posts will be included in SERPs).
If the forum has more than one category, the software chooses the one most suitable for the message, otherwise it sends the message to off-top, flame sections or the like, and in case those do not exist - to the most visited category on the forum.
BB-code can be used.

In no way programm acts like a spam-bot since spam is defined in legislation as 'unsolicited email', whereas programm simply posts messages created by users, which cannot be illegal providing the user does not violate the legislation by provoking racial hatred or anything prohibited by the law. Besides, in most cases programm is smart enough to find sections like 'Flood', 'Off topic', 'Flame', 'Chit-chat' where advertising takes place with the permission from moderators and webmasters. Programm is not an email spam bomber and should not be confused with such software. The laws of USA, Russia, Canada, Spain, Germany, France and other countries explicitly state the illegal nature of email spam which programm has nothing to do with.

5000 forums - 30$
10 000 - 50$
25 000 - 80$
50 000 - 150$
100 000 - 250$

PS. we may offer for you test posting with your text on 500 forums(blogs, guestbooks, wiki). Define subjects of forums and the countries
Payment in parts is possible
We are interested in long-term cooperation
With best regards Great Ktulkhu team

----- Mensagem original ----
De: Ed <>
Enviadas: Quinta-feira, 15 de Fevereiro de 2007 20:38:36
Assunto: guestb postng
One thing I noticed in the reply is that Admin registration approval wasn't mentioned. I hope I'm understanding this right and that my continued efforts prove to be successful. :wink:

BTW! If this person tried the above mentioned technique here it didn't work since guest posting is not allowed and new registrants can not post until their registration is approved, by me. :wink: !*th_up*!
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Good job Hawk. :D Spammers are really a headache even if they are not soliciting anything. And technically this program may fall in to a loophole in law, but it still do not change it nature. And I am not sure will courts see the program in same light than the programmers.

BTW I noted that all example forums are from Russia. This is just my feeling, but it seems that many of enterpricing computer programmers are from Russia these days.
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The Big Dawg
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but it seems that many of enterpricing computer programmers are from Russia these days.
From what I've seen of the spammers attempting to register here, at least most of the spammers are from Russia. I guess there's not a lot to do over there but learn hacking and spamming. :roll:
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The Big Dawg
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In an ongoing attempt to protect registered members from the efforts of spammers to proliferate their crap, I've made some changes that prohibits guests from viewing the memberlist and members profiles.
I'm pretty sure I have it set up so that guests are prohibited from sending PM's and emailing members, but this is to further solidify their inability to contact members.
I'm also looking into some other mods that will add to the efforts to protect this forum, and it's members, from spammers.
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